Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 687 The Night of the Final Chapter

Chapter 687 The Night of the Finale
[Thank you for the reward: 1000 for a coir raincoat to shelter from the wind and rain]

The small restaurant in this private courtyard is usually very lively, but today it was very quiet, all the dining tables in the courtyard were empty, Lord Bao was sitting and drinking alone under the big tree, he waved his hand when he saw Chen Zhi come in.

Chen Zhi walked over and sat down, and the owner of the restaurant came out to welcome him immediately. The owner knew Chen Zhi at first. Last year, Chen Zhi and Fat Wei were regular customers here, but the owner never paid attention to the identities of Chen Zhi and the others. But after Lord Bao took over the place today, the way the boss looked at Chen Zhi changed obviously.

The boss's attitude was very warm and timid. He didn't dare to talk too much. After Chen Zhi ordered a few dishes, he brought up two pots of Huangguo Shaobaigan. Huangguo is a special fruit in Z City. It is very clear and has a sweet taste. Chen Zhi, Pang Wei and Sanzi used to drink this when they came here.

After serving the food and wine, the boss retreated knowingly, and the yard became empty. Lord Bao was very strange today. He didn’t bring anyone with him, not even the blue-belt warrior who was always inseparable. Only he and Chen Zhi were left.

"How is your body recovering?" Master Bao asked casually, pouring Chen Zhi a glass of wine.

"Hmm! It's okay!" Chen Zhi picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

"You haven't eaten yet! Just eat something..." After Master Bao finished speaking, he picked up his chopsticks and ordered some food on the table.

"Yeah!", Chen Zhi nodded, picked up the chopsticks and began to pick up vegetables.

The two of them ate, drank, and ate vegetables like this, neither of them talked to anyone. The yard was eerily quiet, only the rustling of the leaves being blown by the wind could be heard.

"Thank you for my father's matter!" Chen Zhi lowered his head and picked up the wine glass as a gesture, and took a drink.

"Oh!" Master Bao responded casually.Then he put down his chopsticks, leaned back on the seat, lit a cigarette and looked at Chen Zhi.

"Any plans for the future?"

"I have no plans, it's just that I won't go back to the organization for now..." Chen Zhi continued to eat, and answered with his mouth.

"Oh!" Master Bao looked at Chen Zhi while pinching his cigarette, without any emotion on his face. He just looked at Chen Zhi for a long time and said,

"It's right to take a break for a while! Be quiet, you can think through a lot of things! In fact, we are all pawns of fate. We are involuntarily at the mercy of fate. There is no escape, and no one can resent. After thinking about this, we can I know, don’t be too attached to being a human being.”

Lord Bao flicked the cigarette ash and continued,
"Pang Wei is alone in the south now, and he has no contact with anyone. He also needs time to be quiet. Although he is a little confused now, he will figure it out one day, and he will come back to you at that time.

You tell him that he has not been betrayed, that he is part of the organization, that I welcome him whenever he comes back, and that I will always trust him as I trust you...".

Listening to what Master Bao said, Chen Zhi didn't answer or ask questions. He just continued to eat and drink, and at this moment he heard Master Bao continue.

"When I was young, I always saw my adoptive father sitting high on the throne, thinking that he was very majestic and could command thousands of troops from the throne, but now I know that my adoptive father is the loneliest person in the world. Everyone is looking at the leader, waiting for the leader to make a decision. Subordinates can make mistakes and be weak, but the leader can never make mistakes, the leader must always be right, and if he makes a mistake, he will have to pay a huge price...

So a long time ago, Jiang Ziya retired as a minister and gave up the throne to Ji Fa, this may be a choice... ".

"He not only let the king take the throne, but also sacrificed the freedom of his descendants, allowing his descendants to live in bondage for generations..." Chen Zhi put down his chopsticks, but did not look up at Lord Bao.

"Hehe!" Lord Bao laughed softly after hearing Chen Zhi's words,
"As far as I know, if the descendants of the Jiang family really want to be free, there is nothing that can bind them. The only thing that can bind them is their own hearts..."

After Master Bao finished speaking, he stopped talking and just kept drinking. He drank a lot of wine tonight, but his face didn't show any hint of drunkenness.

When it was almost midnight, Lord Bao suddenly stood up, took out the dharma ring that could restrain Chen Zhi's magic power from his arms, and gently placed it in front of Chen Zhi,
"Let me tell you, my adoptive father left the throne to me before he died. For thousands of years, the Ji family has never passed the throne to someone with a different surname. I am the first one. It is not easy for me. I hope you can Support me, come to me when you figure it out..."

After Master Bao finished speaking, he pushed the dharma ring forward, then patted Chen Zhi on the shoulder, and left...

It was already late when Chen Zhi returned to the nursing home, and then he began to pack his luggage and prepare to leave the hospital at dawn.

During this period of time, he has been living in a nursing home and has never returned home. Although his father is no longer there, Chen Zhi's best memory is in that house, and the shadows of Fat Wei and Qin Yueyang are still there...

After packing his luggage, Chen Zhi took out the stack of hemp papers that his mother had left in the black cat, and lay on the bed, flipping through the pages.The last few pages of the stack of hemp paper were full of incantations about life-changing spirit stones, but the first page was a letter.

At that time, Chen Zhi's mind was limited by hypnosis, and he would have a headache just reading this letter, so he never knew the content of this letter, but now, this letter has been completely displayed in front of Chen Zhi's eyes.

This is a letter from Chen Zhi's mother to Chen Zhi:

"Xiaozhi, when you read this letter, I should be dead. Since I abandoned my family and escaped with your father, all this has been doomed, and I should pay the price for it. But for you, I am very guilty, I am not a dedicated mother.

From the moment you were born, I felt that I was the happiest person in the world. You are so cute, like a little angel, always involved in my heart. I am reluctant to leave this world, but life is helpless of.

I really can't bear to leave you alone in this world. I don't know what you will face in the future, how much hardship you will suffer, but remember, you have relatives by your side. Your uncle has always missed us very much. He promised I will take care of you.

As for your father, I have nothing to say. He thinks he is the smartest person in the world, but in my eyes, he is the stupidest person in the world.

He has ruined all the happiness bestowed on mankind by God, family affection, love, friendship, these most beautiful feelings in the world have been ruined by him.

He deceives himself, thinking that his intellect can overcome all, and he does not need useless emotions.In fact, if there is no emotion, what is the meaning of human life?Your father is a poor man, until the last moment of his life, he had nothing...

Xiaozhi, live the life you want!Don't force yourself to take responsibility, because no one in this world has to take responsibility, cherish your life, and do what you want to do!

Mother: Jiang Suoqing

 There is one more chapter tomorrow, and the first part of the Tomb of the Gods is over. I have to go out at midnight tonight to stay for a while before I can write the last chapter. That’s all for today, tomorrow will be more, I love you all.

(End of this chapter)

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