Chapter 238

At this moment, Gu Nan's heart almost collapsed. The pregnant woman has been discharged from the hospital, and the hospital and the contact number left for him are wrong.Gu Xiang didn't have any records at the hospital that night because he wasn't the one who came out directly, let alone the surveillance video.Gu Nan had one head and two big ones, and the house leak happened to be raining all night, so Gu Changchun finally got to know the negative news about Gu Xiang, so Gu Nan had no choice but to go home and stabilize this master first. To prevent Gu Changchun from having a heart attack.

On F University's side, there is still a group of people who are ready to move, and this group of people is naturally Du Yu, a powerful member of Gu Xiang's support team.

Almost as soon as the negative news about Gu Xiang came out, Du Yu and Xiao Min spontaneously formed the Anti-Gu Xiang Black Material Alliance.Xiao Min is the flower of the Department of Computer Science, and she doesn't want to act coquettishly and ask the seniors in the department to show their love for classmates and investigate the IP addresses of a large number of Gu Xiang's black water army.

As a member of the journalism department, Du Yu is using his professional knowledge to analyze the possibility of whether there are P pictures in his photos.

Although such behavior may be naive, and may not have any effect at all, fans are a wonderful resource, and all their behaviors are out of love.In this world, it is not easy for someone to love you unconditionally.

The love of fans is very pure. They may be attracted by their appearance, their singing voice is beautiful, or they are just moved by a certain character of yours.But it's definitely not because you are rich or want something from you. Their likes don't seem to be worth much, but they seem to be priceless.They are very cute, but they are not aware of their cuteness.

In the case of Gu Xiang's black material door incident, in addition to Zhan Yang's high-profile maintenance, Jiang Lili and Tang Rui also posted comments supporting Gu Xiang on Weibo in the name of Gu Xiang's friends, but even so, most of the condemning remarks Still in the majority.

However, the unanimous blackness of the major websites actually reflects some kind of problem from the side.Netizens are not fools, especially in this day and age, there are fewer and fewer people following the trend, and no longer let the media make fun of themselves.The more messy it was, the more people became sober, and some people said: With so many sailors, has Gu Xiang offended someone?
Has Gu Xiang offended anyone?In the eyes of the audience, Feng Wen is probably the only one.

Feng Wen is also very crazy now. Although her purpose of debut is not pure, but it is false to say that she has no love for this industry.She did a good job here and received a lot of praise, but mentioning her name overnight became the endorsement of lace news.Originally thought that she would dismiss this matter, but when it actually happened, Feng Wen really didn't feel very good.

(End of this chapter)

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