Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 739

Chapter 739
This Uncle Shan was the first tour guide hired by Professor Liao and his research team when they visited Wushan. He was a full-time tour guide. He was the famous Laoshan Youzi in Wushan. It's incredible, I can go up and down twice a day.

Wushan Scenic Area has developed to this day. All the original residents rely on the mountain to make a fortune. Uncle Laoshan’s family has not been farming for several generations. The highest among guides.

When Professor Liao proposed to enter Feilong Valley, all the tour guides retreated. Only Uncle Shan was not scared away. Uncle Shan was unwilling at first. The local mountain people are very superstitious. Even if modern civilization develops to Today, they still care a lot about the saying passed down from their ancestors that "you can't enter Wushan at night and you can't enter Feilong Valley when you are born".

But money can turn ghosts around. Under the temptation of Professor Liao's yuan, Lao Shan finally fell in love.

For the Goddess Peak, Lao Shanshu is still very confident. According to his own words, he can walk in this mountain even with his eyes closed, and he also bravely walked the night road in the mountain when he was young. "If you don't enter Wushan at night, One of the ancestral precepts that cannot be born into the Feilong Valley has been broken, but it’s okay.

So in his heart, he already has some doubts about the legend of Feilong Valley, and his son is a college student. The tourism industry has been developed for so many years, and the beasts are almost wiped out. What kind of tricks can the little Feilong Valley turn out?

So under the lure of a stack of red bills, under the sugar-coated shells of those young researchers, Uncle Shan gave in completely, and led Liao Tingting's advance troops into Feilong Valley. Uncle Shan put on a high hat and said that he is worthy of being the gold medal old tour guide in Wushan. At first glance, he is different from those dead-headed ones in the mountains. He also said that when he goes down the mountain, he will spread this matter and tell everyone, only Uncle Shan Only dare to enter Feilong Valley.

Uncle Shan was very proud at the time, he felt that he had earned both money and fame this time, and the legends about Flying Dragon Valley are all scaring people, so there are no old ghosts and gods.

But what happened afterwards completely subverted Lao Shan's concept...

They went up the mountain very smoothly. Uncle Shan's tour guide experience is extremely rich. He grew up in the mountains and knows the wind direction and fog in the mountains very well. The passage was unimpeded, and soon went up to the Goddess Peak, and finally went down to the smoky Feilong Valley.

As soon as he entered Feilong Valley, Uncle Shan immediately found that this place is different from other places in Wushan. There is no sunlight all year round, and it is very dark and humid. Even in broad daylight, there are only dots of light beams in the sky, cast through the gaps in the smoke Come.

Moreover, the trees here are also different from those outside. The vegetation on the ground is very rare, and many of them have never been seen before, but these vegetation grow very lush, even frighteningly lush. There are many fungi plants here. It looks numb, and what is even more frightening is that the trees here are full of colorful long snakes.

For people who often wander in the mountains, it is impossible to say that they are afraid of snakes, but this is the first time that Uncle Shan has seen such densely packed snakes, and judging from the gorgeous colors, these snakes are all poisonous. I was a little scared, and I retreated in my heart.

But he had just blown away the promises with those little researchers, and now he felt a little embarrassed, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead the team.

Later, relying on his years of experience, he led everyone to walk a long way into the mountain. After crossing a stream, he finally found a low mountain in the depths of Feilong Valley.

The appearance of this short mountain is very strange, as if a big mountain has been sharpened, it cannot be seen from the outside of Feilong Valley, it is short and squat like a small stone building.

At that time, when Liao Tingting saw the short mountain, she ordered to stop advancing. She placed the team here, and then asked everyone to set up all the instruments to detect the situation in the mountain.

At that time, after the scientific research team set up all the tents, some of them were busy arranging instruments, and some were busy setting up pots and lighting fires to prepare dinner.

Liao Tingting also smiled and said to Uncle Laoshan that this time they may have found a place. Next, they only need to arrange the instruments and produce a detection chart, and then they can send a message to Professor Liao on the mountainside.

Liao Tingting at the time also said that Professor Liao must be very satisfied with the news.

But that short mountain was very strange, surrounded by circles like a maze, surrounded by potholes and water, there was no place to put the instrument, and the detection could not be completed if it was too far away.

Later, a young scientific researcher discovered that there was a big crack in the middle of the mountain, which could just go straight through. There should be dry rocky areas inside, so several people discussed to carry the instrument directly into the gap, and put the instrument into the crack. Just put the instrument in there.

At that time, Liao Tingting was a little hesitant, saying that the situation in the gap was unclear, and she should ask Professor Liao for instructions first, but the other team members obviously didn't listen to her, and they all chirped that the environment outside was too humid, except for the water all over the floor. The pit is just a mess of vines, and there is really no favorable position. I have to quickly lift the instrument into it. I have been tired all day. After the blueprints are out, everyone is good to eat.

In the end, Liao Tingting had no choice but to obey their wishes, and several male team members carried heavy instruments into the big crack, hoping to find a dry place to place the instruments.

Uncle Lao Shan didn't go in with them at that time, but just waited outside, and they came out after a long time. At this time, Uncle Shan found that those scientific researchers, including Liao Tingting, became very emotional. They said they found the right place this time, it’s great or something~~~
Uncle Lao Shan didn't quite understand what they said specifically, but after Liao Tingting came out of the gap, she was not as shy and cautious as before. She also seemed to have forgotten to send a message to Professor Liao below, but she was happy and happy. Others said that there are many beautiful scenery in the crevices, like a fairyland on earth.

Then all the scientific research personnel started to light the bonfire and put the cooked food on the shelf for dinner, but the few people who came out of the gap were still extremely excited. He took out all the white wine and drank it in big gulps.

Uncle Lao Shan followed the scientific research team all the way, and understood a little bit that these scientific researchers were not allowed to drink alcohol, and the team brought some white wine to raise their body temperature in times of crisis.

But Uncle Shan found that the appearance of those people became even more strange after drinking. Their faces were flushed with burns, and each of them looked like a reddish persimmon...

They came up with the scientific research team, and there were some armed personnel with weapons. They looked at these scientific researchers strangely. Liao Tingting went to toast them one by one with a wine bottle. After a while, she didn't know what to do. What happened, these armed men became excited as if they were infected. Finally, under their enthusiastic toast, Lao Shan also drank too much. He was afraid that he would lose his temper when he was old, so he found a hidden place to sleep. .

He drank so much at the time that he couldn't move at all, but he could still hear the excited shouts of those young people in his ears. In the end, they even went crazy with excitement, and after that, Lao Shan didn't know anything.

But the next day, when Uncle Shan woke up, he found that all these people had disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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