Reborn 1990 The Good Wife

Chapter 272 Results

Chapter 272 Results
Want to go to university?

She thinks beautifully!

Not only was Tang Le plotting, but someone was also staring at her on the other side.

Taking advantage of his position, Father Lin found out Tang Huan's score immediately.

Except for five points deducted for Chinese, all other subjects have full marks.

It's just perverted.

His expression was as ugly as if he was wearing a cuckold.

"Dad, did you find out?" Lin Xuejuan waited outside the study, but she couldn't help but ran in after she didn't get any news.

Father Lin gave her a cold look, his eyes were like knives, with no emotion, it made my heart tremble!

Lin Xuejuan was horrified and stood there without daring to move.

Father Lin checked Lin Xuejuan's grades by the way, and after hearing the numbers broadcast by the other party, his expression changed from early winter to cold winter.

Lin Xuejuan had never seen such an ugly expression on his face, and she didn't know what the person on the phone said to him.

"Dad, are you okay?" Lin Xuejuan asked cautiously as soon as Dad Lin hung up the phone.

"You look at your score? Then look at other people's scores?" Father Lin threw two pieces of paper in front of Lin Xuejuan.

It recorded her and Tang Huan's scores respectively.

Seeing Tang Huan's blinding achievements, Lin Xuejuan's eyes turned red with jealousy.

It's not that she never thought of catching up with her, but no matter how hard she tried and how studious she was, she couldn't compare to Tang Huan.

I don’t know how many tutors I changed, how many reference books I bought, and I always guess the test questions before every exam, but the grades just don’t improve.

"Dad, I tried my best." Lin Xuejuan said in a low voice.

She didn't complain that he made her so stupid, but he had the nerve to despise her?

My own daughter, I know it, and Dad Lin's face brightened a bit: "I have asked someone to swap your grades with hers, you should think about what university you want to go to!"

With Tang Huan's grades, what kind of school would he want to go to?

Papa Lin was heartbroken again.

"Will someone find out?" Lin Xuejuan was worried.

After all, it is a little girl, facing such a big event, it is inevitable to worry and fear.

If it is exposed, her family will be over, not only will his position be removed, but she will also go to jail.

"The results haven't been announced yet, how can I check?" He stopped the trouble from the source.

"Tang Huan will guess it?" She is so smart.

"So what if I guess?" Does she have evidence?

Even if she knew, she couldn't find out!
Her father sells barbecue, and her stepmother is an ordinary factory worker with an ordinary family background and no connections.

"Dad, you are right." Lin Xuejuan felt relieved.

She was ready to go happily.

Tang Huan still doesn't know about Papa Lin's showmanship.

Gu Hansheng knew it.

It turned out that Gu Hansheng deliberately asked his friends in the bureau to help him pay attention, and Tang Huan would tell him as soon as Tang Huan's grades came out.

It was rare for Gu Han to open his mouth, and the other party naturally agreed, and at the same time gave instructions to the people below.

The other party is at least a leader, so many people want to curry favor with him, and if he doesn't need it himself, most people will help him to keep an eye on him.

Almost as soon as Tang Huan's grades came out, someone told him.

Just as the other party was about to tell Gu Hansheng, Tang Huan's grades changed.

It changes as soon as it is refreshed!
"Could it be a mistake?" One person's eyes widened.

"It's too dramatic." If it was wrong, it was too wrong.

The man felt something was wrong and immediately called Gu Hansheng.

Gu Hansheng just came back from training, sweating profusely, pushed open the door of the dormitory, and before he had time to take a shower, the phone rang.

(End of this chapter)

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