Three Treasures Falling from Heaven

Chapter 105 Help You Be the Most Beautiful Cub 3

Chapter 105 Help You Be the Most Beautiful Cub 3
Gu Lianlian couldn't figure it out after thinking about it, so she could only put this question on hold temporarily, and went to the women's clothing studio with her classmates for a practical class.

In this practical class, the teacher did not make any mandatory rules. He only said that 520 is coming soon, and everyone can freely design a gift for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Take it to confess.

What a good idea, Gu Lianlian touched the pendant hanging around her neck, she was worried that she would not have a chance to return the gift to her husband.

Susan watched as soon as Gu Lianlian arrived at the studio at the top of the teaching building, she chose fabrics and sat busy in front of the sewing machine, so she came over curiously.

"Jana, have you already thought of what kind of 520 gift you want to design? Can you let me refer to it, I also have a favorite male god, but I have never dared to confess."

Gu Lianlian shook the fabric in her hand: "I'm making clothes for my husband. If you haven't confessed your love, I think you can design a tie yourself. What do you think?"

Susan thought about it seriously: "Is the tie too cheap?"

"How could it be? Courtesy is light but affection is heavy, not to mention that it was designed by yourself. This kind of intention is priceless."

She also plans to design a white T-shirt for her husband, hehe, there is also Xiaopingan's, parent-child outfit, it looks like a family of three when she goes out.

Susan hesitated to speak: "But, I have never given him such cheap things. In the past, I always gave him Apple mobile phones, Patek Philippe watches, limited edition sneakers he likes, and sports cars. I don't think I can get the tie out."

Gu Lianlian: " have given so many such precious gifts before you have confessed your love?"

"I voluntarily!"

Thinking of her sweetheart, Susan's cheeks flushed and her face was pink.

"I gave it to him on my own initiative, not because he asked me for it. Anyway, I can't use up the living expenses my dad gave me. Spending it on my favorite seniors gives me a sense of accomplishment."

Gu Lianlian: "..."

Even if it's voluntary, and he hasn't dated yet, how embarrassed is he to accept such an expensive gift from a woman?
Gu Lianlian is not good at asking directly, so she can only inquire around the bush: "Who is the other party? Our school, or..."

"It was a senior who was a year older than us. At that time, when I first came to school, I was ridiculed for being fat. I was a fat girl. Only he stood up and drove those people away. He also said that I was very beautiful and gentle. From then on, I fell in love with him."

Gu Lianlian looked at Susan: "You are very good-looking."

Susan is probably a mixed race of Asian and European. She has very beautiful facial features, but her face is very round and her figure is also very round. As a result, she is not very outstanding in a school full of beauties. If she is willing to work hard to lose a dozen or two Ten catties, definitely more outstanding than the tiehua Irene.

Susan was praised so much that she held her face in both hands: "Thank you, Jana, you are really kind, just think about it for me, 520, what should I give him?"

"I really think it is very suitable to give a tie. You can embroider your confession to him on the back of the tie. This is a unique limited edition. If he likes you too, he will definitely love it and cherish it for a lifetime."

Anyway, she felt that the senior sounded unreliable. If Susan gave him a tie and he disliked him, then she didn't want this kind of senior!

"Really?" Susan was dubious.

Gu Lianlian winked playfully: "Believe me, my husband really likes the things I make with my own hands. I have experience."

(End of this chapter)

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