Raise a wolf cub to be a minister

Chapter 633 Chapter 633

Chapter 633 Chapter 633

Five years ago, he was still young and was dismissed. Five years later, he was already weak, and there was no reason to strip him back anyway.

Zhao Yuanzhe's appearance was both expected and unexpected.

It is expected that everyone knows that he likes to fight and kill, and he yearns for the military camp, but what is unexpected is that he, a prince, also asks for orders to go to this battlefield of life and death.

However, it was immediately rejected. You must know that if this battle fails, then forget it. If it succeeds, it means that you have seized military power. Neither the Seventh Princeling Party nor the Princeling Party can agree to it.

"I don't think so. The Ninth Prince is still young and has no experience. The battlefield is not a child's play. I implore Your Majesty to think twice."

"The minister seconded the proposal, the Ninth Prince has never participated in any formal military training, how can he lead the army? This is irresponsible to the soldiers."

"My minister agrees."

"My minister agrees."

There were voices of opposition one after another, but none of them agreed.

After the clatter of objections finished, Zhao Yuanzhe spoke again slowly.

"Father, my son just asked to go to war. I never said I would be the main force, nor did I say I would be a general. I just want to exercise because of the military camp. I promise not to interfere with any decisions of the main general. My son It’s just to study and exercise, I implore my father for permission.”

These few words of Zhao Yuanzhe slapped the faces of those who just objected, but made them dare not say anything.

"Isn't the father admonishing the son all day long, saying that the son has nothing to do, the son wants to do something now, and please let the father do it. The seventh brother has gone to relieve the disaster, and the son is one year younger than the seventh brother. If you continue to play like this If you go down, you will be laughed at, and I implore Father and Emperor to fulfill your wish."

Zhao Yuanzhe brought out the Seventh Prince for comparison, intending to persuade the emperor.

This time, no one said anything. These words made sense, and with the slap in the face just now, what did they want to say?Would you like to bring the other half of your face closer and let Zhao Yuanzhe slap him?
"The generals who are going to the frontier, all the loves, can you think about it?" The emperor ignored Zhao Yuanzhe and said this after watching it for a long time.

All the officials looked at me and I looked at you, and finally began to come forward to give advice.

"I think General Nan is the most suitable. Although General Nan has not been in the frontier for more than ten years, General Nan is an experienced veteran after all."

"I recommend General Li. General Li is young, promising and brave."

"I invite you to fight."

The quiet courtroom became noisy again, some recommended others, and some self-recommended, you said to me, it was so lively.

There were also some people who stood there quietly as if they were outsiders, such as Nan Ling, or Zhao Yuanzhe who was kneeling there to plead for orders and was ignored.

My personal speech is to express my own opinion, I have said everything that needs to be said, and then there is nothing to say, and everyone is quiet.

After quieting down, the emperor said, "Nan Ling." He called Nan Ling's name again.

"The minister is here."

"All the lovers have a very high voice for you. If I ordered you to lead the army and horses to the frontier to help the frontier, what would you do?"

"Your Majesty ordered the officials to go through fire and water to die." Nan Ling did not express his own wishes, but directly agreed to the emperor's words. It was an answer, but it was not an answer, but there was nothing wrong with it.

The emperor's eyes darkened, but he didn't make any criticisms. After all, the matter was imminent and could not be delayed.

"Since this is the case, at the request of all my lovers, I will order you to be the main general and lead the troops to the frontier, vowing to drive Jiang Guo out of the country."

"The minister obeys the order."

"I will appoint Hu Zhengwen and Li Xiao as lieutenant generals to assist Nanling to go to the frontier."

The two people who were named immediately came out to take orders, "I obey the order."

"Ninth Prince Zhao Yuanzhe has the heart to learn, so I will designate you as a young general to follow the army. You must not act recklessly, and you must obey the military orders."

When Zhao Yuanzhe, who had been kneeling, heard this, his eyes lit up, "I obey the order." He responded very quickly, fearing that Zhao Xiong would take back his words if he was too late.

"I implore Your Majesty to allow Nan Jin, the deputy commander of the imperial army, to follow the army as a young general to learn to fight on the frontier." The emperor granted Zhao Yuanzhe the front foot, and Nan Ling proposed Nan Jin to follow the rear foot.

Compared to Zhao Yuanzhe, Nan Jin had more experience in fighting water bandits in Youzhou for five years than Zhao Yuanzhe. Even Zhao Yuanzhe has gone, so there is no reason not to let Nan Jin go.

If someone else said that, the emperor would not grant permission, but Nan Ling spoke up in person, so he had to agree, mainly because there was an emperor's plan in it.

"I agree." The emperor did not wait for anyone to stand up and object, and directly agreed.

"Thank you, Lord Long En." Nan Ling thanked him.

At this point, the team heading to the frontier is set.

Afterwards, the emperor negotiated some details with the officials, set a date for the expedition two days later, and dispersed the court.


The imperial decree has been issued, Feng Qingyue doesn't know that Nan Jin is going to go to war, she also knows that Nan Jin is going to go to war, her husband and daughter are both going to go to war, this blow to Feng Qingyue is really not ordinary.

Especially knowing that Nan Jin's expedition was personally requested by Nan Ling, Feng Qingyue couldn't accept it.

"Nuan stayed in the capital well, how long have you been back, and you are cruel enough to let the child be separated from me, you..." Feng Qingyue stared at Nanling angrily, so angry that she couldn't even speak.

"Mom, it's not my father's fault, I asked for my order to go." Nan Jin explained while helping Feng Qingyue to pat his back to calm down.

Yesterday, I didn't say anything, I just wanted to cut it first and play it later. The imperial decree came down, and even if her mother objected, it would be invalid.

It wasn't that she deliberately went against her mother's wishes, but that she had to go this time, and she felt uneasy if she didn't go.

"Mom, I'm not young anymore, I don't want to stay in this capital city all day and be a golden bird, I want to be an eagle soaring in the sky."

She went to the frontier not only because of her father, but also because of this reason. She yearned for it before flying, but now that she has flown, she yearns for it even more.

"Mother, this capital city is a prison. I want to see the scenery of the frontier. I want to see the place where my father grew up. If I lived there since I was a child, I think I must be a fierce horse on the grassland." , the eagle under the fierce sky."

The longing in Nan Jin's eyes was real.

Nan Jin's sincere words made Feng Qingyue not angry at all suddenly, she didn't know if she was angry or not, but she felt distressed, because what Nan Jin said was right, this capital city is a cage, her daughter should be The fierce horse on the grassland, the eagle under the fierce sky.

"Okay, you go, you must protect yourself, mother is waiting for you at home."

"Thank you, mother." Nan Jin hugged Feng Qingyue tightly.

And Nan Jin's words not only moved Feng Qingyue, but also moved Nan Ling. He thought about whether he should have returned to this capital city back then, but when he saw Feng Qingyue, he didn't regret it. If he didn't come back , How could he meet her.


Two days later, the North City Gate.

(End of this chapter)

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