The villain national teacher wants to turn positive

Chapter 669 Take 3 scoop of weak water 1 only.

Chapter 669 Weak water only takes one ladle of three thousand.

She looked at the red and steaming soup base on the dining table on the first floor, and couldn't help tugging at the sleeve of the man beside her.
"Is this hot soup delicious?"

She had just finished asking, but the boy who was leading the way said
"You don't know, guest officer, our hot soup is sold all over the country, so many diners come here to taste it, the taste is definitely resounding!

And our restaurant is the favorite restaurant of Emperor Jiasong. Emperor Jiasong brought the empress so many times. Even the emperor likes to eat, let alone ordinary people like us. ~"

Emperor Jiasong...

Jia Song Emperor Yin Quanji!

These words popped out of a certain woman's mind, reminding her that when she was released to practice, she was the empress of Emperor Jiasong!

And the guy who came here to practice like her, isn't that Emperor Jiasong!

She still remembers that the dog man's name was Yin Quanji when he was training!
There are many diners in this restaurant, and there is a storyteller on the table on the first floor.

When the two of them went up to a wing room on the second floor under the leadership of the servant, they could still clearly hear the storyteller telling stories below.

And the most important thing that the storyteller was talking about was Emperor Jia Song and Empress Le Jin, she and that dog man!
"Continuing from last time, Emperor Jia Song and Empress Le Jin had a dispute over the flood in Liaozhou City. These two people! They are still in a cold war, and ah! This cold war has been in a cold war for almost half a month! "

The diners in the audience: "Hey storyteller, last time it was said that Emperor Jiasong and the Empress had different opinions on how to deal with the flood, so in the end, who has the better way to deal with it!"

"That's right! We've been sitting around waiting for this one, but we've been arguing for five days!"

Mr. Storyteller: "Hey, your question is right again. Although it is said that Empress Yue Jin was born in a famous family, and she has read better books than her daughters since she was a child, but when it comes to governing the country, it is natural that Jia Song The emperor is even better!"

"Then what you said means that Emperor Jia Song won the bet. The person who lost the bet between the two copied the national law a hundred times. Did he really let Empress Le Jin copy it?"

As soon as a diner sitting under the stage said this, there were already other diners responding.
"That's for sure. Once a man says something, it's hard to follow. If Empress Lejin loses the bet, then Emperor Jiasong will definitely let her copy the national law a hundred times! After all, she is a woman! Don't be proud of her favor."

Mr. Storyteller: "If you say that, I bet that you definitely don't have a family right now. If Emperor Jia Song thought like you, his wife would have run away long ago!"


There was a roar of laughter from the audience, and the man couldn't help touching his nose when he heard the words, and sat down in embarrassment.

Then the storyteller said

"Even though Empress Lejin lost the bet, she is the woman he favors after all, so Emperor Jiasong was naturally reluctant to let her copy the national law a hundred times, so why not! Then Emperor Jiasong made all the people in the palace stare at her. jaw-dropping gesture”

Everyone in the audience pricked up their ears after hearing the words, for fear that they might miss something.

After all, Emperor Jiasong was a generation of Ming emperors, not only that, but the other emperors were all three thousand beauties in the harem, but during his reign, he had always favored his first wife, Empress Lejin.

 and also!
(End of this chapter)

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