Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 796 Western Desert

Chapter 796 Western Desert ([-])

The vicinity of the gas station is very chaotic, all kinds of cars are turning left and right in the car group, and there is no rule at all. There are various audio car horns one after another, and Arabs wearing turbans are yelling and cursing in the cars. Large or small traumas can be seen on the car body, and the whole scene is so lively that it is almost crazy.

In the heavy car exhaust and the scorching sun, Chen Zhi felt his head was about to explode. Fat Wei covered his ears and shouted, "These Egyptians are so fucking noisy. If there are land gods in this place, He must have died of schizophrenia..."

After they bypassed the gas station, they walked forward quickly all the way. When the screaming vehicles moved away from them, their ears became quiet. The iron house in front was getting closer, and the iron house In the rear, there is an endless yellow desert. The desert is sparsely populated, and occasionally a few camels can be seen staggering slowly. There is no dirty tail smell in the air, and a thin layer of clear sand Taste, the legendary western desert, came before their eyes like this.

At this time, the sky has obviously darkened, and there must be a place to stay in the night of the desert, because the pedestrians passing by are too chaotic, and there are many violent and dangerous elements among them, and there is no law and order in the night of the desert. It disappeared suddenly, and no one would pay attention at all, so the tin house in front was their only place to go.

Those tin houses were farther away than they seemed. They walked for about 20 minutes before the small houses finally appeared in front of their eyes.

It turned out that in addition to the B&B, it was also a small shop and a long-distance rest station. The outside of the house was wrapped in iron sheets, and it was built squarely. The green paint on the iron sheets has faded, making it look more and more simple.

After arriving at the destination, Chen Zhi first stretched his stiff and sore body, and the desert wind came blowing with a strong and unique smell, which was unobstructed and chilled.

The guys at the door were a little concerned about these Asians, so they didn't dare to greet them rashly, but there was an Egyptian woman in scantily dressed clothes dancing around them, trying to solicit business for the evening.

There are two or three plastic chairs on the front porch in front of the store, lying on the ground staggered, covered with sand, and the original color can no longer be seen.

Mina led them to the B&B area. She had been here many times before and was quite familiar with it. She found a B&B with which she was familiar.

The lights in the shop are dim, and the drinks and snacks on the counter are also covered with a thin layer of sand, which looks very old. An old Egyptian in his 60s greets them warmly behind the counter, speaking in broken English He greeted Mina and exchanged a few pleasantries.

A few of them went into the iron house to rest for a while, waiting for the boss to arrange a room for them. Although this kind of iron house is made of iron on the outside, it is actually a very strong steel and wooden frame structure inside, which is very wind-resistant, even in large It will not collapse even in the wind and sand.

But the interior structure is very primitive, a bit like the inside of a big tent, with curtains hanging everywhere to separate small areas. The boss took them to a room where the walls were separated by curtains. Men and women Sleeping together, there is no privacy, and the space is very cramped, and there is an unpleasant smell everywhere.

There are no bathing facilities here, and you have to go to the desert to go to the toilet by yourself, but even under such conditions, it costs 300 US dollars per night, and this is already considered good for a B&B in the desert.

After everyone settled down, everyone took out the guns, checked them, and then wrapped them in cloth. It was too messy here, and the guns must not be exposed outside, nor could they sustain high temperatures.

Then Mina asked Chen Zhidao,

"We have already found the place, but the desert here is boundless, and there is no direction at all. We can't find it without a clue, right?"

"Don't worry! I know what's in my heart",
Chen Zhi didn't look up at Mina, but opened his trouser legs, took out the dagger and put it outside to cool down, then said calmly,
"Let's find a place to eat first, and then set off at midnight today!"

No food is served in the B&B. In the words of the owner of the B&B, "If you want beautiful girls, we can supply them with all kinds of eye colors, but if you want to eat, go to the store in front."

The store the boss is referring to is the only restaurant in this place, GAT.

GAT was originally a super-large fast food chain restaurant in Egypt. It was built when the government invested in this oasis, but after the tourist attractions here were cancelled, the original chain store was bought by a private owner. This desert has desert rules. The money in this industry cannot be earned by the same company. The hotel earns the money for tourists to stay overnight, and the money for catering must be earned by the owner of this GAT restaurant.

The owner of the GAT restaurant is a burly Egyptian man with a big beard. He doesn't talk much, but he is very polite. He is very familiar with Mina. I noticed that the boss had thick calluses on his index finger, he probably used to touch guns a lot.

Most people are very tired after taking the long-distance station. All the businessmen eat here. The scene in the restaurant is as lively as the canteen in the 60s.

But Mina is a VIP in the eyes of the boss. The boss let Chen Zhi's team to the backyard, where there is a small dining table for their family to eat.

The boss's eldest daughter was responsible for serving them. Like other Egyptian women, she covered her head with a thick kerchief, but judging from her eyes, she should be a young girl with beautiful eyes.

The owner's small stove really had a different response. Chen Zhi and the others had an authentic Egyptian lunch here: roasted pigeon; grilled fish; authentic Egyptian whole wheat bread and sweet and luscious wine.

The days after entering the desert are conceivable. I don’t know if I will be able to eat enough for the next journey, so take advantage of this time to replenish some energy.

After dinner, the boss's daughter served them a pot of tea. She seemed to like Chen Zhi very much, so she put two tablespoons of sugar in the glass. It is Chinese black tea.

At this time, the meal time was over, and the boss came in with a pot of figs after finishing his work outside, and said enthusiastically to everyone in English, "Today is too busy, the hospitality is not good, I invite everyone to eat fruits!"

Figs are considered a precious item in the desert area. The boss is willing to take them out to entertain guests. It turns out that Mina and the others spent a lot of dollars in this store. After everyone took a bite of the figs, it was sweet and juicy, and Pang Wei was even sweeter. My heart was blossoming, at this moment Chen Zhi suddenly asked the boss,

"Boss, I want to ask you something. Is there a well-trained team deep in the desert? Their costumes are very special, with gold thread embroidered on their headscarves~~"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chen Zhi said the words, the boss's face turned pale......

(End of this chapter)

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