Big business guy wants to chase me

Chapter 111 Agreement Effective Immediately

Chapter 111 Agreement Effective Immediately
The operation was a success, even the doctor did not expect it to be so smooth.

The first person she thought of was Xi Jincheng, and she wanted to thank him well, although it was just a deal between them.

However, if it wasn't for his money, she would never be able to pay for the operation fee.

Holding the phone, she repeated a movement for two hours, but she still failed to press the green call button.

Looking at the number "8" with long tails, she smiled wryly to herself, because it was too easy to remember, so she was remembered by a number idiot like her.

Thinking of the past, Lin Yuanxiang nagged and blamed her for not being able to remember his number N times.

Therefore, he always carefully stores his number in her mobile phone and writes it on the first page of each book for her to remember.

However, until the end, she still did not remember his number.

Especially after he left and her cell phone was lost.

From then on, she erased the only thing related to him one by one, leaving only memories.

Every memory is so beautiful, beautiful and sad, unrealistic.

Happy times always make people nostalgic, and happy times always make people feel short.

"I am a fox who has been in love for thousands of years..."

The mobile phone vibrated in her palm, which shocked her, who was wandering, and reflexively looked at the incoming call on the screen, a little disappointed, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" She took a deep breath and connected the phone.

"Hello, is this Miss Shu?" On the other end of the phone was Liu Can's gentle voice.

"Uh, yes." She froze for a moment, and her heart became nervous for no reason.

Liu Can once said that from the moment the operation is over, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, the agreement will take effect immediately!
For the past two days, she has been waiting for this call, but she is afraid of it.

What should come is still here, although two days late...

"It's like this. I want to hand over the formalities with you about the car and house attached to the agreement. Excuse me, are you free now?" Liu Can said in a business-like manner.

"Assistant Liu, that..." She hesitated, but she didn't know how to speak.

"Miss Shu, if you have anything to say, it's okay! As long as I can help, you're welcome." Liu Can smiled politely.

"I don't want a car or a house, is that okay?" All she wants is 30, 20 will be returned to the village head uncle, [-] is the mother's surgery fee, as for the rest, she doesn't want it at all!
"Ah?" Liu Can was obviously startled by her words, and remained silent for a long time.

"I'm sorry, after my mother is discharged from the hospital, I want to take her back to the village. After all, that's our home. And my younger brother is also on vacation, so I can take care of her at home. Even if the house is given to me, I won't I live, so..." She still had a little hope in her heart, hoping that he would not despise her so thoroughly.

"But, this house has already been bought, and it's just waiting to be settled!" He should have known, shouldn't he?
Shu Ran is not that kind of woman, there is only one reason why she agreed to Xi Jincheng!
"Then... well, where are you? I'll go there right away." He really did what he said, the Haitian Villa house, he bought it as soon as he said.

"Well, I'm at Jingtian Villa, do you need me to pick you up?" Liu Can asked considerately.

"No, I'll just take a taxi."

She refused, stood up, looked up at the clear sky, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

When can her heart be placed in the sun so openly?
(End of this chapter)

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