Reborn Star Age

Chapter 285 Reconnaissance of the enemy VS pulling people

Chapter 285 Reconnaissance of the enemy VS pulling people

Mo Qianyu came to this inference not only because Mo Xi mentioned the auction and the detoxification pill, but also because Henry told her something by communication before meeting Hei Shibing.

Knowing that there were problematic items at the auction, Henry immediately attached great importance to them.The auction house just couldn't disclose the information of the guests to the outside world. After checking in the registration system, the person who auctioned the bottle of medicine and his accomplices were quickly identified.In order to follow the clues, he was not in a hurry to ask someone to control them, but only let people stare at them.

Those people didn't know that the secret of the detoxification pill had been discovered, so they stopped a group of people after the auction.After checking the registration system, Henry's people found that the people who were stopped were actually seated at the auction house by that group of people.No matter what happened in it, if the group of people who stopped the other party was sure that they were selling that detoxification pill, they would come forward and buy the medicine at a high price.

Hearing what Mo Xi said, Mo Qianyu naturally understood that they were the ones being stopped.Obviously, the other party made a buckle, the purpose is to let them buy that kind of detoxification pill with added ingredients.And the other party should know in advance when they will arrive at Morgan Star, otherwise how could they design them to appear at the auction.

The design of Hei Shibing and Yiyu's encounter may be to make money or have other schemes, but the design against Mo Xi and the others is obviously to kill them.If you eat the detoxification pill with the scent of beasts added, you will emit a scent that will drive the surrounding beasts into a state of rampage.Originally, there were quite a few star beasts in the Green Sea Forest, and perhaps the other party had specially prepared some for them.If we really want to develop according to the opponent's plan, the chances of Mo Xi's team getting out unscathed are very small.

The other party will know their information, naturally there is an inside ghost who tipped the news.According to the tradition of the Tenglong Army, those who come out to perform tasks will not report their whereabouts to the higher authorities at any time.If they can accurately find their location, the ghost should be among Mo Xi and his team.Whether it's one, or more than one, makes no difference.Based on the analysis of the information currently available, the main task of the inner ghost should be to lure Mo Xi and the others into a trap.

After hearing Mo Qianyu's analysis, Shalin stepped forward and said, "I will take a few people to protect Master Mo Xi."

Mo Qianyu was about to open the scroll that Yi gave to take a look, when he heard the words, he lifted it up and looked at her: "Alright. You take four people there, follow them secretly, and show up when they need help."

Regardless of others, Mo Xi and Kun Ji, who graduated from the king class, are definitely not low in strength.In order to avoid being discovered, Charlene chose four team members who were good at hiding their whereabouts even though they would use invisibility props.Moreover, two of them learned a lot from Wu and Liu Yun. As long as the wounds and poisons didn't kill them immediately, they could at least make the other party hold on until rescue arrived.

Charlene picked a good person and led them back. Mo Qianyu watched them disappear into the jungle, and then turned her attention to the scroll that she had been holding in her hand before.She believed that Mo Xi would not fall into other people's trap so easily, so she planned to find out who was behind the trick before she had a round with Mo Xi.

The scroll is made of two sheets of paper stacked together. When you open it, you will find that the first page is a map.The map looked familiar at first glance, because she had just seen it before, and the area marked in red on it was the other side of the lake on the right side of the swamp.It seems that those people should concentrate and hide there, otherwise the two plans will not lead people there.

The piece of paper below lists a dozen or so items, talking about how to catch poison star beasts.Some words seem to be quite true, but people who often walk in the field will find that they are full of loopholes after a little scrutiny.Those who bought this method with money were either people without much field experience, or they were caught in the other party's flickering and couldn't get out.

After scanning the words on the paper, Mo Qianyu handed the two pieces of paper to Qiao and Liu Yun for circulation.After they finished watching, she said: "You said we should go there quietly and find out before we do it, or should we just kill them in a swaggering manner?"

Hearing this, Jeffrey said: "I suggest touching it quietly. There have been several incidents before, and it is estimated that those people have hostages in their hands. If they are directly shaken out, they may make them jump over the wall and tear up their tickets."

There is one point that Jeffrey didn't mention, but everyone can think of it.Based on the information currently available, the target chosen by the other party can be related to wealth or power.If the missing person really had troubles on Planet Morgan, it would have some impact on the Morgan family.As a member of the Morgan family, he had to fight for the family at this time.

Joe handed the two pieces of paper that were passed back to him at the end to Mo Qianyu, "I also suggest touching them quietly. If the other party is really a remnant of the Gray Wolf Clan, their strength will not be too low. I don't know the approximate number, so let's go one by one." It's better to break."

Liu Yun took the words: "I also agree to touch it quietly. Ants kill elephants more often, and strength does not necessarily mean that it is the dominant party."

Mo Qianyu puffed her cheeks, "Then let's touch it quietly."

In fact, she really wanted to choose the second method, because she liked the feeling of being bold.It's a pity that they brought Jeffrey, Kang Li and others with them on this trip, and their safety must be considered when making a decision.Seeing how Jeffrey went straight to Joe, it was clear that he was definitely not willing to be placed in the space.

But they still stayed in the space for a while.Although she could carry out the space transfer with these people in front of her, not only would the moving distance be much shorter than when she moved alone, but the space fluctuations produced during the space transfer would also be too large.Not wanting to startle the enemy, she moved the other people into the space, and used the space transfer to get close to her alone.

In addition to Mo Qianyu's space transfer, which has the disadvantages of not being very far away and not being able to upgrade, which makes her feel depressed, it also has advantages that make people enviable and jealous.The advantage is that she consumes negligible mental and physical energy when using space transfer, which allows her to use this ability continuously for at least half an hour without worrying about any discomfort.So in just 10 minutes, she had already appeared at the place that had been discussed in advance.

When they got there, Mo Qianyu didn't let him out immediately.Release the mental power to detect the surrounding situation, and at the same time arrange Ye Zi to control the detection eye that spills out when the feet touch the ground to inspect the farther area.The other party was very careful. Wearing an invisibility cloak, she wandered there for most of the day. No matter whether she used her mental strength or her detection eyes, she didn't find anything abnormal in that area.

Just when Mo Qianyu was about to release the person who moved into the space to discuss whether the previous guesses had overlooked something, there was a little movement in the middle of the swamp.The puddles around the cold spring seemed to be boiled suddenly, bubbling and bubbling.The closer to the cold spring, the more bubbles come out.

As the bubbles increased, some white stems and leaves emerged from the puddles, and each pile of stems and leaves was surrounded by a crystal clear lotus-shaped flower.If it wasn't for the video data sent back, it could be clearly seen that the flower floated directly from the water in a blooming state, her first reaction would have been to think that it was the crystal lotus.

After those things that looked no different from the crystal lotus appeared, the place where there were many puddles around the cold spring turned into a dark brown swamp, which was made faintly visible by the white mist of the cold spring, making those 'crystal lotus' It looks more flawless.But as long as you walk closer, you will find that the mud pits with crystal lotus are all made out of a mold.

Choosing one farther away from the other 'Crystal Lotuses', Mo Qianyu suppressed it relying on the level of mental power.The level of that thing was not high, she easily pressed it immobile, and did not let its companions notice its abnormality.

Before contacting them, she guessed that they might be mutated turf beasts.When the mental power was pressed against its surface and probed down, it was shocked to find that there was a big python head closely connected, and the eyes and skull were combined with the upper part.

Further down, is the long body.It can be said that, except for the part of the skull that is connected to the thing that looks like a mutated turf beast and the unusually large head, the rest of it looks like a swamp python.

It may be possible that the turf beast can mutate into a swamp with crystal lotus growing.But no matter how much it mutated, the swamp python wouldn't mutate into this.Obviously, someone combined the two kinds of star beasts after some kind of alienation, and would do this kind of thing. At present, she only knows the gray wolf family.

Continue to sink your mental power. Below this kind of monster that you don't know what to call it is the quagmire, which should not be a place where people can hide.Seeing that there was nothing else to gain, Mo Qianyu withdrew his mental power.Once again, she thought of moving the people in the space out to look for them together. Who would have thought that this time, something completely unexpected happened to her.

Although she used the invisibility cloak to hide her figure, she habitually chose a convenient hiding place every time she moved. For example, she was standing behind a seven or eight meter high pile of rocks.Just now, under her gaze, a stone with a diameter of about two meters on the pile of rocks moved silently, revealing a dark hole.

After the hole appeared, a person came out of it.The man's upper body was shirtless, with a bandage wrapped around his chest.The blood on the bandage had turned brown, but it was still possible to see how serious the wound under the bandage had been.Climbing out, one of his hands turned into a beast claw, tearing off all the bandages on his body in two or three strokes.

Then another person climbed out, jumped to the ground and threw a shirt and a coat to the one who got out before, "Hurry up and put on your clothes."

Twisting his neck, the shirtless man slowly picked up the clothes from his feet, "I haven't done anything for a few days, and I feel like my bones are going to rust. I hope that the one who is attracted will not only provide me with some treatment equipment and The potion can also allow me to fight well."

Hearing this, the other person laughed and said, "When we rescue the patriarch and the others, there must be many fights for you."

The person who got out first put his shirt and coat on his body, and then slowly started to button them, "Actually, I really want to have a fight with that Mo Xi, to see how capable he is who is said to have inherited the peerless talents of his parents."

Hearing this, the other person gave him a blank look, "Don't think about it. None of those old K's are easy to get along with, at least not someone you can beat only A's. I heard that in order to let Mo Qianyu and Mu Yuanchen were watching a big show, and the boss specially bought Shixiang Ruanjin powder, which was said to be shunned by even the people on the list of gods, which he bought on the black market. After taking this medicine, no matter that Mo Xi and his No matter how capable those companions are, they can only watch themselves being torn apart by a group of low-level star beasts."

Mo Qianyu frowned.About half a year ago, when she was visiting the black market of Ghost Creed, she came across a very rare material for making mechas.The other party doesn't want credit, just barter with rare potions.Pulling off the things on her body, she finally chose Shixiang Ruanjinsan, which had brought down Caesar and other gangsters from the Dire Wolf Star.

She thought that if she sold it there, it would be the star thief there who would cause harm.It never occurred to me that the thing was transferred to these people, and they were planning to use it on her nephew.With the amount she offered at that time, it was definitely enough to bring down Mo Xi and those people.Is this shooting yourself in the foot?
After the two left, the hole that had appeared earlier returned to its original state.Mo Qianyu walked around the pile of rocks for a while, and deduced from a few condensed crystals that the pile of rocks was sprayed with an isolation layer that can isolate the detection wave.With mental power, it was blocked after going about half a meter deep. It should have encountered an isolation net that blocked the detection of mental power.However, according to the perceived shape, it can still be determined that it is an aircraft disguised as a pile of rubble.

Based on these two characteristics, she found seventeen aircraft camouflaged in harmony with the surrounding environment around the lake.They are all medium-sized aircraft, with 30 people per aircraft, and there are more than 500 people.This is still around here, and it is not known how many aircraft are hidden in the same way in other places.

This situation is a bit difficult to handle.Being able to escape from the roundup and sneak into the federation, it can be seen that these people are not people who can be easily dealt with.Even though she is now at level 2S, it doesn't mean that she can defeat a thousand enemies.Besides, it is possible that they also have 2S-level people, and maybe even higher-level people, and it is not just one or two.

After thinking about it, Mo Qianyu entered the space.After removing the invisibility effect of the invisibility cloak, she looked at Jeffrey: "What is the combat level of the Planetary Guard of your Morgan family?"

Ignoring Kang Li's wink, Jeffrey replied: "B."

At this level, it is okay to fight ordinary star robbers, but it is not enough to fight against gray wolves.Although they need manpower, they don't need unnecessary sacrifices.Mo Qianyu frowned, "Which is the nearest military base?"

Jeffrey replied: "Mela Star, but it is a military base for scientific research."

Although scientific research military bases have garrisons, they do not have the right to deploy troops independently.If they want to send troops for reinforcements, they must get an order from the military department, and the order from the military department must go through application and other reviews.When the application is approved, it is estimated that those gray wolf clansmen have either patted their butts and left long ago, or they have already made a big mess.

However, there is a way for the opponent to send troops, that is, someone in that base violates the order to send troops here.After solving this problem, even if you want to make up for it, there will still be a lot of benefits left.As long as you don't meet someone who is particularly rigid and dogmatic, it is not difficult to persuade a person.However, those with military ranks here have not reported to the military headquarters yet, not to mention how to win the trust there, and they cannot be contacted if they want to.

Thinking of this, Mo Qianyu sighed, "It would be great if there is someone I know over there."

Kang Li heard the words and said aloud: "The Yi Shao I met before is from there. I remember that he has the rank of lieutenant colonel."

Mo Qianyu blinked, looked at Qiao and Liu Yun: "Try?"

Qiao and Liu Yun looked at each other and said in unison: "Is there any other better choice?"

Yi stayed at the place where he met Mo Qianyu, and after a short wait, the person who wanted to intercept him appeared.That place is the only way to go deep into the forest. Those people will inevitably meet him, and then they will stand there and confront each other.It has to be said that he is really good at messing around.After teasing for a while, those people forgot the original intention of coming into the forest, and only cared about playing prestige there.

Just when the atmosphere was about to heat up, a silver ball the size of a ping-pong ball flew in front of Yi.Many people stared at Yi, who was the first to provoke the incident. As soon as the silver ball appeared, it attracted the attention of all the people present, and the noisy voices stopped abruptly.

The silver ball stopped in front of Yi and projected a light screen, before the image on the light screen became clear, Mo Qianyu's voice sounded: "Lieutenant Colonel, do you dare to bet? If you win, your military rank will most likely be raised."

Ignoring the knives-like gazes cast on him by those rivals, Yi raised his eyebrows at Mo Qianyu on the light screen, "What bet?"

Mo Qianyu replied: "Basically, it is certain that the person who designed you is the remnant of the gray wolf clan. I only investigated the location marked on the map you gave me, and found seventeen medium-sized aircraft."

Upon hearing this, Yi, who had been in the army for several years, immediately understood what Mo Qianyu meant.His eyes flickered, "With my authority, I can call up to 200 people at most."

As soon as he finished speaking, several voices sounded next to him.

"Although I don't quite understand what's going on, but if you deal with people from the gray wolf clan, count me in."

"Count me in too."

"Count me in."

"Damn, is this sudden atmosphere of hatred and hatred? You all want it, so I'm one of them. Without me, you can't make a big splash. I'm in charge of patrolling, and the number of people that one person can call is You add up to twice as much. Hey! Don't show your fist at me, if I don't release the water, none of your people will get out."

Just as the last person who spoke was yelling and avoiding the fists of the others, Mo Xi's team appeared in front of them.As he approached, Mo Xi's eyes fell on the light screen floating in the air.As soon as the corners of his mouth were raised, his pupils shrank violently, because he saw a man with a red one-eyed eyepatch appearing behind Mo Qianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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