689 Chapter 690, exile

Some people are guessing whether the emperor's coma is a game, for example, Nan Jin.

When the news came, the sky was just slightly bright, and the husband and wife were still lying on the couch together.

It is not necessary for the husband and wife to do this kind of thing by themselves.

"Is it such a coincidence that the emperor woke up? Could it be that it has been planned for a long time?"

It's no wonder Nan Jin was suspicious, after all, she had planned to sue Hu Zhengwen for a long time, and she kept holding back to pick a good time.

"The emperor is very suspicious and extremely heavy on power. The seventh prince and the crown prince have been fighting fiercely in the past few months. It must have violated his taboo, so he thought of such a once-and-for-all solution."

"That's not right, what if the Seventh Prince and the Crown Prince didn't mean that?"

"How do you know that this is not the result of being secretly promoted."

Gu Xiuran's words made Nan Jin silent for a while, and felt that the emperor was thinking extremely deeply, "Is the prince all right?"

"The prince is calmer than the seventh prince, and the prince's health is not good, and his life is not long. It doesn't make much sense to deal with it or not, but the grandson is still young, so there is nothing to fear."

This is really a heavy topic. Thinking about it again, what is it for someone who can plot against her own son to plot against her father? However, "If such a person becomes an emperor, the country will end sooner or later, and courtiers are not all fools. To die for such a man."

For the courtiers, whoever is the emperor is the same, but if it is an emperor who is too selfish, then it will not work. After all, no one wants to die without knowing it.

"So he wants to finish. After he shows all his dark side, being overthrown is what everyone expects."

The overthrow and suppression by force is far less effective than the expected push.

Gu Xiuran's words made Nan Jin fully understand what he was doing these days, and it made sense.

She has a very small heart, and she wants to avenge her father, even if she is still alive in this life, she must take revenge. After all, it is not always possible to evade the past like this. If a person wants to die alone, he will use all his organs and never give up. Since it is impossible to guard against it once and for all.

"The emperor woke up. I participated in such a kick and gave the seventh prince and the prince a reason for the conflict. The emperor should not just shelve this matter, and I don't intend to give up. His order is to quarrel and exile, but Hu Zhengwen It is a capital crime, you must die, and declare death to the world."

"Wait and see, I will not let Hu Zhengwen leave the capital city alive."



Three days is the rest of the emperor, and also the rest of the capital city.

Three days later, he went to the first early court after the palace change.

The bluestone slabs paved on the palace road were as clean as ever, but the officials who passed by still felt that they were covered with blood.

Everyone came to the Golden Luan Hall tremblingly. They felt that life or death depended on the morning court today.

Nan Jin also came to court today. She will never let go of Hu Zhengwen's affairs. She has no arrows to turn back. She wants to nail Hu Zhengwen to death in the capital city. If the emperor wants to protect him, he will have to pay the price.

She's been in the nest for long enough, and it's time to move. She doesn't want to make out with her husband all day long like an affair.

The emperor appeared, whipped his whip, and all officials knelt down to worship.

Nan Jin was a general of the first rank, so he was standing in front of the general. The emperor saw her almost immediately, but he just took a look, and then waved his hand to let everyone flatten down, and then sat down on the dragon chair.

The courtier Xie En got up and retreated to the sides, no one dared to speak out, and whoever made a sound at this time was an early bird.

However, this is only the scruples of the courtiers, not Nan Jin's scruples.

As soon as the crowd retreated to one side, Nan Jin stood in the middle again and saluted the emperor, "I sue Hu Zhengwen for collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country and harming the loyal and good. I beg your Majesty to make the decision for me."

Hu Zhengwen participated in the treason and was sentenced to confiscation of his home and exile. Another person felt that this was enough, and it was easy to kill him, so there was no need to do so. But that was another person, not Nan Jin.

Moreover, Hu Zhengwen was instigated by someone, so it wasn't just Hu Zhengwen who wanted to kill him.

The emperor didn't speak immediately, but looked at Nan Jin deeply for a while.

As a woman, Nan Jin was despised from the very beginning, but it happened that this person who was despised by everyone did such a big thing silently, and chose a critical moment to do this thing. Things exploded.

Not to mention whether the timing of Nan Jin's revelation of this incident was deliberate or not, but Nan Jin has found so much evidence that this incident is enough to attract his attention.

Although he felt that even if Nan Jin found out that it was related to him, he could not do anything to him, but such a person must not be kept, but it is not so easy to kill him. After all, Nan Ling died for the country, and Nan Jin still called for injustice. , Now that he is dead, it has been properly verified.

"I have heard about this matter, and I will let the Criminal Ministry and Dali Temple work together to investigate this matter. Hu Zhengwen has been sentenced to exile and ransacked his home by following the Seventh Prince's treason. If this is true, I will strengthen his punishment .”

Nan Jin knew that there would be no results, and her purpose was to get the emperor to agree to check. As long as the check was done, other things could be involved, and that was enough.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After thanking her, Nan Jin stepped back.

Nan Jin withdrew, and the emperor didn't bother with her anymore. Nan Jin's affairs were not in a hurry, and what was to be dealt with now was the matter of Lao Qi's treason.

"The old seven conspired against him and killed him all the way to my bedroom. I betrayed him and exiled him. What do you think?"

Everything is a foregone conclusion, what else can the courtiers do?Just hope it doesn't drag yourself down.

At this time, not to mention the Seventh Prince's people, even the Prince's people dare not move. Although it is a good opportunity to make trouble, the emperor is obviously angry. Standing in line at this time is simply courting death.

The emperor saw that everyone had nothing to say, so he directly but acquiesced.

"That being the case, the Ministry of War will send someone to escort the Seventh Prince to Chaozhou in three days' time..."

The emperor directly announced the punishments he had prepared one by one, and also announced the tasks to everyone.

Those who can appear in the court at this time, at least they did not clearly stand in line with the seventh prince that day. The emperor cannot kill all the courtiers, so who else will work for him, but they must be beaten to let them know who is the real one. master.

The emperor announced the punishment for those who participated in the treason. When it came to Hu Zhengwen, "Hu Zhengwen was involved in Nanling's death. The Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple must work together to find out what Hu Zhengwen did within three days."

Three days is relatively short, but Nan Jin has provided evidence, so it is not difficult to find out.

The difficulty is that this matter is not easy to handle.

"Minister obeys the order." It has nothing to do with the emperor whether it is good or not. The emperor gave an order, and the courtiers had to accept the order. The Dali Temple Minister and the Minister of the Ministry of Justice came out to receive the order at the same time.

Logically speaking, it should be over here, but this is only on the surface, and the emperor will never allow some people to get away with it.

At that moment, the emperor named a few people standing in the court and sent them to confiscate their homes and dismiss them. Although they were not exiled, their homes were confiscated after losing their official positions. It was really no better than exile.

(End of this chapter)

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