Three Treasures Falling from Heaven

Chapter 734 Never Leave Me Again 1

Chapter 734 Never Leave Me Again 1
A year and a half later.

The black bird country is broken.

on the holy mountain,
The national teacher of Wuqin Kingdom fell down on the altar, looking at the Wuqin Kingdom that had been destroyed, with a sad, indignant and ferocious expression.

He pointed at the executioner Huo Qingchen angrily and said: "Do you think you can get your wish by destroying the Wuqin Kingdom and offering sacrifices to the heavens on the holy mountain?
Let me tell you, there are no such easy things in the world, do you think that the holy mountain can satisfy anyone's wish?

Do you think that if you just pay a little price, the holy mountain can bring your beloved witch to you?

Stop dreaming!Hahaha, you will never get her! "

Huo Qingchen grabbed the white bearded national teacher by the neck and lifted him up, his bloodthirsty eyes were full of coldness that would destroy everything.

"I'll give you one last chance to say, how can the Holy Mountain fulfill my wish?"

The white bearded national teacher was grabbed by the neck, he couldn't breathe, his face was pale, but the sinister smile on his face did not decrease but increased.

He spat out the vicious words with difficulty: "Unless...unless...unless the price of not being able to be reborn after you dare?...a generation of heroes...cannot be reincarnated after death, and can only be reincarnated forever. Lonely you dare?"

Huo Qingchen's dangerous eyes stared at the white-bearded national teacher for a long time, and a smile appeared on the corner of his thin lips for a while: "So, that's how it is."

At that moment, he threw aside the white-bearded national teacher who was no longer worth asking, and then he flicked his robe, knelt down on the futon with a plop on his knees, took a stick of incense handed over by the soldier, and pointed at the saint of Wuqin Kingdom. Mountain, pray sincerely.

The white bearded national teacher fell to the side, the suffocation from the neck has not yet eased, and the old face is full of horror.

" actually...for a dare to cast the curse of not being reborn after death on yourself? Hahaha...this is the most bloodthirsty and frightening curse in the Great Khanate. General, this is the God of War who ruined our Wuqin Kingdom..."

Huo Qingchen despised the noisy state teacher, so he passed his cold eyes towards the lieutenant beside him.

The lieutenant took two quick steps, and with a click, he knocked the white bearded national teacher unconscious.

After that, he frowned and said to Huo Qingchen: "General Huo, I don't believe what happens after death, but Wuqin Kingdom has always been secretive, just in case... I mean just in case... Don't give yourself such a curse lightly, right?"

"So what if it's true?"

The fiery red cloak fluttered in the wind, and the blood on Huo Qingchen's battle armor was not yet dry. He held up the incense stick in his hand, and said to the holy mountain of Wuqin Kingdom, "As long as the holy mountain can send her to me , let me promise her a lifelong love, so what if she dies forever?"

After finishing speaking, he closed his bloodthirsty cold eyes and prayed sincerely.


The whistling north wind yelled at her ears, and it was painful on her face. Gu Lianlian didn't know what happened, but she was dizzy for a while, and she appeared on the top of an unfamiliar mountain.

Why are all the solemn ancient armored soldiers all over the mountains and plains? The formation is so vast that it makes people feel a little timid.

She still figured out what was going on, and raised her head to meet a pair of scarlet iron-blooded black eyes.

Gu Lianlian's blood rushed to her brain in an instant, she stared at the stern man kneeling in front of him in iron armor, with a serious face, rubbed her eyes, then rubbed her eyes again...


Must be an illusion!

(End of this chapter)

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