Chapter 180

"Gu Xiang, are you going to follow him? Didn't I tell you that it's wrong?"

"Crazy, get out!" Gu Xiang was angry, and shouted at the security guard outside: "Security! Security!"

It's a pity that Liang Ji is already crazy now, stepping on the accelerator quickly, rampaging in the narrow alley, and for the sake of performance, there are many cars on the road, although they are not driving now, but such a thrilling scene still makes people's hearts jump out .

"Stop! Stop!"

"What's going on?" The security guards also came to their senses and came to stop him one after another, but Liang Ji's speed was so fast that he was almost crazy.His eyes were red, and he looked like a mad dog, yelling: "You are wrong, you are wrong!"

"Damn it!" A deep fear welled up in Gu Xiang's heart. Maybe Liang Ji wanted to die with her.Fa Ke, she cursed, wanted to jump off the car but dared not, wanted to grab the steering wheel from Liang Ji but was afraid of hitting the city wall in front of her.Seeing that the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, many props stalls had been knocked down in front of it, and the crackling sound made people tremble with fear.And there was no way she could get out of this situation.

Liang Ji has gone crazy!

She heard someone calling her name vaguely behind her: "Gu Xiang! Gu Xiang!"

It seemed to be Zhan Yang's voice.

Liang Ji's gas pedal has been stepped to the bottom, there is a wall in front of him, there are shops on both sides, and he has no intention of stopping at all, he is about to hit it.

He is determined not to give anyone a way out.

The shouts behind him continued, and the anxiety and anger could be heard from a long distance away.That usually gentle and indifferent voice seemed a little hysterical, as if it connected the connection between the present world and the past, and it was the straw that pulled people out of the deep swamp.

Gu Xiang's eyes became hot, and she almost shed tears. Human life is so short, so short, and she finally had another chance, so why should she just take it back without doing anything?And he still died with the person he hated the most in his previous life, the person who was like garbage, why?It's not fair at all!

Not reconciled!Too unwilling!

She opened the car door and cursed: "You shitty thing, go to hell yourself!"

Jumped down.

That second seemed extremely long.

Then, as if after a short moment, there was only a loud "boom" coming from the front.The entire body of the beautiful old-fashioned car was buried in the brick city wall, and the deformation of the front of the car was horrible.And the burning flames rushed so fast that they almost drowned the front of the car.

The on-site personnel who heard the news were all stunned.

The scattered cars and burning gasoline stimulated everyone's vision.

This is probably the biggest accident in the entertainment industry this year.

(End of this chapter)

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