Chapter 132 You Really Know

Following Zhong Yixuan's words, Shen Yu'an seemed to recall what happened back then.He was very happy back then. When he didn't know that Zhong Yixuan was Chen Guangyu's person, it was the first time he really loved someone wholeheartedly.

What he didn't expect was that he was already a famous figure in city A at that time, but he was put together by Chen Guangyu, who had not yet made his debut.

"That time was the happiest time in my life, but she was destroyed by my own hands after all."

Shen Yu was silent for a long time, his abyss-like eyes made it difficult to see his thoughts clearly.Then he said softly: "Have you ever thought about telling me frankly, why don't you want to believe that I can protect you?"

This is the question that Shen Yu'an has always wanted to ask. At that time, Chen Guangyu was not his opponent at all. Why was Zhong Yixuan unwilling to tell herself the truth?

"Chen Guangyu prescribed medicine to my parents. I secretly sent people to search for various antidotes, but they couldn't cure the poison of my parents. There is no way, I can only rely on the antidotes given by Chen Guangyu every month to send to my parents."

Shen Yu'an sneered: "In the end, you still don't trust me. As I said, Chen Guangyu's power is not as powerful as mine. How can I not get the antidote for the poison he can get?"

Zhong Yixuan froze when she heard the words, Shen Yu'an spat out the name of the poison: "HRI-2"

Hearing this name, the tears in Yixuan's eyes rolled down all of a sudden, she covered her mouth with her hand, her hands trembling uncontrollably: "You know, do you really know?"

"I said, if Chen Guangyu can find the poison, I can definitely find the antidote. After all, you don't love me enough, don't you trust me enough?"

Shen Yu'an looked into the distance, and saw the man just now where his eyes went, Shen Yu'an's eyes darkened, he knew that it was the man sent by Chen Guangyu.

Since he wants to see it, let Chen Guangyu see it enough, don't you want chess pieces, there is nothing wrong with Zhong Yixuan giving him.Even if it was the price she paid for betraying herself back then.

Zhong Yixuan's hand climbed onto Shen Yu'an's arm again, and she looked at Shen Yu'an with pitiful eyes: "An, is there really no chance? I was wrong about what happened back then. But I was also forced to do so. Do you know how I lived alone in the United States in [-]? When I couldn’t sleep at night, I could only rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep, and when I had a splitting headache, I could only rely on painkillers to live. Even if it is punishment, these three years are enough .Am I really so unforgivable?"

With a flash of hostility in Shen Yu'an's eyes, the corners of her lips curled up, she stretched out her right hand to lift her chin, and then pressed down her thin lips fiercely.

Zhong Yixuan didn't expect Shen Yu'an to change so much, she was ecstatic in her heart, as expected her An still loved her.

Trying hard to respond to Zhong Yixuan's kiss, Shen Yu'an bit Zhong Yixuan's lips like punishment, until he felt the smell of blood in his mouth, he was not willing to let go.

Zhong Yixuan endured Shen Yu'an's anger, she didn't cry out in pain, but responded to him with all her strength.

It's been three years, and in these three years, in her dreams, she has missed the smell of Shen Yu'an's body, and missed his intoxicating kiss.

Shen Yu'an finally left Zhong Yixuan's lips, and said with a light smile, "The taste is really good."

Although Zhong Yixuan was in ecstasy, she hadn't been dazzled by the joy, Shen Yu'an wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her hand, she looked like a ruffian, completely different from the Shen Yu'an she remembered three years ago.

Shen Yu'an three years ago would never have looked at herself with such chilling and frightening eyes.

Shen Yu'an turned around to leave, but Zhong Yixuan grabbed her arm, Shen Yu'an didn't turn her head, and said in a cold voice, "Xiao Lanlan is still waiting for me at home."

Zhong Yixuan didn't let go, but Shen Yu'an's words made her feel heavy like lead.

Shen Yu'an sighed helplessly: "Do you think this is a good place to talk?"

"Ah." Zhong Yixuan didn't understand why, "I just know that if I let go, I really can't get you back."

Shen Yu'an turned around, and gently touched Zhong Yixuan's face with his right hand: "If you don't let go, it won't be good if I can't go home and make Xiao Lanlan suspicious."

Zhong Yixuan didn't know the meaning of Shen Yu'an's words, but she could hear that Shen Yu'an had forgiven her.

"You forgive me, aren't you Ann?" Zhong Yixuan's eyes shone with excitement.

Shen Yu'an didn't say anything else, you let go first, I need to go back in time, if you choose to trust me, don't ask anything.

After Shen Yu'an said that, Zhong Yixuan would definitely not ask any more questions, the sadness and pain in her eyes had been covered by joy.Her Ann really forgave her, which is nice.

"The last time I texted you to ask you to meet in blue style, why didn't you come?"

Originally, Zhong Yixuan didn't dare to ask this question, but what Shen Yu'an said just now meant that she had the intention of forgiving herself.She also had the courage to ask.

"Did you not see the text message?" Zhong Yixuan asked tentatively.

"I received it, and I saw it too. However, Gu Qinglan saw the text message first. In order to avoid her suspicion, I had no choice but to not go to the appointment."

Zhong Yixuan held Shen Yu'an's hand tightly for an instant, her eyes sparkled brightly: "Really?"

"Now I can't tell you that much, I just ask you, do you believe me or not?"

Zhong Yixuan nodded again and again: "I believe, I will definitely choose to believe you this time."

She missed it three years ago, but this time, even if Shen Yu'an lied to herself, she would rather fall into it.

"Okay, since you choose to believe me, then don't ask any more questions, don't choose to meet me for more than a month, as for you, you can return to the entertainment industry if you want, I won't handle anything about you. But remember Stay a little longer, don't call me, don't send text messages this month. Everything will wait for the month to pass."

Although Zhong Yixuan didn't know why Shen Yu'an did this, but she had no choice, she didn't want Shen Yu'an's attitude towards her to be messed up by herself just after a little improvement.

She believed that Shen Yu'an loved her. Three years ago, he had a chance to catch her, but he chose to let him go away.He couldn't bear to hurt himself.

Thinking of this, Zhong Yixuan chose to trust Shen Yu'an, and nodded heavily: "Okay, this month, I will not disturb you. No matter what you have to deal with this month, I will wait for you. An, thank you for your return." Willing to forgive me."

Shen Yu'an reached out and touched Zhong Yixuan's face, and then kissed her on the forehead: "I hated you, I really hated you, I thought I could forget about you, but the last time you called All the strength I had pretended to be was gone."

Hearing Shen Yu'an's words, Zhong Yixuan was so touched that she couldn't describe it. She had been thinking about this man for three years, but she never dared to go back to him. She would rather bear the pain by herself. Now the choice to muster up the courage to come back was indeed the right one.

He really still loves himself.

(End of this chapter)

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