Chapter 1861
"Wei Rong, I used to look down on you. What are you? You are only aggressive towards women. If you have something to do, go to your father and Yunling to take revenge! You let your biggest enemy not be able to take revenge, But I can only take revenge on me, a weak woman, what kind of man are you, Wei Rong, I really look down on you! You are so disgusting! Really disgusting!"

Tie Yan'er stared at Wei Rong intently, as if wishing to poke a hole in his body.

"Haha—hahahaha—are you trying to provoke this prince? This prince can clearly tell you that you don't need to provoke this prince. This prince will never forget who his biggest enemy is, so there is no need for you to remind this prince. Don't worry, those people will come down to accompany you soon one by one, don't worry you Jingua, you won't be lonely. But, go to die now." Wei Rong's voice without a trace of emotion sounded.

Soon a man in black appeared, strangling Tie Yan'er's neck tightly, Tie Yan'er did not resist, now she is neither human nor ghost, she might as well be dead, she just prayed secretly in her heart God, we must let Wei Rong have a terrible death, a person like him is not worthy of living in this world at all!

Tie Yan'er gradually lost consciousness, and slowly closed her eyes.

At the last moment when Tie Yan'er closed her eyes, the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile. At this time, death was the best way out for her.

Concubine Fu's eyes flashed a flash of unbearable, and then she turned her head. To her, only Wei Rong is the most important, and she doesn't care whether the others live or die.

Wei Rong looked at Tie Yan'er lying on the ground without making a sound, and curled his lips in disdain, "Go and drag the dead body out to feed the dogs. A flirtatious slut like this is only worthy of being fed to dogs!"

The body of the man in black trembled slightly, obviously Wei Rong's ruthlessness was beyond his expectation.

But his greatest mission is to obey orders, and his master is Concubine Fu.Since Concubine Fu asked him to obey Wei Rong's order, he would not disobey it in the slightest.

After the man in black pulled Tie Yan'er's body away, Wei Rong said coldly, "Do you think I'm too cruel?"

"Yes. But whatever you do, I will support you."

The last sentence undoubtedly showed the attitude of Concubine Fu.

Wei Rong stared deeply at Concubine Fu, this woman never left him during her most difficult time, even if it was him, he couldn't help but say, this woman is really stupid.

"You go." After a long silence, Wei Rong spoke again, to let Concubine Fu leave.

Concubine Fu looked at Wei Rong in disbelief, "Why! Why do you want me to leave! What did I do wrong?"

Wei Rong shook his head, "You have done nothing wrong. You are carrying my child in your belly, and this is my only flesh and blood. I hope you can give birth to him and raise him properly."

"Even if I stay by your side, I can still raise the child properly." Tie Yan'er pursed her lips and looked at Wei Rong stubbornly.

"It's not that you don't know what I'm doing. Killing Tie Yan'er may not be a big deal, but I sent someone to kill his most beloved son. If I succeed, my good father will definitely kill me. If I failed, and I have no intention of continuing to live. I have lived this kind of life that is worse than death, really, I have lived enough." Wei Rong's eyes faintly flashed with tears, from the moment he was alone A prince who is over [-] people becomes a prisoner, such a gap is really unbearable for ordinary people.Especially for a proud man like Wei Rong, he doesn't even know how he has survived for the past five years. Tired, really tired.

(End of this chapter)

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