Reborn 1990 The Good Wife

Chapter 799 regret

Chapter 799 regret

"Uncle, I'm here to see you." Zhou Xingguo put gifts such as supplements by the bedside.

Today's Zhou Xingguo has changed a lot.

He cut his hair short, fully exposed his facial features, his teeth are white, and his skin is much whiter than before. Because he has been with Zhong Ming and seen the world, he no longer has the submissive, generous, and firm eyes. Standing in front of Tang Bangguo.

Tang Bangguo didn't recognize him for a while: "You are?"

"Dad, don't you know him? He is Zhou Xingguo!"

Zhou Xingguo always remembered Tang Huan's kindness, and after learning that Tang Bangguo was hospitalized, he wanted to visit him.

Tang Huan remembered that Tang Bangguo liked Zhou Xingguo very much, so he agreed after thinking about it.

"Xingguo? Is it really you?" Tang Bangguo didn't expect to see Zhou Xingguo again, it was a surprise.

"Where have you been all these years? Did you marry a wife?" Tang Bangguo felt sorry for Zhou Xingguo.

It was Tang Le who failed him.

He didn't teach his daughter well.

"I went to a jewelry company to learn my skills, and now I'm a senior technician in Ruyi Jewelry." Zhou Xingguo scratched the back of his head and smiled innocently: "Now many girls in the factory like me, and I'm picking them out."

"Good boy!" Tang Bangguo patted his arm happily: "Choose carefully, choose a good one."

"I know, this time I will definitely pick someone to live with."

As soon as the words came out, Tang Bangguo's expression was a bit unnatural. Zhou Xingguo knew that he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly wanted to make amends. Unexpectedly, Tang Bangguo patted him on the shoulder and said: "You are right, to marry a wife is to marry someone who can live a good life."

Zhou Xingguo didn't dare to answer, fearing that he might make a mistake again, so he just laughed.

Tang Le was shocked when he heard it outside.

Was that person Zhou Xingguo just now?He is now a senior technician?Still working for Ruyi Jewelry?

Tang Le would not have believed it if he hadn't heard it with his own ears, it was too shocking.

At the same time, her heart was spinning rapidly.

Now that Zhou Xingguo has a skill, he can open a shop or work part-time in the future. No matter what, he can live comfortably.

Now he must have 7000 yuan, right?

There may be other subsidies too!

Although not very rich and powerful, but also live a carefree life.

Tang Le was moved.

All the men she came into contact with in the clubhouse were old men, and there were no young ones at all.

Occasionally there are young people who come here purely for fun, and they don't look down on them at all, let alone someone who was married once and owed debts.

Someone like Zhou Xingguo is the most suitable for her!

There is not much money, people are okay, and life is worry-free.

After staying in the happy place for a long time, Tang Le has also become realistic, no longer aiming too high, just want to grab the high-quality stocks around him.

Do whatever you want, Tang Le tidied up his clothes and walked in.

The ward became silent for a moment.

"Sorry, I left something here." Tang Le said calmly in response to everyone's different gazes.

Her gaze was fixed on Zhou Xingguo: "You are Xingguo? Where have you been all these years? I miss you so much?"

"What's wrong with you? Let's find it for you?" Zhou Xingguo changed the subject in embarrassment.

"I left you behind." Tang Le looked up at him straightly: "I've been thinking about you all these years, do you miss me?"

"Back then you were very firm in retiring the engagement, have you forgotten?" He remembered it very clearly.

Tang Le: "...I was angry at the time, and you didn't coax me!"


(End of this chapter)

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