Reborn Star Age

Chapter 340 Missing, or...

Chapter 340 Missing, or...

After cutting off the communication signal, the smile on Mo Qianyu's face disappeared.The relaxed atmosphere in the control room also disappeared immediately, replaced by a more condensed depression than the fortress command center.No matter how optimistic, those present knew in their hearts that what they were about to do next was a big gamble.

There is not much time to hesitate, and no one dares to hesitate.There are no saints here. Although they think about sacrifice, they should sacrifice, but they understand that as long as they open the gate of hesitation, maybe they won't have the courage to gamble.So after Mo Qianyu cut off the communication signal, everyone dispersed to their proper positions and fixed themselves with seat belts.

The previous series of bombardments completely wiped out the Zerg between the Ssangyong and the entrance of the black hole. As long as the speed is fast enough, the starship can rush to that big head unimpeded.There was not much time, and after confirming that the energy reserves in the energy bank were sufficient, Mo Qianyu asked Ye Zi to adjust the speed of the Ssangyong to the highest.

Although I don't know how effective it will be, after the Ssangyong began to protect the gas shield, Moore and the Capricorn brothers added two layers of space barriers next to the gas shield.Also shot was Ken, who added a layer of space barriers to the gas mask before the twin brothers shot.After making these preparations, the Ssangyong started to move.

For a starship with a length of 300 meters, the distance of [-] meters is really not long.In order to let the speed of Ssangyong reach the highest value, Ye Zi first controlled it to turn a few times in the safe area created by the air blast mine.After the speed reached the highest value that could be achieved in a short period of time, he turned his head and began to tentatively move the big head outwards a little bit.

Although it was only one step away from being promoted to the worm king, the owner of that big head was still the worm king, and his figure was at most half the size of the worm king who was blown back just now.Compared with the Ssangyong, which is a medium-sized starship, it is probably evenly matched.A slow climb, a full horsepower, the result can be said that there is no suspense.The Ssangyong collided with that big head, and knocked each other back into the black hole at once.

After hitting that big head, the Ssangyong bounced back.Seizing this opportunity, Ye Zi, who had a certain ability of independent thinking, was retreated by the controlled starship.But just after reacting, the vortex at the entrance of the black hole suddenly became a little violent, and the suction generated instantly swallowed the entire starship.

Mo Qianyu and the others didn't quite understand what happened, but the people in the command center of the White Tiger Fortress could see clearly.The Ssangyong bounced backwards due to the impact, which had the effect of pressing the last straw, and the black hole began to collapse.After swallowing the Ssangyong and the Zerg within a kilometer near the entrance of the hole, there are only some space ripples left in the black hole.

Seeing the black hole disappear, Mo Qianchen's mind was completely blank for a moment.After looking at the main light screen for a few minutes, he suddenly turned and walked towards the door.No one stopped him, no one stepped forward to say anything, only Tar followed behind him silently.The only person present was Mo Qianchen who had relatives on the Double Dragon, and they didn't know how to comfort him who might lose two important relatives at once.

When Mo Qianchen walked out, someone in the command center sighed quietly, "I hope we can hear good news."

Taking a look at the person who made the sound, Wang Han, who felt that he was talking nonsense, looked very ugly, "What are you still doing in a daze, contact the Alliance Army immediately."

"Yes." Hearing Wang Han's words, the people standing in front of the communication system immediately answered loudly in unison, and then quickly entered the communication code of the Alliance Army into the system.

After connecting to the command center of the alliance army, the immediate answer given there was that they had not detected any abnormalities in the Zerg army over there.After that, they kept in touch with the White Tiger Fortress, sending a monitoring result every 10 minutes.

While waiting for really useful news, Mo Qianchen, who had left the command center and headed straight to the interstellar port, followed a group of soldiers to the front line.When they got there, he and Tal flew the mecha to the command ship in charge of the front command, and joined Mu Yuantian, who was unable to go to the command center because he was on the front line.

Although he couldn't go to the command center with Mo Qianchen to watch the whole process, Mu Yuantian and his colleagues on the command ship watched the text broadcast together.If it weren't for the Zerg army blocking the way ahead, he would have rushed to the place where the black hole disappeared with his people.Hearing that the people below said that Mo Qianchen was coming, he immediately went out to meet him.

Seeing Mu Yuantian, Mo Qianchen raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Qianyu said that the birthday cake should be filled with fresh strawberries and strawberry jam."

Mo Qianchen and Mu Yuantian are not the kind of people who will be lingering, their love is not vigorous, it seems that they are together just because they have a common child.But those who are familiar with them know that these two are not people who will force themselves, they will not force themselves because of their responsibilities, they will only be together because they have each other in their hearts.

Seeing that his partner was smiling but could not hide the sadness in his eyes, Mu Yuantian really wanted to embrace the person who was rarely vulnerable in front of him.But he didn't dare, because hugging would increase the vulnerability that was deliberately suppressed, and then make them emotionally collapse.So he could only force a smile, "We haven't even learned how to bake cake embryos yet, it seems that we need to work harder."

Except for these two sentences, the two of them didn't mention anything related to Mo Qianyu and Mo Xi, and then they started to complete their duties step by step.When conducting, no one feels any different than before.Joining the battle directly is like suddenly taking a berserk potion, strangling the Zerg crazily. No one dares to approach the area where the two are, because they are worried that the two who are red-eyed will kill them as Zerg.

An hour after the last Bug Eternity missile was launched, the first good news came back from the front line of the Starfield of Chaos Territory.The third and fourth Zerg missiles fired from this side successfully penetrated into the rear of the Zerg army led by the Zerg Emperor. The Union Army relieved a lot of pressure.

Then came a bad news.Probably discovered the changes in his subordinates, the Zerg Emperor actually left the Zerg army, turned around and ran back to the Chaos Territory.Because of the Zonghuang's escape, the alliance army's previous encirclement and suppression plan against it was in vain.Fortunately, it was not for nothing, and it was a good harvest to wipe out the group of Zerg brought out by the Zerg Emperor.

However, what everyone is most concerned about is not the progress of the Alliance Army in clearing the Zerg army over there, but where the Ssangyong that was swallowed by the black hole is now.Many people hope that Simba's words will come true, and the Double Dragon will be able to rush out from the other end of the black hole.But one day, two days... After waiting for a month, the last news I got was that the black hole had really disappeared.

At this time, some talents had to face the problem that had been discovered before.The black holes created by the Zerg have restrictions, and only Zerg that are at least two levels lower than the maker are allowed to pass freely.If a Zerg that is close to the level of the black hole maker enters, even if only that one is allowed to enter alone, the risk of collapse will be very high.

Recalling that day, there is one detail that cannot be ignored.Just before the peak-level worm king emerged, a worm king was blown back by the air blast mine.If you replay that episode, you will find that the black hole at that time has actually become a little unstable.It should be this instability that made the peak-level insect king move so cautiously.

If that peak-level worm king rushes out of it without hesitation, the black hole will collapse immediately in eight (nine) out of ten cases, and it will definitely not escape the fate of being swallowed up when it collapses.So it can be said that the moment when the Ssangyong knocked back the peak-level insect king decided its fate, but everyone hoped to see a good result and deliberately ignored this point.

The news of the disappearance of the black hole reached the White Tiger Fortress. Wang Han did not use the communicator to notify Mo Qianchen and Mu Yuantian, but went to the rest area to find the two people who happened to be resting that day.When he got there, he got a message from Tal, who had been in the kitchen since early in the morning.

Hearing the reminder from Tal, Wang Han immediately checked the files of Mo Qianchen and Mo Xi.He knew that the birthday of the aunt and nephew was one day, but he didn't know the exact date.Tal said that Mo Qianchen and Mu Yuantian had been in the kitchen all the time, so he thought of the birthday cake.As expected, this day is the birthday of the aunt and nephew.

Pushing open the door of the kitchen, you can smell a strong sweet smell.Looking at the cooking table in the center of the kitchen, the corners of Wang Han's mouth trembled unnaturally.No one is perfect, it was very tried on Mo Qianchen and Mu Yuantian, the cooking table was a mess, only the cake that was being taken care of by the two of them, other cakes could be described as appalling.

Seeing Wang Han walk into the kitchen, Mo Qianchen was not in a hurry to greet him, but continued to spread cream on the cake embryo.After painting, he looked up at Wang Han, "What news did the Alliance Army send?"

Wang Han coughed lightly, and replied: "It has been confirmed that the black hole has disappeared."

Mo Qianchen's hand, which was cutting strawberries, paused for a moment, and gently put down the knife in his hand, "It seems that Qianyu and Xiaoxi won't be able to eat the cake we made this year."

Wang Han originally wanted to express his condolences, but after hearing what Mo Qianchen said, he couldn't say anything.Seeing Mu Yuantian walk over and put his hand on Mo Qianchen's shoulder, he silently exited the kitchen.

When closing the door, he heard Mo Qianchen say in a suppressed voice: "I trust my intuition, Qianyu and Xiaoxi will come back, they will."

After closing the door, Wang Han secretly sighed in his heart.It seems that the loss of his sister and eldest son is really a blow. Lieutenant General Mo, who has always been known for his coldness, is so deceiving himself.

A month later, the Zerg army that came to the Federal White Tiger Star Fortress through the black hole was completely wiped out by the garrison of the fortress and the Tenglong Army who came to support it.Then there was a news that shocked the entire military headquarters. Mu Yuantian and Mo Qianchen submitted their resignations at the same time to resign from the positions of commander and deputy commander of the Tenglong Army, and left with their cronies without waiting for approval.

(End of this chapter)

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