Chapter 173
On the very beautiful day before leaving, Qiao Anming packed his luggage and walked out of the bedroom. Du Ruo had already changed into the clothes he had when he came.

"Are you going?"

"Well, of course, let's go now." She still has a childish temper, although she knows that her temper is somewhat unreasonable.

Qiao Anming saw that she was venting her anger, but she was useless. He didn't want to let her hold back her grievances, so he put down his airs and tried to coax her.

"Okay, my tone is a little more serious, really serious? I will leave in a while, and I can stay with you for a few hours. I will come back and talk to you slowly about the child. Don't be angry. What gift do you want? I will I'll buy it for you."

He is not very good at coaxing women with such a sweet tone, but he is forced to a certain extent, no matter how hard a rock is, he has to be subdued.

In fact, where Du Ruo was really angry, she just put on a face, since Uncle Qiao had given in, of course she had to roll down the steps.

"Okay, for the sake of your willingness to bring me a gift, I'll forgive you once." Du Mei was very thick-skinned, and the air of "reluctantly accepting his apology" was well placed.

Qiao Anming pampered her and went to scratch her nose again.

"It's really not promising, tell me, what gift do you want?"

"Whatever, you can figure it out."

"Okay, then I'll buy whatever I want." He lowered his head to sort out the documents and materials needed for the business trip, and Du Ruo chased after him and shouted, "You can't just buy me a gift casually, how can you just buy me a gift casually!"


So this is a woman, a woman in love, a woman with zero IQ, a woman who is completely insane and insane.

On the evening flight, Du Ruo sent Qiao Anming to the airport, and then accompanied him to have a light meal at the airport before leaving.

On the way back to Mount Wumu, Xiao Zhang drove the car, peeking at Du Ruo's expression in the back seat from the rearview mirror from time to time.When entering the security check just now, Qiao Anming was so reluctant to part with Du Ruo. Although his expression was not too obvious, the tenderness in his eyes was so strong that Xiao Zhang had never seen with Qiao Anming for so many years.

The position of personal driver is actually the closest to the boss.

Xiao Zhang often spends a lot of time alone with Qiao Anming, so the boss's years of struggle, exhaustion and tenacity all fall into his eyes.

In Xiao Zhang's memory, the boss seldom smiles, and always has a calm face, serious and calm, but since he was with Du Ruo, he often saw the boss smiling while reading the text message, and heard him When calling Du Ruo, his tone was so gentle that he couldn't believe it.

It turns out that love really has the magic power to make everything bloom. Even a restrained man like Qiao Anming, when he meets a woman he loves, his mind will be as soft as a sponge, and sometimes he even looks like a sweet and sweet young man at first love.

Qiao Anming boarded the plane, but before it took off, she was still worried, so she took out her mobile phone and called Du Ruo.

"Hey, it's me."

"Why did you call me again just after leaving, can't bear it?"

Qiao Anming lowered his head, and smiled slightly in a calm voice: "Yes, if you feel reluctant, then you can. I want to say sorry to you again, for my tone in the afternoon."

"Here again, okay, I'm not angry anymore. I won't raise children with you again." Although Du Ruo deliberately pretended to be calm, he could still hear the feeling of loneliness.

Qiao Anming was stunned for a moment, and said "Mmm" in a low voice: "Actually, I don't completely reject children, but I just don't want you to be wronged in this matter."

Du Ruo shook his head: "I don't understand."

Qiao Anming smiled helplessly: "You don't need to understand. I know that I may be a little rude about the child, but I don't want us to have trouble because of this, and I don't want it in the future."

"Oh..." Du Ruoruo nodded again with some understanding!

Qiao Anming hung up the phone, and the voice of the stewardess asking the passengers to turn off the phone rang in his ears.

He called Du Ruo before he flew, not because of apology, but because of anxiety.

A few days ago when Ren Peiyin came to Tongcheng, she suddenly asked Du Ruo to give birth to the Qiao family. Although he refused decisively at the time, he was still worried.Ren Peiyin can even find a woman to be a surrogate, so what else is she afraid to do?

Qiao Anming didn't know what would happen in the future, but he didn't want Du Ruo to suffer any harm, not even a little harm.

Du Ruo put away the phone, with emotions still on his face, half joyful.With her emotional intelligence, she would never understand the real reason why Qiao Anming didn't want a child, so she had a vague feeling that Qiao Anming's refusal of the topic of children was simply because she didn't want to be tied down.

Gu Lan sent Jiang Lei the mobile phone number that he wrote down that day, and Jiang Lei wrote back soon.

"Sister, I found out the phone number you asked me to look up. It belongs to Tongcheng, and the owner's name is Du Ruo..."

"Du Ruo?" Gu Lan twisted these two words on the tip of his tongue, and uttered them astringently, his heart constricted a little, and it hurt dryly.Although he has never met this woman, he only needs to know a name, and he has unreasonable hostility towards her.

She and Qiao Anming have been married for so many years, and they have always enjoyed the exclusive favor. Now a woman suddenly appeared and tried to share the favor. How could she not care.

Jiang Lei held the phone, quietly waiting for Gu Lan to continue.

At the last training meeting, he saw Du Ruo getting into Qiao Anming's car at the entrance of the hotel. At that time, he had already guessed the relationship between the two of them, but he didn't go into it. Now Gu Lan suddenly came to him with Du Ruo's number. Check, he immediately understood that it seemed that something had happened, but he had to pretend to be ignorant. After all, Gu Lan didn't care about the company, and Qiao Anming was his boss. The enemy and friend were unknown, so he could only take a neutral position .

"Jiang Lei, is this Du Ruo an employee of Shengan?"

"That's right, a salesman from the Wumushan Traditional Chinese Medicine Base, she was included in the last training meeting, and she was the youngest and only woman on the training list."

" seems that he is highly valued by the headquarters, isn't it?" Gu Lan smiled coldly and said to himself.

Jiang Lei didn't answer, Gu Lan's tone was already obvious, it seemed that she knew Qiao Anming's relationship with her.

"Is she still at the base now? Can you find a way to get me a picture of her."

"Photo? What do you want her photo for?" Jiang Lei pretended to be very similar, looking very surprised.

Gu Lan didn't hide it, but she didn't confess it either, just perfunctory: "If you tell me to do it, do it, why are there so many!"

"Okay, I'll go to the personnel department to check her file, and I'll send you an email when the time comes."

"Okay, but I want you to investigate Du Ruo's matter, so don't mention it to An Ming."

Jiang Lei paused, and only replied a few words: "Well, I understand, don't mention it."

Soon Jiang Lei sent Du Ruo's file to Gu Lan's mailbox, she read it once, and the corners of her mouth slowly sank.

25 years old, native of Xuancheng, working in Tongcheng after graduation, currently single, transferred to the base a few months ago... Gu Lan only has so much personal information to extract.

There is a ID photo of Du Ruo in the corner, which is small in size and only has a rough outline of facial features, but even if it is only the outline, it can still be seen that the girl is beautiful.

Gu Lan walked into the bathroom with the papers in hand. There was a large mirror, and in the mirror was her pale and thin face.

Gu Lan stretched out her hand to caress her face, because of long-term medication, her skin has long been not very good, and when a woman reaches a certain age, her youth is gone, her face is old, and she is not as full of vigor as a girl.

Only 25 years old, so young!
Gu Lan took out her mobile phone, looked at the photo of her and Qiao Anming on the screen, and couldn't help but think coldly, Qiao Anming, you have guarded for most of your life, and at this age, you are still not immune.

It was already midnight when Qiao Anming got off the plane. When he turned on his phone, there was a text message from Gu Lan. He waited at the luggage counter to pick up his luggage, so he took the time to call Gu Lan.

In fact, Gu Lan didn't sleep at all at that time, how could he sleep?Her sky was about to collapse, she still had no intention of sleeping, but when she picked up the phone, she still pretended to speak in a sleepy voice.

"...An Ming?...Why did you call me in the middle of the night?"

"I just got off the plane and saw you called me. I was afraid that you had something to do, so I went back. Sleep? Or I will call you tomorrow."

"Well, I fell asleep, but I'm awake now..." Gu Lan deliberately yawned, stood up from the tatami, walked to the window, and gently opened the curtains. The downstairs of the bedroom is the garden of the main building, a large area of ​​dark green Under the pale light of the floor lamp, the lawn was dark and gloomy.

"Then can you call me?"

"It's nothing. I just remembered that you're going on a business trip to another province today, so I'll call you and ask."

"Well, you have to stay here for nearly two weeks. Take care of your health and take your medicine on time. I will call you." Qiao Anming felt a little guilty. Every time he went on a business trip before, no matter how far or how many days he went, he would be there Before boarding the plane, I called Gu Lan again, but this time I completely forgot about it.

But since he forgot, it doesn't mean that Gu Lan will forget, so it was like a thorn swallowed in her heart, which stung her with pain.

"An Ming..." She called his name again, with an undeniable sadness in her tone.

On the flight Qiao Anming was on, the luggage had already arrived, and a group of people were waiting to pick up the luggage beside the conveyor belt, but Qiao Anming was standing behind the crowd, startled by Gu Lan's unreasonable call.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that I don't see you for too many days, I miss you very much, hehe..."

Qiao Anming's head hurts a little. He knows that Gu Lan is actually very clingy. He has been with her for so many years. Although he tried his best to be perfect for her, he understands that his feelings for her are more responsible than love. Now that Du Ruo is here, I owe her another debt in my heart.

"Hang up if you have nothing to do, it's too late, don't sleep well and have a headache tomorrow."

"Well, sleep, you take care of yourself in other places." Gu Lan said a little too much, and before hanging up the phone, he suddenly added: "By the way, An Ming, the heart in Tongcheng that I mentioned to you last time The sick child, the operation has been completed, and she was transferred to Tongcheng Hospital. Her grandma called me a few days ago, and the little guy asked to see me. I will take time to see him in the next few days. Would you like it? ?”

Qiao Anming had already taken his suitcase and dragged it towards the exit of the terminal building.

"Okay, the weather is nice these days, you can also take this opportunity to go out and relax."

"Well, then you should go to the hotel to rest early and hang up." Gu Lan seemed to smile at the end of her speech. Qiao Anming felt that she was in a good mood, so she hung up the phone with peace of mind.

Gu Lan still held the phone, listening to the "beep" sound coming from the other end.

He got used to hanging up on her first, he got used to not calling her before going on a business trip, maybe in the near future, he will get used to not coming back to this home.

The smile on the corner of Gu Lan's mouth quickly disappeared, she closed the curtains, and walked back to the tatami.

The bedroom has a large space, and the air feels too cold. She can only stand up and turn on the lights. From the crystal lamp, the floor lamp, the cabinet lamp to the bedside lamp, all of them are turned on. The colorful light shines on, and Gu Lan feels that The bedroom is not so empty.

After all, Gu Lan didn't sleep well that night. She woke up very early the next day, changed her clothes and was ready to go out.

Aunt Qin was coming out of the kitchen, when she saw Gu Lan walking towards the door, she hurried to catch up.

"Miss, why did you wake up so early today? Your breakfast hasn't been prepared in the kitchen yet."

"Don't eat, I'm going to eat outside, I have something to do." Gu Lan didn't stop walking, wrapped the silk scarf around her face, and hurried to the door.

After hearing what she said, Aunt Qin couldn't force her to do so. By the time she realized it, Gu Lan had already walked to the door and got into the car.

Is the sun coming out in the west today?Woke up so early?Aunt Qin shook her head, then went back to the kitchen and told the servants not to cook the lady's breakfast.

I made an appointment with Jiang Lei at COSTA near the Shengan Building.

Gu Lan arrived first, and took a look at the menu sent by the waiter. It was basically all coffee. She couldn't drink it, so she could only ask for a glass of water.

The surrounding area of ​​Sheng’an Building is full of high-end office buildings, so at 8 o’clock in the morning, many white-collar workers like to come here to have breakfast, a cake or a sandwich, plus a cup of freshly ground coffee, the beginning of a good morning, so at this moment in the COSTA store, It was crowded and there were no vacancies at all.

But Gu Lan actually had the nerve to order a glass of water to occupy such a good seat, the waiter's expression immediately became a little uneasy, and his smiling face sank slightly.

Gu Lan didn't know why the waiter was suddenly upset. Usually she seldom came out to eat, and even if she did, she would always be with Qiao Anming. How could she have received such treatment, so the waiter's face drooped, and Gu Lan felt a little timid.

"What's wrong? I want a glass of water, can't I?"

"Yes, but it's the peak time for dining, so miss, if you have to wait for someone, it may not be convenient for you to sit here. Our store has a sofa at the entrance, do you mind sitting on the sofa?"

Du Ruo was a little timid at first, but when he heard what the waiter said, his face darkened. He looked around again and asked coldly, "Why can they sit on the seats, but I have to sit on the sofa?"

In international chain coffee shops, the quality of the waiters is also somewhat guaranteed, so despite Du Ruo's bad tone, the waiters are still willing to explain patiently:
"It's like this, because they all ordered food, and there are no vacant seats in the store now, and there are still some customers queuing up at the door, so if you just wait for someone, it's the same as waiting on the sofa, what do you think?"

Gu Lan understood such a straightforward explanation.Look, she really is an idiot in life, leaving Qiao Anming, she can only be treated like this.

Gu Lan's gloomy face turned a little pale, and he took the menu from the waiter's hand again, and randomly clicked on it with his fingers: "I want this, this... and this..."

The waiter was surprised by Gu Lan's sudden action, with a smirk on his face, he quickly bowed to take the order, and apologized: "I'm sorry, wait a moment..."

The weather that day was very good, a large area of ​​sunlight shone into the store, surrounded by people drinking coffee and talking on the phone busy with breakfast, these people have a very full schedule, maybe they have to catch a meeting, maybe they have to meet A customer, anyway, the next 8 hours, absolutely busy and fulfilling.

But what about myself?Gu Lan closed her eyes, stared at the log table in front of her, and imagined that at this time, she should still be sleeping on the bed, then a cup of warm milk, and start the boring 8 hours day after day.

In the past, she felt that there was still something to look forward to in her life, at least there was Qiao Anming in her life, that was all she had, but now it seemed that the only thing she had was going to leave her. overcast down.

Jiang Lei came a bit late, his excuse was that the road was too heavy and he ran through two red lights before arriving.

Of course Gu Lan knew that his words were not very credible, but he didn't say much, and didn't speak until Jiang Lei finished ordering coffee.

"I called you out today because I need your help."

"Sister, look at what you said. I'm your younger brother. If you want me to do things, you can't just say a word!" Jiang Lei took the coffee handed over by the waiter, took a sip, and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter?" To call me out, it seems to be serious."

Gu Lan suddenly smiled bitterly, isn't this serious?For her, this matter has already fallen apart.

"It's nothing serious, I just want you to check someone for me." Gu Lan also spoke slowly, because she wanted to save face too much, so she definitely wouldn't show her panic and sadness on her face.

Jiang Lei let out a "hmm" and asked, "Who do you want me to check for you?"

"Du Ruo, that's the person in the photo you sent me last night. I want you to find out more about her background, family background, experience, and her daily itinerary at the Wumushan base, and you must do it quickly. , better give it to me tomorrow." After Gu Lan finished speaking, she leaned forward and added: "I asked you to check her affairs today, and you are not allowed to mention a word to anyone!"

When Gu Lan said these words, there was coldness in his eyes, and he was completely different from his usual weak and docile appearance.

Jiang Lei was startled, it seems that jealousy and hatred can really change a woman's nature.But he didn't know at all, maybe there was a ruthless root in Gu Lan's bones, but her life had always been smooth, and she was spoiled too much by Qiao Anming, so that ruthless root had been buried in the soil, now Du Ruo, Gu Lan The ruthlessness and hatred in my heart were unearthed little by little, and finally sprouted and grew into a big tree.

Jiang Lei's efficiency was very fast, and he really passed all the information about Du Ruo to Gu Lan the next day.

Gu Lan looked it over, and it was very detailed, from her background, family background, educational background, to her parents' jobs.

It seems that Du Ruo must have had a hard time before meeting Qiao Anming. He had a younger brother who had been sick for many years, and was divorced and abandoned by his ex-husband.

Gu Lan smiled coldly, "Qiao Anming, you have been so smart for half your life, but in the end you are willing to be the savior of a little girl. This girl is clearly interested in your money.

Gu Lan called Jiang Lei again.

"How credible is the information you just sent me?"

"100%, I hired a professional to check it out." Jiang Lei has been doing what Gu Lan told him dutifully, but he didn't show much interest in the reason behind this matter.Because after all, he is employed by Qiao Anming, and Qiao Anming is the master of Shengan. What he is doing now is to help Gu Lan expose Qiao Anming's old background, so Jiang Lei is somewhat panicked. Once Qiao Anming finds out, he will definitely be held accountable. Therefore, Jiang Lei can only maintain a neutral position.

"Why didn't you ask me, why did you ask this girl?" Gu Lan was somewhat suspicious of Jiang Lei's non-gossip attitude.

"Oh... What are you asking? It's your private matter. I can do my best to help you. It's just that sister, don't blame me for talking too much. Mr. Qiao has been very kind to you for so many years. For some things, just keep an open eye. It's easier to close one eye."

Gu Lan didn't answer his words, and quickly hung up the phone.

Open one eye, close one eye, perhaps this is the safest way to deal with many marriage cases, but this is not in line with Gu Lan's temperament, what she occupies can only belong to her, and if someone else touches it, she will definitely will not agree.

Since she was a child, she has always been a favorite, and the word "sharing" cannot possibly exist in her Gu Lan's world.

On Friday, it started to rain again. Tongcheng always feels soaked in rainwater when the seasons change, but today the rain is not heavy, pattering.

According to Du Ruo's habit, every Friday afternoon, she would take a car back to the urban area from Mount Wumu.

Gu Lan had calculated the time well. When she came out from Tongcheng Hospital to visit the child with a heart attack, it happened to be around 7 o'clock in the evening. According to Du Ruo's daily routine that Jiang Lei checked for her, at this hour, she should be leaving soon. Wu Mushan rushed to the city.

Standing in the hospital lobby, Gu Lan called Qiao Anming, and just explained that she had already visited the child, and was going to find a restaurant in front of the hospital for dinner, and then went back to Chongzhou with the driver's car.

Qiao Anming was convinced, and told Gu Lan to be careful on the way back.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Lan did not go to the hospital parking lot, but went out from the side door of the inpatient building of the hospital, took a taxi, and went directly to the residential area where Du Ruo rented.

Du Ruo took the bus from the bus station back to the rental house, and was on the phone with Zheng Xiaoran all the way.

Zheng Xiaoran seemed to have sent her a text message a few days ago, but she was with Qiao Anming at the time, so she didn't reply. When Du Ruo remembered this on the bus back to the city, she thought of calling Zheng Xiaoran back.

"Xiao Ran, you texted me a few nights ago, what's the matter?"

"No, no..." The voice on the other end sounded a little weak, and Du Ruo only thought it was because she was always going on missions in other places recently, and she was too tired to make her mentally weak.

"Are you too tired? It sounds like you're in a bad mood."

"Well, maybe..." Zheng Xiaoran lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling dryly.

"Then you should pay attention to rest yourself, don't always rush to go out on missions, are you going to be a model worker of the year?" Du Ruo teased a few more words, had already walked into the alley, and was about to hang up the phone, but saw a man Running from the other side of the alley in a panic, with a woman's handbag on her chest, her expression was flustered, and a woman was chasing after her, unable to drag her footsteps, she could only shout hoarsely: "Don't run, thief... bag!"

Depend on!This is halfway robbery!Du Ruo immediately overflowed with heroism, and said directly to Zheng Xiaoran on the other end of the phone: "I'll hang up first, I have something to do here!" Then he quickly put away the umbrella, and when the thief ran past her, Du Ruo immediately raised the umbrella handle in his hand and knocked it over. The man didn't expect someone to meddle in the roadside, and he lost his running pace for a while, and was knocked by Du Ruo's umbrella handle again, and fell on the spot. A dog ate shit, and the bag on his chest fell into the water.

He was about to crawl over to pick it up, but was snatched away by Du Ruo.

Seeing that Du Ruo had a tough expression on his face, and that the two of them were near the entrance of the road, the thief could only think he was unlucky, got up and ran across the road.Du Ruo still wanted to chase, but the woman behind him ran over weakly and shouted: "Don't chase, be careful."

Only then did Du Ruo stop in his tracks, but he continued to mutter: "Damn, let him go like this, won't it be too cheap for him?"

It's just that the panting sound of the woman next to her was a bit abnormal, heavy and rapid, and Du Ruo paid attention to it. Turning around, she found that the woman's face was already pale, with one hand covering her chest, and her words were broken: "Bag... just take it back. ...don' something out of the ordinary."

Du Ruo seemed to curse again before handing the bag in the woman's hand.

"It's wet in the water, it's worth a thousand dollars!" Du Ruo muttered softly.

The woman took the bag, glanced at Du Ruo, suppressed her shortness of breath, and thanked him: "Thank you!"

"No thanks, it's easy to do!" Fool Du didn't forget to laugh, picked up the umbrella on the ground, found that the woman's breathing was still very short, and asked, "Are you okay? You look very bad."

"It's okay...Maybe when I was chasing the thief just now, I ran...too fast."

"Oh..." Du Ruo didn't ask further, but kindly reminded: "You don't look like a person who lives here, you look like you are dressed like this, so hurry up, this place is a mess of fish and dragons, you can see that you are weak and easy to bully, you thief I like to attack people like you the most."

The woman nodded, took out a piece of paper from her bag and handed it to Du Ruo.

"What are you doing?"

"Leave me a contact information, you... help me get the bag back, I have to thank you..."

"Don't tell me, this is such a big deal, it makes me act bravely." Fool Du smiled innocently, but the woman insisted, Du Ruo could only leave a contact information on the paper she handed over, and quickly opened the umbrella , walked carelessly into the rain, and even his footsteps felt extraordinarily steady, as if he had a halo on the back of his head. The accompanying sentence scene dialogue is: "Doing good deeds without leaving a name, super awesome!"

But the woman behind her quickly put the pen and paper into her bag, her eyes darkened, and she kept standing in the rain.

Qiao Anming, is this the woman you betrayed me to infect?Although she has a bit of beauty, there is nothing good about it.

Gu Lan gave a sinister smile, took out the medicine from her bag, and swallowed it dryly, but her heart still hurt as if she was about to suffocate. I don't know if it was caused by the sprint after chasing the thief just now, or because she saw Du Ruo. This attempt to share with her The woman in the sky was in front of him just now, smiling at him, and snatching back the bag for him!What a crime!

When Gu Lan came to the place where Du Ruo lived, he didn't intend to get to know her, but he was suffocated and wanted to see her real appearance, but God's will was not forgiving, and he arranged such a bloody scene!

It's ridiculous that two people who were destined to be enemies should get to know each other in such a friendly way.

Gu Lan took out the umbrella from her bag, opened it, and walked slowly towards the road.

Du Ruo called Qiao Anming that night, and told him this paragraph very proudly.

"Hey...I did something brave today. I met a thief who snatched a woman's bag at the alley, and I snatched it back for her. Isn't it very brave?"

"You grab the bag for someone else?"

"Yeah, don't praise me too much, I'm just doing what I can." Du Ruo's mood was still immersed in the joy of helping others, but Qiao Anming's hair went wild there.

"Praise you? Do you know that it's dangerous to do so? If the other party doesn't give up, aren't you going to follow suit? Don't meddle in other people's business in the future!"

"You're nosy here, you haven't seen that woman's appearance, she's thin and weak, and instantly aroused my desire to protect!"

"I understand that you are doing the right thing morally, but this is really too dangerous. Don't allow it in the future. Don't let me worry about you!" Qiao Anming withdrew a little angry tone, feeling uneasy again, and added: "No, you The place where you live now is too complicated, the surrounding environment is not good, it is very inconvenient for you to be a girl alone, I will change the place for you when I go back!"

"I don't want it, I think my place is very good!" Du Ruo refused straight away. Although she knew that with her current relationship with Qiao Anming, she could enjoy the material treatment he bestowed with peace of mind, but she didn't want it because she had that damned backbone in her heart. I always feel that even if I do the things of a mistress, I shouldn't have the essence of a mistress, so she refuses Qiao Anming's material offerings. Although it is unreasonable, at least she feels more at ease.

But Fool Du didn't know at the time that the woman he helped a few hours ago was Qiao Anming's wife, and she was the culprit who caused her many sufferings since then!
Gu Lan returned to Chongzhou because of the rain, and fell ill that night. First he had a cold and cough, and then he had a high fever. Aunt Qin stayed by the bed all night. Doctor Qin also came and put Gu Lan on a drip, but her body temperature remained the same. stay high.

In fact, cold and fever are not serious illnesses for normal people, but it is different for Gu Lan.

She has been weak since she was a child and has heart disease, so once she catches a cold, the burden on her heart and lungs will increase, and it will easily develop into myocarditis. In addition, the high fever will not subside, the cold will not heal, and the condition will worsen, and then heart failure. A minor illness, for Gu Lan, can almost kill him at any time.

Aunt Qin was about to call Qiao Anming that night, but was stopped by Gu Lan.When she got sick before, she always hoped that Qiao Anming would be by her side, at least she had confidence in her heart, but this time, for some reason, she just didn't want him to know.

I just met Du Ruo a few hours ago, such a healthy woman who can run, jump, and snatch her bag back from the thief, but a few hours later I was bedridden, feeling the strength to speak a word nothing.

It's useless, Gu Lanwo sighed on the bed, hating her own miserable body from the bottom of her heart for the first time.

But Aunt Qin didn't understand this, so she secretly called Qiao Anming when it was almost dawn.

"Uncle...Uncle...You should come back quickly...Miss, sick."

Qiao Anming hadn't woken up at the time, and was startled by Aunt Qin's crying voice, and immediately got up from the bed.

"What's going on, Aunt Qin, tell me slowly, what's wrong with Gu Lan?"

"Miss went to Tongcheng during the day, maybe it was raining when she came back, and she started to have a fever and cough at night. Dr. Qin put two bottles of drips, but the fever still persists...Miss asked me to hide it from you, but I Seeing that her complexion has changed like that, I have no idea...I'm afraid something will happen, so my lord, no matter how busy you are, you should take time to come back..."


Qiao Anming hung up Aunt Qin's phone and couldn't sleep anymore, so she put on her clothes and got up to call Dr. Qin.

After all, Dr. Qin is a professional, and he has been Gu Lan's family doctor for so many years. He has seen people with much more serious situations than this time, so of course his tone is not as anxious as Aunt Qin's.

Actually, it's not as serious as what Aunt Qin said, it's just that Gu Lan's resistance is weak due to heart disease, so as long as the fever subsides, it should be fine to recuperate for a few days.

Qiao Anming changed the earliest flight to Chongzhou on the morning of the second day. In fact, the purpose of the business trip has not yet been achieved. The agreement that was almost reached was temporarily stranded because of Gu Lan's illness. He flew back like this, and all the itineraries for the next month had to be changed, but There is no way, he has to go back.

Xiao Zhang was already waiting to be picked up at the airport. As soon as Qiao Anming got in the car, he called Peng Yuchu and asked him to postpone all his schedules.

Xiao Zhang could see that the boss's complexion was very bad, so he took the opportunity to comfort him: "Mr. Qiao, Ma'am should be fine. When I came out to pick you up in the morning, Dr. Qin had already arrived..."

"Yeah." Qiao Anming nodded slightly, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Changing the itinerary without a plan like this, flying back overnight, exhausted physically and mentally, and this is not the first time such a big fight, Qiao Anming felt a little tired for no reason.

Xiao Zhang drove the car directly to the downstairs of the main building, and Qiao Anming walked into the building without even taking his luggage.

As soon as she entered the living room, she saw Dr. Qin coming down the stairs. Seeing Qiao Anming, she was also surprised: "Mr. Qiao, why are you back? Didn't you say you were on a business trip?"

"Aunt Qin called me at night, I'm worried. How is Gu Lan? Is there any problem?"

"Actually, you don't need to be too nervous. I think Aunt Qin is making a big fuss. I just put Gu Lan on the fever-reducing drip, and the fever should be gone in the afternoon. Since you are back, go up and be with her. Just now she was chanting And you."

Doctor Qin came down from upstairs, with a little smile, he pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

She started to work as the family doctor of Qiao's family more than ten years ago. At that time, she was just over 35 years old, but she was already an authority on the heart at that time. She was very popular in the medical field, so she would not be willing to condescend to be a family doctor.But Qiao Anming had to ask her by name, so he sent Peng Yuchu to invite her once, but was rejected by Doctor Qin on the spot. Qiao Anming didn't give up, and went to invite her with the gift himself, once and twice, and finally Dr. Qin was moved by Qiao Anming, so he signed the contract.

Unexpectedly, this family doctor has been working as a family doctor for more than ten years, watching Qiao Anming go higher and higher in the medical field, but his love for Gu Lan has been the same for ten years.

"Mr. Qiao, I've been a doctor for so many years, and I've seen too many disharmonious families. It's really rare for someone like you to be so attentive to his wife."

Doctor Qin doesn't talk much, and rarely praises others, but today he said a few more words because of his deep feelings.

Qiao Anming didn't dare to continue.

If he had said this before he knew Du Ruo, he could have readily accepted such praise, because he always felt that he had done enough and well enough to be worthy of the world, but what about now?
Qiao Anming shook his head, and just replied: "Dr. Qin, you're too much of an award. I'll ask Xiao Zhang to take you back."

"No, I drove here by myself, you can go up, if Gu Lan's fever persists in the afternoon, you can call me again."

"Okay." Qiao Anming watched Doctor Qin leave, and when he turned around, he saw Aunt Qin coming down the stairs. When he saw Qiao Anming, his eyes felt like tears were about to seep.

"Uncle, you are finally back, you scared me to death...Miss, the fever has not subsided..."

"Well, I've asked Dr. Qin, everything will be fine, you stayed with Gu Lan last night, go to rest too, I'll go up to accompany her."

"Then I'll be relieved when you come back. It doesn't matter if I don't rest or not. It's just that the lady told me not to call you. She was thinking very much. She was still staring at your phone before going to bed to see your photos..." Aunt Qin said Really started wiping tears.

Qiao Anming felt a little bored in her heart, Gu Lan was fine, why was she crying?
"Okay, I'll go up to see her, you go and have a rest." After speaking, he walked upstairs, ignoring Aunt Qin who was standing there.

The door of the bedroom was ajar, Qiao Anming pushed the door open, and the whole room was very quiet, the thick and complicated patterns of the curtains reflected on the dark red floor, half of the windows were open, so sunlight came in through the gaps in the curtains, finally Let this empty and dark room have a glimmer of light.

Gu Lan was lying on the bed, sleeping, but it seemed that she was not sleeping soundly. The short bangs on her forehead were stuck together due to cold sweat, sticking to her skin in strands, and her lips were also peeled, white and chapped. There were opened medicine boxes, and the wastebasket was full of empty drip bottles and needles.

There was a depressing atmosphere in the whole room, except for the bunch of dewy lilies that had just been inserted on the bed cabinet.

Qiao Anming sighed slightly in his heart, and walked slowly to the bedside. He tried to keep his movements as gentle as possible, but he still woke up the person on the bed.

"An Ming... An Ming? Is that you?" Gu Lan opened his eyes feebly, and a weak cry came out from between his teeth. He tried to struggle to get up, but was suppressed by Qiao Anming.

"It's me, don't get up, lie down."

"Why did you come back?"

"Aunt Qin called me at night, she was worried, so she changed the flight and flew back, just arrived."

"I told her not to call you." Gu Lan finally managed to get up, Qiao Anming could only pull out a blanket to wrap her up, and then sat on the edge of the bed, pressing his palm to her forehead.

"It's still hot, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Gu Lan shook her head, and replied: "It's okay..." Just after saying "It's okay", tears began to ooze out one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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