Three Treasures Falling from Heaven

Chapter 756 I Have Alzheimer's 3

Chapter 756 I Have Alzheimer's 3
Mo Shaozhen set up the group headquarters in the Tiansheng Group Building, which is close to the Hongtu Building where Gu Lianlian's studio is located. He opened the shutters, and with his eyesight, he could directly see Gu Lianlian's studio.

At this moment, I saw her busy with her own affairs in the studio.

Hearing Han Junze's words, Mo Shaozhen said, "It's good to know. From now on, you have to work harder to solve my problems."

Han Junze stuffed the real estate certificate into the folder, "Sir, don't worry, I will always look after you for the rest of my life."

Mo Shaozhen stood with his hands behind his back, his tall body standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and suddenly sighed: "Actually, I had a check-up recently, and the doctor said I had a disease."

"Ah?" Han Junze was stunned for a moment: "Sir, what's wrong?"

Mo Shaozhen frowned: "Memory impairment, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, impairment of visuospatial skills, executive dysfunction, and changes in personality and behavior."

Han Junze stayed in the hospital for a long time, so he immediately realized: "Alzheimer's disease?"

"Well, take good care of me in the future, maybe one day, I will get sick and forget you. Then remember what you said, and you must look forward to my horse's head and never leave." Mo Shaozhen turned around and patted on the shoulder with a long way to go. Han Junze's shoulder.

"No, sir, isn't this disease only for the elderly? What's more, you... are the mansion of the gods."

Mo Shaozhen said: "I'm over 400 years old, and Shendi may not be able to withstand Alzheimer's."

Han Junze looked at Mo Shaozhen seriously: "Sir, are you serious?"

Mo Shaozhen patted Han Junze's shoulder again, and then went to take off his coat from the hanger. When it was time to get off work, it was time to socialize. He took Jian Zhi to meet a few people. He had to wait until that moment came. Get everything in order.
It was another brand new day. Gu Lianlian just went to work when the secretary told her that someone was waiting for her in her office.


"He said he was your brother-in-law." The secretary had never met Rongrong, and Rongrong was not allowed to wait in her office, but Rongrong took out his business card. The CEO of Tiansheng Group, who would dare to stop him? he?
"My brother-in-law? How can I have a brother-in-law?"

Gu Lianlian didn't react, and pushed open the door to see Rongrong laying on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, playing games with her mobile phone, with Erlang's upturned legs shaking rhythmically.
When Rongrong saw her, she said, "Sister-in-law, your studio is not bad. It looks good. The office is facing my brother's office. You can wink at each other from the air."

"Where is your brother's office?"

Rongrong pointed to the Tiansheng Building opposite: "Isn't it the floor that is parallel to your office, and when you come back with a telescope, you can always spy on my brother's movements in the office."

Gu Lianlian thought to herself, why did she buy a telescope to spy on Mo Shaozhen? It's not like she couldn't see him.

Gu Lianlian took off her coat and put it on the shelf, "You hung up the phone after saying a few words before, and you didn't tell me what I wanted to know, so you ran over now and came to the door and waited for me to ask if I was interested? "

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry." Rongrong put away the phone, and his solemn voice matched his ninety-degree bow.

Gu Lianlian was taken aback for a moment, she had a stomach full of complaints, but when she saw Rongrong like this, she suddenly couldn't get angry, and thought for a while: "Don't do this, I didn't mean to blame you, and I didn't want to tell you at first, because I donated money to you. Bone marrow, I encountered a curse, really can't tell me how you encountered the curse before? Maybe if you know, you can find a way to contact the curse that is now transferred to me. "

(End of this chapter)

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