Chapter 375
Naturally, Ling Xiaoya didn't know about the past that Magistrate Feng and Mrs. Feng had to talk about!

Although Ling Xiaoya was curious, but her curiosity was not that serious after all, she was puzzled for a while, and then she gave up.

Although Feng Yumo was shocked that County Magistrate Feng would push Fengyin out just like that, he opened his mouth and still didn't say anything.He has no ability to change the decision made by his father.

Xu Ziyuan also felt that County Magistrate Feng was a little too powerful and a villain. Just because of Zhu Yun's words, she had to abandon her own niece.Such a person is willing to do anything in order to climb up.

Feng Yin looked at County Magistrate Feng incredulously, and tightly grasped the sleeves of County Magistrate Feng Consecration, "Uncle, I am my niece! How could you push me out? Do you want me to be killed?" This—was killed by Princess Yun!"

In Fengyin's heart, if Zhu Yun falls into her hands, she will definitely make her life worse than death!
Using herself to judge others, Fengyin also believed in her heart that if she fell into Zhu Yun's hands, she would definitely do the same to her!

County Magistrate Feng coldly shook Fengyin's hand away, looked at Fengyin emotionlessly, as if Fengyin was a stranger, "You should accept punishment for doing something wrong yourself."

Ling Xiaoya really felt that County Magistrate Feng was a villain, but she felt contemptuous in her heart, but this kind of person should not be offended.Better to offend a gentleman than a villain, this is not just for fun.

"What did Magistrate Feng say? Yun'er was just joking just now. Every time I come to Luoxia Town, all I hear are people praising you for your good governance, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and don't pick up things on the road. Yun'er, Even if you want to report to the emperor, you must say these important things, as for those insignificant things, Yun'er will definitely not say it. Yun'er, tell me, right?"

Ling Xiaoya stared at Zhu Yun in confusion.In fact, she was too lazy to tell the emperor's cousin about a small county magistrate!This is not too cheap!
However, Zhu Yun was stared helplessly by Ling Xiaoya, so he could only nod his head, "Yes."

County Magistrate Feng relaxed when he heard the words, and at the same time looked at Ling Xiaoya with more profound eyes, who is this person?Hearing Yu Mo's tone just now, it seemed that he knew this woman.This woman actually has such a good relationship with Princess Yun, so he—

Ling Xiaoya frowned involuntarily when she came into contact with County Magistrate Feng's meaningful eyes, she was afraid that someone would be watching her.

Xu Zihan's heart sank when he saw Magistrate Feng looking at Ling Xiaoya with the eyes of sizing up the goods.For some reason, he didn't like Magistrate Feng looking at Ling Xiaoya like this at all.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

As for why he was uncomfortable, Xu Zihan couldn't find a clue for a while.

"However, Princess Yun also said just now that capital crimes are inevitable, but living crimes are inevitable. I think Miss Feng will still be punished."

Zhu Yun was a little surprised, why did Ling Xiaoya suddenly call her Princess Yun instead of Yun'er.

"What Miss Ling said is exactly what I think."

Ling Xiaoya couldn't help but feel a little funny, this county magistrate Feng was facing Zhu Yun, his posture seemed to be low in the mud.To himself, he began to put on airs.

"I believe that County Magistrate Feng will strictly discipline Miss Feng when he brings Miss Feng back this time."

Ling Xiaoya's words undoubtedly indicated that Fengyin will be handed over to County Magistrate Feng directly, and he can discipline him however he likes.

County magistrate Feng looked at Ling Xiaoya and couldn't help but nodded. It seemed that this girl was smart and knowledgeable about current affairs.

Zhu Yun was suddenly dissatisfied, thinking how could Ling Xiaoya let Fengyin go so easily!Hand her over to this confused county magistrate, this person will definitely show favoritism!

(End of this chapter)

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