Chapter 167

Some fragments of "New Junior Sister" will be intercepted in the MV, but some derivative plots will also be added.If "The New Junior Sister" is a story of happiness that is taking place, and the theme song is affectionate, it will add a bit of sadistic plot, and describe the whole hesitation of love and her rush to love from the perspective of the heroine Ajuan Without hesitation.

Tang Rui is also a wonder, with so many affectionate scenes, the first MV to be filmed is Master Wen lying on the sofa and sleeping, the girl Ajuan is sitting on the edge of the sofa and looking at the sleeping face of the male god, wanting to kiss but not wanting to kiss, wanting to I didn't dare to go up, so I hesitated and tangled up, turned my courage into singing ability, and started singing in minutes.While singing, I have to scratch my head and make poses to show that I am really entangled, but I still have to go on bravely for love.

Of course, the effect of the screen shooting must be very beautiful in the end, although the scene looks very stupid.

"Action!" Tang Rui shouted from a distance.

On the sofa, sunlight came in from the window and found the young man in a milky white sweater.The young man had handsome eyebrows, and when he closed his eyes, his long eyelashes drooped down, making one unable to resist wanting to kiss him.It really is a picturesque sleeping face, the air is filled with a sweet breath, and there seems to be a hint of sourness in this sweetness.

Ajuan sat beside the young man, tracing the other's eyebrows with her index finger, her smile was a little silly, but soon her expression became sad again.

If a foolish man understands sorrow, love has a great deal of possibility.She is a grassroots commoner, and he is a noble prince.She didn't even reveal her identity. If she is really in a state of confrontation and this relationship is not favored by everyone, what should she do? Do she have the courage to persevere.

But these hesitation in the heart were finally defeated by the sleeping face of the person in front of him. In fact, there is only one reason why some people give everything in love and still have the courage to continue chasing.

Ajuan leaned down cautiously, as if she wanted to kiss that person.

It was a very, very harmonious scene full of girlish hearts, but I don’t know who was the one who suffered a thousand dollars and poured water under the foot of the sofa and didn’t dry it. The slippers looked good but were not slippery. It was too late and then too fast, only to hear “啪啪” With a sound, A Juan fell down all of a sudden, and the sleeping Young Master Wen grabbed her arm to prevent her from kissing the ground directly from the sofa.

But after everyone saw the picture in front of them clearly, they suddenly felt that it would be better to fall down.

Gu Xiang's heart was almost broken, she knew it!She knew that every time she sang, there would be a new black history!Damn, what is this magical shape like!That shameless Tang Rui is still filming!Still shooting!

For the first time after her rebirth, she swears like in her previous life.

But I heard a calm voice from someone above my head: "Continue singing?"

Sing that you are paralyzed, lie down and sleep!

(End of this chapter)

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