Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 105 Have you put enough?

Chapter 105 Have you put enough?
Ding Sanwei is best at diagnosing the pulse, and of course he understands what Lin Yi said.

However, although there is such a saying in Chinese medicine, it is a bit far-fetched to use it in this place. After all, Western medicine has already used equipment to identify the results. Generally speaking, this is already a very accurate result.

"Really? If you say that, I want to see her B-ultrasound examination chart. It's clear at a glance who is right and who is wrong." Lin Yi's tone was very certain, and after the words fell, He Jiajin's face also showed a trace of doubt. Since Lin Yi If you persist like this, maybe you are really sure.

He Jiajin said a few words to the Korean medicine experts beside him, and the Korean medicine experts nodded. Not long after, the B-ultrasound examination chart of the old woman was sent over.

Under the action of the projector, a huge projection appears on the white wall, and everyone can see clearly.

The old woman's liver was covered in shadows, and it was obvious that it had been completely taken over by cancer cells. Even a person who didn't understand medicine would think it was liver cancer.

However, Lin Yi walked to the projector and pointed at the old woman's lungs.

Soon, many people discovered that there was also a black shadow where he was pointing, but the range was very small, almost negligible.

This move immediately made Pu Shirong laugh out loud, laughing very wildly.

"You are the stupidest Chinese person I have ever met. Can you conclude that she has lung cancer based on such a black spot? Your conclusion is really funny." Pu Shirong said unceremoniously. In his eyes, Lin Yi It has become a soft persimmon that can be kneaded casually, but Lin Yi smiled and shook his head lightly.

"Professor He, if I'm not mistaken, this inspection chart should be from several days ago." Lin Yi smiled lightly and ignored Park Shirong's words.

He Jiajin nodded and said: "It was indeed taken a week ago. At that time, he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, and the cancer cells had already shown signs of spreading. The main reason for letting her participate in the exchange meeting this time was to come up with a solution at the exchange meeting. , to see if there is still a glimmer of life."

"A ray of hope? What a joke, you Huaxia people are really optimistic. To put it bluntly, I think you are a little deceiving yourself. It is the advanced stage of liver cancer, do you understand? What do you use to treat it? What a joke." Park Shirong said unceremoniously Said, anyway, the life and death of the old woman has nothing to do with him, of course he ridiculed.

Lin Yi glanced at him viciously, and the moment the murderous aura broke out, Pu Shirong was shocked back several steps.

"I said that if there is a solution, there must be a solution. When will it be your turn to intervene here! Professor He, I want to re-examine her, and it is an on-site inspection!" Lin Yi's tone was very sure. I don't know what he wants to do.

Park Shirong stabilized his figure, looked at Lin Yi's eyes full of resentment, and shouted angrily: "I want to announce the result of the first competition immediately, and the standard answer is here. Is Huaxia going to slap me in the face?"

"Hmph, if there is a problem with the answer, why can't we seek the truth? Could it be that you are afraid?" He Yueru sneered. Although she didn't have much affection for Lin Yi, she was purely hostile to Pu Shirong.

Ding Sanwei coughed lightly, and said, "My friends, how can there be a standard answer for this kind of competition? Moreover, looking at the current situation, the so-called standard answer is the result of a week ago. A week is enough for many things to happen. Woolen cloth?"

Ding Sanwei's words came out, and many experts nodded in agreement.

The Korean medicine judge on the rostrum winked at Pu Shirong, signaling him not to argue any more.

The judges of Korean medicine stood up, smiled and said in the not-so-fluent Huaxia language: "Since Huaxia Chinese medicine has doubts about the answer this time, of course we have to solve the doubts. This is also the performance of our doctors' pursuit of the truth. However, you Huaxia people Whether the so-called 'Yi Mai' created by everyone can be recognized by everyone depends on the explanation of this young Chinese medicine practitioner."

Lin Yi smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I will give you a perfect explanation. After the equipment is moved, check it, and the truth will naturally come to light."

Not long after, the examination equipment was brought over, and the old woman lay motionless on the examination table, her eyes were extremely gentle, especially when she was looking at Lin Yi.

Regardless of whether Lin Yi can cure her or not, her gratitude to Lin Yi is completely from the bottom of her heart.

The inspection process was all projected on the white wall, and everyone could see it very clearly. Park Shirong looked disapproving. Although he simply took the pulse of the old woman, he was sure that there was nothing wrong with his diagnosis.

All the medical workers present were staring at the picture. When the final examination chart was finalized, everyone's expressions became very exciting, and they stared at the picture with wide eyes.

"Impossible, how is this possible? How could her lungs become like that!" He Yueru exclaimed. Although she studied Chinese medicine, she could still understand this kind of examination chart.

Indeed, her lungs were far more serious than her liver. The cancer experts present could see clearly that more than [-]% of the old woman's liver cancer was caused by the spread of lung cancer!
It's just that the lung cancer that lurks so deeply makes everyone feel unbelievable!

Pu Shirong stared at the picture with wide eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Impossible, this is absolutely fake, you did it! Such a dirty method, but also a very clever method!"

Lin Yi glanced at him and said, "I'm sorry, don't think of me as you, I don't bother to touch such hands and feet. The reason why I made this scene public is to let you see what is the real Huaxia Medical skills! You Korean doctors only learned some superficial aspects of our treatment, and you dare to come to China to make a fuss, which makes me feel ridiculous!"

In an instant, countless flash lights flickered again. Lin Yi really wanted to arrest those reporters and flash them with flash lights for a few days.

Pu Shirong suppressed his anger, smiled coldly, and said, "Even if it's useless for you to say these things, what evidence do you have to prove the so-called 'Yi Mai'? It's just your subjective guess. Is my inspection wrong? ? Didn't she have liver cancer?"

"Pu Shirong, please be careful when you speak! We in Huaxia respect you as a guest, so we are so polite to you. It doesn't mean that you can be arrogant and domineering here! Now the situation is very obvious. Her liver disease was caused by the spread of lung cancer cells. The diagnosis is of course We have to find out the root cause of the disease!" Ding Sanwei spoke loudly, and all the experts on the scene nodded in agreement.

"Joke! Can't I say that the lung cancer is caused by the spread of liver cancer cells? Unless you have evidence to prove the existence of Yi Mai, I will never be convinced! Hmph, what is the so-called state of etiquette and demeanor of a great country? Bullying the weak with the strong, bullying others with the power, is really ridiculous!" Park Shirong sneered, and the group of Korean doctors immediately started to clamor.

Lin Yi looked very calm, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Have you farted enough? If not, I will give you another 5 minutes to fart. Do you want evidence? I am now Here you go."

(End of this chapter)

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