Reborn Star Age

Chapter 333 The Chapter of the Federation

Chapter 333 The Federation's Return Gift

Mo Qianyu's guess was correct, the chassis that the Holt Empire kept hidden was indeed a scavenger missile.They can have scavenger missiles, thanks to Mo Qianyu.If she and Mo Lian hadn't rescued several captured masters from the Holt Empire together, it would have taken them to create a similar hot weapon, and it might not have the same power.

The people Abe had selected were doing the same thing after they woke up, that is, copying the data in the database whenever they had the opportunity.However, they don't have a helper like Leaf, which can be said to be a super cheater, and the chances of finding them are limited.Knowing that there must be very few things that can be copied, they all pick things that can be their hole cards or secret weapons.

One of the arrested Holts was a hot martial arts expert, that is, Professor Ruth who was sitting next to General Mixiu at this time.The professor was a little greedy and aimed directly at the scavenger missile.Because there is a mandatory limit on the range of influence after the explosion, the manufacturing materials of this missile are very large.He risked being discovered many times, and worked hard for a month before copying the entire document.Therefore, he only brought out this information.

After returning to China, Professor Ruth handed over the information to the Imperial Research Institute under the control of the Presbyterian Academy.After the Scavenger Missile was manufactured, some people felt that it could be used in conjunction with Chongshang, which solved a problem that has been a headache since Chongshang was created, that is, how to smoothly send Chongshang to the designated location.

Because Chong Shang may play a very important role in the battle against the Zerg, the elders of the Holt Empire, who have always been stingy, were generous once in a while, allowing Professor Ruth to take an elder seat in the elders' house.Although it is the last class, and the right to speak is almost negligible, but for Professor Ruth, it is a smooth rise.

It stands to reason that as an expert-level professor, he should be very determined.But this one immediately drifted away, and he, who used to be very low-key, immediately carried forward the tradition of the nostrils in the elders' house.In front of General Mixiu, the soul of the imperial army, this professor, who was actually approved as an elder vest, acted like he was the protagonist.

Professor Russ not only changed his attitude towards people, but suddenly reached the sky in one step, revealing his desire for power in his heart.Seeing the starry sky barrier fortress opened by the Federation, the Holt Empire naturally wanted to have it.He felt that he understood the meaning of the above, and proposed to trade with the Federation with the Chongshang and Scavenger missiles.They also considered that they didn't want the Federation to feel that the Holt Empire was a lion, and only said to do some technically equivalent exchanges.

To be honest, both Bona and General Mixiu felt that his plan was not feasible when they heard about it.Although eradicating the Zerg is a big deal, how could the Federation allow them to be led by the nose by the Holt Empire.Reluctantly, the group of elders in the House of Elders, who tried their best to regain control of the empire, supported it. The monarchs and ministers on their side also wanted to see if the Federation would make concessions, and finally nodded.

I feel that Professor Ruth is not a particularly smart person. In order to prevent him from ruining the friendly diplomatic relationship between the Holt Empire and the Federation, General Michaux, who can make some decisions on behalf of Bona, deliberately followed him.Unexpectedly, they had just thrown the line on this side, and found that the other party had the bait that they regarded as a treasure.

Unlike Professor Russ, who had a very bright face, General Mixiu was very interested in how the twin brothers of the Federation delivered things to the designated location according to the plan.Speaking of which, it can be said that the two countries have the same idea on the plan to use Chongshang.What their Holt Empire thought of was to send the scavenger missiles to the swarm through space jumps, so as to achieve the purpose of clearing a passage in the shortest time.Space jump and space transfer are different in essence, but the effect is the same.

Just the way it works is different.The Holts have no superpowers and can only be achieved through technical means.The space technology of the Holt Empire can reach the current level, and it will take a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.However, the people of the Federation have abilities in this area. As long as the recruited people can do it, the so-called investment is only what rewards should be given later.Fortunately, the proportion of people with supernatural powers in the Federation is not high, and there are even fewer people with such abilities in space.Otherwise, the Holt people would be envious and jealous to death.

The next development is also the same as the plan of the Holt Empire. After clearing out the Zergs that are still fighting, the Mecha Beast Corps at the front, the mechas and twin brothers in the middle, and the starships launching the scavenger missiles at the back will be synchronized. move forward.When the Mecha Beast Legion at the front met the Zerg that was trying to fill the vacancy, the starship behind immediately launched a second scavenger missile, which was projected by the twin brothers into the new wave of Zerg.

It is said that the combat effectiveness of the Zerg without backup is still impressive, but those mecha beasts cleared the Zerg blocking the way like cutting melons and vegetables.When it comes to mechs, the Holts have always been the best in the galaxy.For the many fields involved in the Federation, the Holts often ridiculed it like a hodgepodge.But I didn't expect that the Federation not only created the mecha beast first, but also the combat power far exceeded their estimates.This slap was loud enough, and thinking about the plot of Professor Ruth and others, General Mixiu's ears felt hot.

Feeling a little ashamed of his arrogant mecha builders, General Mixiu's eyes fell on the mecha war beast on the screen again.After the people and the starships who had completed the test were withdrawn, the mech war beasts continued to fight against the swarm of bugs who wanted to fill the space.Although the Zerg began to rush forward again, and the density of rushing up to fill the vacancies was much higher, the speed of retreat could still be described as very slow.

Noticing that General Mixiu's eyes gradually became a little more fiery, Wang Han called the CEO of Wells to have a quick communication with the bigwigs of the military department on the Internet.When the person in charge of the trial operation sent the result report, they had already discussed and reached a decision.Because the Holt Empire only took out the finished insect war missiles, they decided to also only take out the finished mecha war beasts.

This is not the home ground of the Tenglong Army, and the task of relaying the decision of the Federal Army to General Mixiu was given to Executive Wells.When forwarding the battle results report to General Mixiu, he said with a smile: "The Federation is very grateful to the Holt Empire for its generous gift. As a reward, we have decided to give you a hundred S-class mech war beasts."

General Mi Xiu immediately replied with a smile: "Your side is too polite."

General Mixiu was very satisfied with the Federation's return gift.The Holt Empire took out the insects and was sure that the Federation would be able to research the manufacturing method and toxin formula through the finished product, but it was uncertain how long it would take.Similarly, the Holt Empire will definitely be able to research the manufacturing method after obtaining those S-class mech war beasts.In comparison, it is easier to develop the Federation's mecha beasts.Although he was a step behind in the mecha war beast, Holt's achievements in the mecha field are still enough to be proud of.

Although there is a very obvious difference between the Mecha Beast produced by the military and the one produced by Mo Qianyu, she is the creator of the first generation Mecha Beast after all.Moreover, she gave the manufacturing method of the Mecha Beast to the military department, not sold it to the military department.Therefore, when the decision of the General Department of Wells Executive was forwarded to General Mixiu, Wang Han sent an email to Mo Qianyu, explaining the decision of the military department.

Mo Qianyu was using his optical brain to check the result report that had just been forwarded, and when he saw a bubble popping up below, he poked it open.After reading the contents of the email, she frowned slightly, "Our Federation is very generous this time."

Canmore leaned over and scanned the contents of the email, "The Federation can have today's situation, in addition to our country's own efforts, the nearby Holt Empire and the Corso Empire have given a lot of support. If it weren't for these two friendly diplomatic relations , Some countries will not give the Federation a chance to grow. We Federation people are not white-eyed wolves. Manufacturing technology will also be shared.”

Mo Qianyu twitched the corner of his mouth, "After our Milky Way galaxy is officially upgraded, the star barrier fortress should not die soon. The technology that the Federation has exclusively in the Milky Way galaxy. Why not use it to earn favors."

After officially upgrading to a higher-level galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy can apply to join the galaxy joint trading system.In the trading system, arms trading, as long as it is not a genocidal large-scale hot weapon, can be traded on it.The transaction currency of each galaxy is different, and the transaction needs to be converted into tokens issued by the orderer.Because the token exchange rate will fluctuate with the strength of the galaxy, most people choose to trade by barter.As long as you can pay for the main things, not to mention the ready-made starry sky barrier fortress, you can get the design drawings.

Turn off the email and continue to read the results report.The last page of the report is some estimated data, which is some data that will be faced after the formal implementation of the plan.Seeing the length of the path cleared by the scavenger missile, Mo Qianyu frowned.The length is a bit long, and it is very likely that the starship that launched the missile in depth has just reached the last launch point, and the back has been closed.Because it is too deep, it will form a situation where there is no way to retreat.

No matter how good the starship is, it can't stand the siege. If it can't retreat, there will only be one result, and it will be torn to pieces by the swarming Zerg army.There are people on the starship that launches the missiles. There is no intellectual brain like Ye Zi that can complete certain steps independently. There must be at least a hundred people on the starship.It doesn't matter if the Mecha Beast can't retreat, as long as there are sufficient raw materials and manpower, any number of things can be manufactured.Once the person on the starship is gone, there will be no such person anymore.

"It seems that I still have to participate in this mission." Mo Qianyu puffed his cheeks at Canmore.She felt that she would definitely be found later, because the Federation should not be the one who abandoned the starship.Those who can be sent to carry out the plan must be elites, and it is not easy to train one.

(End of this chapter)

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