Reborn Star Age

Chapter 347

Chapter 347
Canmore manipulated the mecha to put the ring on Mo Qianyu's Jibao. Amidst the cheers, Joe and the others who were closest to them used their abilities or hot weapons as salutes, and let the piece on their heads The starry sky instantly became colorful.The huge corpse of the worm emperor in the rear was completely ignored. Whether it was the people present or the people looking at this side through the Internet, all they could see at this moment were the two machines, one black and one silver, which turned into beast shapes and leaned close together amidst the colorful lights. Armor, put all your enthusiasm into sending blessings to the two people in the armor.

Although all countries were busy encircling and suppressing the Zerg in the next few years, this time the bug wave came to an end with Canmore's marriage proposal.For many years thereafter, driving a mecha to the stars to propose marriage was the preferred way to propose marriage.Many young people have worked hard to control the control of abilities in order to make a rose background like Canmore or create a more beautiful background, which can be regarded as a disguised form that has inspired young people's enthusiasm for cultivation.Of course, the main reason why they are so sought after is that they are heroes recorded in the history of the galaxy.

While people were talking about the marriage proposal, they didn't know that the bridegroom-to-be who directed the marriage proposal had a hard life.He finally knew why Mo Qianyu's father, mother and elder brother were so calm at that time, and they had been waiting for this moment to attack.At the suggestion of Mo Lian, the patriarch of the Mo family, Mo Qianyu, the bride-to-be, chose to hold the wedding in accordance with ancient Chinese rituals.Then his bride-to-be was taken away on the grounds that according to ancient rituals, the bride and groom cannot meet before the wedding.

Fortunately, he is not the only groom-to-be who is so hard-working, and Wu is with him.Liu Yun and Wu have been together for many years, Mo Qianyu invited them to hold a wedding together, the two readily agreed, and then Liu Yun went to be Mo Qianyu's companion.It is estimated that this custom also existed in the place where Liu Yun and Wu lived in their previous lives, and Wu was very calm.However, when asked about the steps involved in the ancient rites, he just asked three questions, the reason being that he had never married before.In order for the wedding to proceed earlier, the two had to find a group of experts and scholars who studied the history or culture of the ancient earth.

Several famous experts at the national treasure level have been invited, but the progress is still not high.Not to mention that human beings left in a hurry when the earth was about to be destroyed, and wandered among the stars for many years, losing a lot of things, including a large part of culture and history.Before the earth was destroyed, human beings had already lost a lot of culture and history.Those experts and scholars have read almost all the materials related to ancient earth culture stored in the National Library, but they still haven't come up with one, two, three.

In the end, Yuan Ce, who was stuffed into the auditorium by his family when he returned to the Federation, took Fusheng to find a few reborn people, and then roughly pieced together the steps of the ancient Chinese wedding ceremony.Listed out the six steps of accepting, asking for names, Najib, accepting, asking for a date, and welcoming in person, and a group of relatives and friends in Canmore and Wu started to move.

There are geese among the gifts that Nachai and Najib men take.There were no wild geese on the ancient earth in this era, but there is no shortage of birds with the word goose.In view of the fact that the status of both parties is not low, with the high-end atmosphere as the standard, it was finally decided that the male side would send eight pairs of white ice geese to Nazai, and the male side to send eight pairs of red fire geese to Najib.

Both the white ice geese and the red fire geese are gregarious star beasts that are at least A-level at birth, because once provoked, there will be at least a hundred of them, and the difficulty of catching them alive is no less than killing one whose strength is close to the peak and with a group of younger brothers Bug King.It was to be prepared for the wedding, and massacres were too brutal.

Coincidentally, when Yuan Ce took Liu Yiyi out for their honeymoon, they bumped into a flock of white geese and a flock of red geese who wanted to move to another place, so they had a discussion with the king of wild geese in the two flocks.Each group of geese produced sixteen pairs of adult geese with no variegated feathers, and they introduced two groups of geese to settle on the planet Rusk.Of course, those sixteen pairs of white ice geese and sixteen pairs of red fire geese were just a formality, and they would be released after the wedding.

After solving this problem, there is no difficulty in the five wedding steps other than the personal welcome.Asking the name is just a cutscene, not to mention that no one in this era can match the horoscope, even if the horoscope does not match, no one will care.As for the dowry, General Hebrew and Ruan Lie, who are the parents of the man, have put a lot of thought into it. Compared to Ruan Lie, the former leader of the Star Bandits, General Hebrew is particularly bold, and he does not bring anything with him. The gold lettering is even with the silver lettering, and it looks like it is not golden but silvery.

The most important thing, of course, is to welcome this step in person.This step is not completely in accordance with the ancient etiquette, after all, the times are different.The welcoming team is all flying in the ancient Chinese style of the classical ark. They are all made of pure wood, and only red silk is used as decoration on them.The wedding sedan chair is an ark modified from an open-top aircraft. The wedding team picks up the bride on the way to the wedding hall. People along the way can see the handsome groom and the beautiful bride.The two arks were decorated with flowers, and of course the flowers were mainly roses of various colors.

Although neither meeting nor video is allowed, the two brides-to-be, Mo Qianyu and Liu Yun, and the two brides-to-be, Canmore and Wu, have never lost contact.Canmore and Wu will send reports to the two brides-to-be by email or text message. After reading their reports, Mo Qianyu and Liu Yun will give their opinions.For example, how to decorate the red silk on the wedding fleet was designed by Liu Yun.The flowers on the ark they were going to board were provided by Mo Qianyu, and no one had more varieties of flowers in the garden than her.

While the two grooms-to-be were busy, the two brides-to-be were not idle either.If you want to hold an ancient Chinese ceremony wedding, of course you must have a matching wedding dress.The clothes for the relatives and friends of both parties were handed over to a factory specializing in the manufacture of clothing, and the clothes for the bride and groom were taken by Liu Yun.Mo Qianyu was not good at needlework, and was disgusted by Liu Yun's assistant when making dresses.Fortunately, when it comes to making hair accessories, she is very handy as she is good at making mechas.

As the wedding date approached, Mo Qianyu, like many brides-to-be, began to get nervous involuntarily.Although she wasn't afraid of getting married, there was obviously an excess of impetuousness in her emotions that shouldn't be there.From time to time, I take out the finished phoenix crown and check over and over again what is not satisfactory, but every time it does not increase or decrease anything.I didn't want to be alone, and walked around the house holding the milk and toast shrunk into a pocket with no one to talk to.

Liu Yun is not much better.Fascinated by medical skills, the place where she most often stays is the pharmacy room, because she is always distracted uncontrollably and often adds wrong things.In fact, as long as there is no explosion in the process of pharmaceuticals, it should be successful.Poison medicine is difficult to separate. It is either a good medicine to cure a disease or a deadly poison.A few mistakes made her come up with a few tricky things like Mo Qianyu's "Itching Can't Die You" and other tricky series. After confirming the effect, she and Mo Qianyu parted them with their mouths slanted.

The day before the wedding, Mo Qianyu couldn't suppress the little excitement in her heart.Although I climbed into bed early, my eyes refused to close.I don't know how many times I rolled on the bed, but finally I couldn't help getting up.He took out the wedding dress and phoenix crown that he was going to wear the next day, put them on the bed and touched them with his fingers little by little.

Touching and touching, Mo Qianyu's eyes fell on a ring on the finger of his right hand.The ring is the same style as the large ring Canmore put on her leopard when he proposed, and Canmore put it on her afterward.This is not just a ring for decoration, it is essentially a communicator, which can only communicate with the one worn on Canmore's hand.

Raised the index finger of the other hand and tapped the colorless crystal diamond on the ring, seeing that crystal diamond emitting a faint green light, Mo Qianyu moved his mouth close to that finger, "Tomorrow I will marry you La."

Mo Qianyu thought that Canmore was already asleep, but who would have thought that just as the words fell from the ring, his low laughter could be heard, "Are you still asleep?"

Mo Qianyu puffed her cheeks, "Didn't you sleep too?"

On the other side, Canmore, who was lying on his back on the bed, put the finger with the ring on his lips, "I can't sleep, I'm thinking about what you will look like tomorrow."

Mo Qianyu glanced at the bright red dress that was spread out on the bed, and her ears turned red instantly, "I'll see you soon." Turning over, she lay on her side next to the dress, "I think of two songs from the past s song."

Canmore asked, "What's the name?"

Mo Qianyu replied: "'I'm going to marry you tomorrow' and 'You're going to marry me tomorrow', don't they sound very suitable for our current state?"

Canmore brought the ring to his lips and kissed it, then asked with a low smile, "Can you sing?"

"If you want to hear it, I'll sing it to you." Mo Qianyu blinked, "Sing you the song 'I'll Marry You Tomorrow' first. The second hand and the minute hand are ticking in my heart, and my eyes are twinkling. Hollow, my heart is throbbing throbbing..."

Canmore put the finger with the ring on his lips, and put all his mind on the singing coming from the ring.Mo Qianyu's voice was a little baby-like, and she deliberately lowered her voice, which made her feel like a kitten was gently scratching his heart with its paws.Touching his chest with the other hand, the accelerated heartbeat and warm skin under his hand made the corners of his mouth rise high.

After singing the song, Mo Qianyu bit her lower lip, "Is this song good?"

Canmore replied: "It's a good song, and you can sing even better."

Mo Qianyu pouted, "You also said that you don't know how to speak sweetly, and that you don't repeat every sentence."

Canmore chuckled under his breath, "Because it's you."

Knowing that Canmore couldn't see, Mo Qianyu still made a gesture of deliberately rubbing his arm, "If you are so nasty, I won't sing you another song."

"Honey, I want to listen."

"Go, I'm not your wife yet."


Outside Mo Qianyu's door, Mo Lian left with her arms around Shi Yan's shoulders shaking her head.The two came here because they were afraid that their baby would be too nervous, so they came here to chat with her.The sound insulation measures couldn't stop the mental strength of the two of them who could let go, and when they got closer, they heard Mo Qianyu talking to Canmore in a low voice, and then sang.My baby is about to get married, and the parents are of course sentimental.But they were all smiling at this time, because they believed that their baby would be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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