Chapter 557
Before everyone could react, he wailed and fell at Yunbei's feet.

"This girl, I offended you because I didn't know Taishan with my eyes, but the conscience of heaven and earth, I really did it unintentionally... If you like this child, then I will give it to you... I don't want it, I don't want it Ok?"

He howled so abruptly that everyone instantly despised him.

They thought that no matter how bad it was, he would have to struggle in the end, at least he would have to fight them a few tricks.

But luckily now, before he even made a single move, he almost completely knelt down as if he had disarmed and surrendered.

"I'm stupid...I thought you would carry it to the end, but I didn't expect you to be so cowardly...Since you are so worthless, why did you dare to be serious with us just now?"

Bu She kicked him away, which made him feel very embarrassed.

"Gentlemen, ladies... I... I don't rely on my number of people? Besides, I thought that because of such a brat, you wouldn't fight me to the end... That's why I thought about it." With your things, set up a little prestige for me in front of my hall, so that I can do things better in the future, right..."

He sneered and knelt down again, and regardless of his face, he confessed everything in his heart.

Under such circumstances, it is not worth it to suffer such flesh and blood for a child.

"This child... To be honest, it's really not my own... I picked him up on the road... At that time, it was on the border of Liangshan. I was sitting on the side of the road and a brother from the beggar gang brought me He passed in front of me... Seeing that I was always looking at the child, he threw him to me..."

He paused for a while, as if he had something to say, and looked at Maodou meaningfully.

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't chatter about it, what's the matter? Are you still trying to get something to say?"

Seeing him hesitate, Bu She kicked him angrily, almost vomiting blood.

"I'm not playing hard to get...but I don't know what to say..."

With a bitter face, Mao Jinping said tremblingly.

"At that time, when the beggar brother gave me the child, he also gave me a sum of money..."

"Give you money?" The girl suddenly became curious: "What did he give you money for?"

"He asked me to find a place where no one was around, preferably deep in the mountains and old forests... Kill the child, then burn the bones and bury him deeply... And he specifically told me that there are no bones left to be burned, The kind that can never be recognized by others..."

Po Meng's body trembled violently, and subconsciously hugged Maodou tightly.

"Why did he ask you to do this?"

"I don't know..." Before Mao Jinping could finish his sentence, Bu She slapped him on the head.

"What's your attitude? Speak well!"

Mao Jinping was so wronged that he could only scratch his head, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "What I said is true... At that time, he gave a lot of money, and I thought it was a good deal... After all, killing a child, It is really something that can be easily grasped, so I agreed without hesitation..."

He looked at Maodou with complicated eyes, and there was something strange in his eyes.

"But after I walked to the deep mountain, I saw that the child was very clever, so I was moved..."

"What do you think?"

"I'm thinking that I'm in the capital, far away from Liangshan...Even if I don't kill him, I won't reveal myself."

(End of this chapter)

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