Feng proud of the world: the king is too black

Chapter 314 Why Hurt My Husband?

Chapter 314 Why Hurt My Husband?

When he yelled at her, his expression was very serious and his eyes were deep. In this dark night, he looked like an ancient pond. Zi Yantao stared at him in a daze, she had never seen him so serious before.

"Go back to the house and change your clothes!" Luo Riyao involuntarily stretched out his hand to grab her arm, and pulled her into her room.

Zi Yantao stared blankly at the hand grabbing her arm, with a wide palm and slender fingers, this was the first time he had such intimate contact with her.

"Luo Riyao, let go!" Zi Yantao's feet seemed to be rooted in place, steadfastly stuck there, refusing to leave, looking around, with a serious expression: "They are coming, I feel them coming!"

"Don't be suspicious, you are not Miss Ji, they won't come to you, you will die..." This heart, the last few words, he seemed to be swallowing in his throat, because he also felt the atmosphere Something is wrong, just now it was the baptism of the bright moon, but now it is pitch black, except for the light of the lanterns in the corridor, the whole courtyard is shrouded in pitch black night, the atmosphere is getting more and more dignified, and the wind is getting stronger, making the lanterns sway , and the lights flickered.

They all smelled a breath, the breath of death and danger, Luo Riyao couldn't help moving his body, protecting Zi Yantao behind him, his eyes suddenly became sharp and deep, in this dark night, in the flickering light, he The deep eyes are like those of an owl in the dark night, looking around cautiously.

Zi Yantao was both surprised and happy, the resentful spirits who were so happy finally came, and she was shocked because she didn't know how to cultivate at all, and she was worried that she would die tonight.

"Zi Yantao, hurry up and take off Miss Ji's clothes. The presence of those wraiths means that Miss Ji is not in their hands. They are here looking for someone. You can save your life by taking off your clothes." Luo Luo Ri Yao said nervously, Ji Qin'er is not here, they should have found it by smelling the smell left by Ji Qin'er's clothes.

"I won't take it off! If I take it off, they won't show up!" Zi Yantao hid behind Luo Riyao, but dared not to come out when she wanted to. She was stubborn and refused to take off Ji Qiner's clothes no matter what. .

"Take it off!" Luo Riyao was furious. Could this damned woman be any more stupid?

"Luo Riyao, why are you so fierce? If you are afraid of death, you can go back to the house. I didn't ask you to come out!" He was angry, and Zi Yantao suddenly became irritable. Stepping out behind him, he faced the horror of the night boldly.

Seeing her stubborn appearance, Luo Riyao was so furious that he quickly grabbed her arm and dragged her into the room. Zi Yantao struggled and shouted angrily: "What are you doing? Luo Riyao, let me go! "

She kept patting the hand that grabbed her arm, and even pinched his flesh with her nails. Luo Riyao endured the pain, kicked the door angrily, and dragged Zi Yantao into the room. At this time, a gust of wind suddenly hit them, and the strong wind slammed into their bodies. One of them couldn't stand still, staggered a few steps forward, and both fell to the ground.

"Ah...it hurts..." Zi Yantao's knee was broken, and there was a faint sharp pain. She got up, sat on the ground and hugged her knee to endure the pain. Suddenly, she felt something approaching, and she slammed Looking up, they were terrified. Standing in front of them were two people wearing black robes. Their black hair was long and disheveled. The wind blew over, blowing up their black clothes and black hair. What was revealed was a completely unrecognizable rotten and disgusting face. From the rotten faces, it was impossible to tell whether they were male or female, but judging from their body shapes, they should be a male and a female.

The unrecognizable wraith who looked like a woman stretched out her hand with nails as long as a sharp sword and slowly approached Zi Yantao. Although she was completely unrecognizable, she could still see her ferocious expression and gaze, "Where is the goddess of curse? Why are you dressed as What does she look like?"

These resentful spirits are the souls that remain after death. They cannot be reincarnated and become solitary ghosts, but they are advanced practitioners in their previous lives. Even if they become solitary ghosts, their reason is quite clear. Ji Qin'er's clothes lure|lure them over?
If they found Ji Qin'er, of course they wouldn't be fooled by this, but they couldn't find Ji Qin'er. They found her by relying on Ji Qin'er's breath and soul. They couldn't find Ji Qin'er everywhere, but they found Ji Qin'er here. Qin'er's breath, she will definitely come back.

"We don't know any cursed goddesses. These dresses were left by Miss Ji. She said she didn't want them anymore. My wife looked quite new, so she used them." Luo Riyao protected Zi Yantao behind her. , said to these two disgusting wraiths.

"Curse the clothes left by the goddess, so you know her?" When they went out to find Ji Qin'er several times, Luo Riyao and Zi Yantao were not there. It was An Erya who kept them. Only An Erya arrived. Of course, they didn't know that Luo Riyao and Zi Yantao also knew the goddess of curse.

Luo Riyao rolled his eyes and said, "We don't know any curse gods. A man and a woman passed by a while ago and stayed with us. They just left the day before yesterday."

Zi Yantao stared blankly at Luo Riyao, what was he talking about?He said she was his wife?

His words made her stunned, she never thought of being his wife...

"Ah... poof..."

Just when she was in a daze, the man who had been protecting her all the time suddenly flew into the air, then fell back hard, hit the pillar in the house, and then fell heavily on the ground.Zi Yantao felt a flash in front of her eyes, looking over, Luo Riyao's body was already rolling on the ground, blood spit out from his mouth, spilling all over the ground.

"Luo Riyao!" Zi Yantao screamed in shock, and rushed forward desperately, trying to hug Luo Riyao, but she was a woman and didn't have that much strength, so she could only hug his upper body, Looking at him nervously: "Are you okay? How are you?"

Seeing his complexion becoming ugly, blood pouring out of his mouth like a torrential rain, and his eyes staring blankly, out of focus, Zi Yantao panicked and trembled all over.

"How could you do this? Why did you hurt my husband?" Zi Yantao suddenly raised her head and shouted angrily at the two wraiths.

"He lied."

"Yes, he lied, so what? If you want to kill Qin'er, there is no way!" Zi Yantao yelled at them holding Luo Riyao. Luo Riyao's injury made her feel panicked, but facing this ruthless The lonely ghost of the ghost, her unspeakable anger.

"Tonight we are going to end your lives, and then we will end the life of the cursed goddess. Let's see how long you can do it!" The female resentful soul said ferociously. Luo Riyao stared wide-eyed, watching the tiger-like black group attacking in horror, he struggled to push Zi Yantao away, but he was not strong enough, Zi Yantao would not let him go at this time The one who was running away suddenly exerted force on his arms, staring intently at the black shadow, thinking sadly in his heart, Brother Situ, Yantao is going down to find you, I hope to find you, you can like Yantao.

(End of this chapter)

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