Chapter 145

"Start the press conference, contact the media immediately, and start the press conference immediately." Qiao Yingqing's lips were trembling, and she kept repeating to the manager beside her.

The agent is also collapsed at this moment, and the media spread too fast.What's even more frightening is that they seem to have made an appointment together. Not only "Daily Entertainment Daily", but also various online platforms have released revelations.And with the passage of time, more and more people broke the news, and the black news that broke out became bigger and bigger, as if everyone had made an appointment to post it together.Such large-scale revelations can be said to be trolls, but those who broke the news have evidence. High-definition photos and audio links can never deceive people, and there is no way to clear them up anyway.At this time, the development conference, what can I say?It is estimated that the only way to apologize is by death.

The audience is a very interesting group. When they love a star, they can praise her to the sky. When fans turn black, you can feel the cruelty of the world.If an artist doesn't hide his image before, maybe there will still be true fans.But the image of an artist when he debuted is pure and clean. When such a inconsistent appearance is exposed, true fans will say goodbye completely.

Li Shuo couldn't get through on the phone, and even he was implicated by such a big incident.Although news about Li Shuo himself was flying all over the sky, it would not be affected by it, but Qiao Yingqing had frequent accidents recently, and now her image has been completely ruined, and it is impossible to make a comeback.

Li Shuo is Qiao Yingqing's lover, but he is a businessman first.Qiao Yingqing was worthless, and he didn't need to spend more unreturned investments on Qiao Yingqing.So letting go is quite decisive.

Qiao Yingqing collapsed on the sofa in despair, she knew that it was over for her this time.

Liang Ji is also watching the news on the Internet.

His face was surprisingly ugly, and he didn't answer any calls from his manager.Qiao Yingqing's revelations emerged endlessly, including the relationship between Liang Ji and Qiao Yingqing.Qiao Yingqing hooked up with Li Shuo and dated Liang Ji, and most people expressed sympathy for Liang Ji.A man feels ashamed of being cuckolded at any time, and some netizens think that maybe Liang Ji knew about it long ago, the private life in the entertainment circle is messy, maybe the three of them are still hanging out together.

Even though he was a victim online, Liang Ji felt deeply ashamed.Since his debut, he has been doing well with his appearance and acting skills from a professional background. He was called the "Hulk" for no reason, and he was annoyed.He didn't know about the matter between Qiao Yingqing and Li Shuo before. He always thought that Qiao Yingqing and Li Shuo were only together recently. If it wasn't for the news, he wouldn't know that he had been taken advantage of for so many years.

There is an illusion of a little boy who is kept by a mistress.

He and Qiao Yingqing have been together for more than two years. Qiao Yingqing has always been dignified and elegant. Now that the news came out, he felt that he had never recognized this woman clearly, and he was glad that he broke up with Qiao Yingqing early.

But Qiao Yingqing still called him.

Liang Ji is now the last straw that Qiao Yingqing can grasp. Maybe Liang Ji was too affectionate to her before, and Qiao Yingqing felt that the breakup was just a moment of anger. As long as she wanted, Liang Ji would come back to her.

But Liang Ji directly blocked Qiao Yingqing's call.

When a man loves you, he loves you, when he doesn't love you, he is cold.What's more, at this time, Qiao Yingqing is just a pile of mud, whoever gets it will be unlucky.Liang Ji loves his career like his life, how could he give up everything for a bitch?
Tang Rui threw the stack of newspapers into Zhan Yang's arms with a snap.

(End of this chapter)

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