Prosperous Concubine: Black-bellied lord, don't do it

Chapter 151 Okay, why are you crying again?

Chapter 151 Okay, why are you crying again?
Prince Mo, who was usually aloof and noble, would become so embarrassed.

And all of this is because of her...

Shangguanying's heart couldn't help throbbing faintly, and an irresistible sourness hit her nose, making her eye sockets instantly red, and her eyes were covered with mist, making her blurred.

"Okay, why are you crying again?"

As soon as Mo Beiye looked up, he saw Shangguanying was crying again, and he sighed helplessly.

I remember before, she really didn't like to cry, why does she cry every now and then?
"Okay, don't cry, the hare has been roasted, get up and eat something."

Mo Beiye took the roasted game, walked up to her again, and helped her up.

He handed the deliciously roasted meat to Shangguan Ying's mouth, intending to feed her.

However, smelling the delicious meat, Shangguanying had no appetite at all.

Perhaps because of the excessive blood loss, not only did she feel dizzy, her body was also extremely cold, and she had no strength at all, not even the strength to eat.

"I don't want to eat, you can eat..." She shook her head slightly and said weakly.

Mo Beiye frowned, "You are too weak, you need to eat to maintain your strength, be obedient, don't ask me to feed you in a special way."

Thinking of Mo Beiye's "special method", Shangguanying frowned.

In order not to be fed by him again, she could only hold on, and opened her mouth to take a bite of the barbecue that was handed to her eyes.

The barbecue is very fragrant and delicious, but it's a pity that she really has no appetite.

Now she is so uncomfortable, she just wants to close her eyes and sleep, even when she is sitting, her head seems to be shaking constantly, which makes her unable to stay awake.

After shaking for a long time, she was still a little nauseous, which made her almost vomit out the food she just ate.

She covered her chest with her hand, suppressing the urge to vomit.

"I'm full, you can eat..." She turned her head, closed her eyes, and had no desire to eat at all.

"How about just one bite? Eat a little more." Seeing that she only ate this little, Mo Beiye wanted to force her to eat more.

However, Shangguanying closed his eyes weakly, leaned against his arms drowsily, and said in a light voice: "But I really can't eat anymore, I'm so tired, dizzy and cold, I don't have any strength in my body , let me sleep for a while, and I will eat when I wake up..."

She spoke so softly that she could barely hear her by the end.

By the time the last word was finished, she had already fallen into his arms and fell into a drowsy sleep.

Mo Beiye reached out and touched her forehead, and found that the temperature was frighteningly high.

Her fever, which had not gone away, became worse.

However, her hands and feet were as cold as ice.

Generally, with such a high fever, the body will become hot, but feel cold.

However, Shangguanying may have lost too much blood and his body could not provide heat, which led to hypothermia and cold hands and feet.

I don't know how long she can last like this...

Mo Beiye's heart tightened, his lips turned white.

Looking at her pale cheeks without a trace of blood, his chest kept twitching.

"Hold on, Yunshang must have sent someone to find us, and we will be saved soon." His deep voice sounded calmly.

He sacrificed so much to save her, she must be fine!
Shangguanying moved his mouth and said softly: "Okay, I will persevere..."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she fell into a complete coma.

(End of this chapter)

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