Phoenix Dance, Jiangshan Qingning Chapter

Chapter 153 Uncle Emperor, Your Mouth Is So Soft [8]

Chapter 153 Uncle Emperor, Your Mouth Is So Soft [8]

Coming out of Xinghe's secret door, Wei Ning glanced behind him indifferently, sneered, and walked forward with his head held high.

"Follow her!"

"Keep an eye on her, her life is very valuable!"

A few black shadows came out from the darkness, and they moved very quickly. It could be seen that all of them were masters.

These people know very well in their hearts that it is basically a distant dream to kill the regent to get the purple mysterious stone, and no one dares to dream about it if they are not the top experts in Jialan Continent!
However, it is much easier to kill this unknown person with the code name N who is carrying a giant treasure!
It is said that she has a powerful force behind her, so what about the great power?As long as the hands are clean, there will be no evidence left.

However, the Zixuan Stone weighing ten catties is so coveted by countless people!
Some killers who have never teamed up are lurking in the darkness this time with a tacit understanding, wanting to ambush together!
Seeing the girl in the red skirt with the ghost mask come out, everyone is ready to attack.


In the darkness, a few screams suddenly came to mind. Many people were stunned for a moment. Then, they saw a thin black streamer flashing past in the night.

hidden weapon!

Legend has it that this is the hidden weapon code-named N, which is very powerful and kills people invisible.

Did she make a move?
When everyone tensed their nerves, they turned their heads and saw that the girl in the red dress was no longer in the dark alley!
She made a lot of noise, but she escaped!

"Chasing! It's impossible for her to escape from Haojing immediately!"

"She can't run far!"


The figures one after another in the darkness all quickly dispersed and chased them out.

On the other side of Xinghe's secret door, Weining came out from the shadows, sneered, turned around and fell into the night again.

As soon as the Xinghe reward order came out, the whole world was in an uproar!

The temptation of the purple mysterious stone is very important to many experts, and to alchemists, it is like a bone to a dog. Just smelling the smell, one can't help but come to it.

And in this world, most masters like to curry favor with alchemists!
Early in the morning, as soon as Wei Ning went to Taixue, she heard the students chattering.

"That code name N is really ruthless. It first dealt with the Duanmu family, but now it is so courageous that it dares to offer a reward for the life of the regent!"

"I think she is tired of living and angered the regent, so she doesn't know how to die!"

"I can't say for sure. To be able to produce so many purple profound stones must have a good background. Maybe this time there will be turmoil."

"What kind of background can oppose the regent? Hahaha, unless it is someone from the underworld!"

As soon as Nether Realm was mentioned, there was silence for three seconds. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they knew that a taboo had been mentioned, so they all stopped silently, and then went to do their own things.

Wei Ning sat calmly, and after a while, Situ Yao, who was next to the seat, patted her shoulder lightly.

"I want to talk to you." Situ Yao whispered, seemingly very tired.

Without hesitation, Wei Ning stood up and walked out, followed by Situ Yao.

There is nothing good to do in Taixue's class, and I just came here to give an explanation. Since I escaped, I might as well run away.

The two rode their horses all the way to the outside of the city and stopped by a river.

Looking up, the flowing water is majestic, and the reeds on both sides are lush. In this season, the reeds are flying all over the sky, like snow.

(End of this chapter)

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