Reborn 1990 The Good Wife

Chapter 480 Chapter 491: Abuse

Chapter 480 Chapter 491: Abuse

She only wanted to injure him, not kill him.

She tied the three together and went downstairs to order a meal.

When I came back, I saw the three of them trying to find a way to untie them.

"If I were you, I wouldn't bother struggling." Tang Huan put the food on the table: "Didn't you realize that the more you struggle, the tighter the rope is tied?"

Tang Huan didn't need their answers, and continued to say, "Because I tied a double-loop knot. I don't know if you have heard of it. It is used to tie pigs in the countryside."

Three people: "..." Please don't say thank you.

Tang Huan ordered three dishes, pan-fried octopus, steamed pork ribs and vegetable soup.

After opening the lunch box, she sat down in front of several people and started eating.

The smell of food penetrated into the nostrils of several people.

When they didn't smell it, they didn't feel hungry, but when they smelled it, they felt really hungry!

"Gulu." Several people swallowed involuntarily.

The three of them had made an appointment to have dinner, but they didn't expect such an accident to happen.

In the end, the beauty didn't sleep, and she didn't even have a meal.

The other two started to complain about Quan Zi, but it was too late.

"Tell me, what are you doing there?" Tang Huan picked up a piece of hairtail and said.

The octopus is fried until golden, and the outermost layer becomes crispy. Take a bite... the mouth is full of fragrance.

"Gulu." The three of them swallowed their saliva more frequently.

They all looked at Tang Huan anxiously, with an expression of waiting to be fed.

"Want to eat?" Tang Huan put the octopus under the eyes of several people.

The three stretched their heads, and before they could eat, the fish went into Tang Huan's mouth.

"If you want to eat, tell me what I know." What the hell do they do?

The willpower of the three of them is still very firm, if they don't say anything, they don't say anything.

Tang Huan didn't force them either, she deliberately ate slowly.

The fragrant fried hairtail and the ribs retain the most original taste of the food. If you are tired of eating meat, take another sip of vegetable soup.

The three finally closed their eyes.

But don't look, the nose and ears are more sensitive, in addition to smelling the smell of food, they also have to listen to the sound of Tang Huan eating.

Just by listening to it, one can imagine how delicious the food is, let alone smell it.

When the three of them felt that they couldn't hold on anymore, Tang Huan finished eating at noon.

She didn't tidy it up either, and rummaged through the house.

The house was clean and nothing was found.

They wouldn't be so stupid as to leave evidence in the house.

If there are big fish, they all move immediately.

The reason why Tang Huan is special is entirely due to their lust!

Tang Huan, who had nothing to gain, took out his knife again: "Do you want to talk? If you don't, I'll cut off your tongues."

They didn't believe she had the guts.

"Okay, I'll let you see the blood again." Tang Huan wrapped his hands in a plastic bag, and then punched Quanzi in the stomach. Quanzi cried out in pain...

The moment he opened his mouth, Tang Huan's knife edged across his tongue.

Tang Huan had just learned the structure of the oral cavity recently, knowing the connection between the tongue and human organs, so she deliberately cut off the tip of her tongue where it connects with the heart.

Quanzi yelled in pain, his voice almost broke.

"Don't shout so loudly, or the neighbors will be attracted, and the neighbors are enthusiastic, what should I do if I call the police for you?"

Yes, that's right, call the police.

They would rather go to the police station than be abused by her.

(End of this chapter)

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