Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 673 Secret Metal Research Project Team

Chapter 673 Secret Metal Research Project Team

Chen Zhi took a brief look at the front and back of this application form. This application form has three pages in total. Only at the end of the work unit column is the wording "Secret Metal Research Project Team of Z City". There is no more relevant information, and the entire document does not mention the specific text of this project, not even an official seal.

But this application form was all handwritten. It could be seen that the applicant was very serious and emotional. He wrote a lot of it in a hurry, and the last date left was July 1990, 7.

"If you see any important information, take a photo and take it back! This is not a place to stay for a long time...",
Ye Qiu found that Chen Zhi had been looking at the document and knew that he had found the information he needed, so he gestured to the door, signaling everyone to get out as soon as possible.

After hearing Ye Qiu's words, Chen Zhi immediately took out his mobile phone and carefully took pictures of this page of application documents. Chen Zhi took pictures of the front and back pages of the document, between the lines, and even the small details between each word.

Then, everyone rearranged these documents, closed the door to the basement, rewound the iron chain around the doorknob, refastened the big lock, and finally moved the iron shelf back to its original place.

After everything was dealt with, everyone followed Ye Qiu back in a hurry, but just as they left the door of the file room, they heard loud footsteps coming from the front. It was military leather boots stepping on the floor. There was a loud voice, about a dozen people in front were walking towards this side.

"not good!",
Ye Qiu said in a low voice. He took out a tissue and wiped off all the dust on his fingers, then turned his head and said quickly to Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao,
"We have been here for too long, and we have already attracted the attention of the higher authorities. Now the top leader has arrived, and his rank is very high. No matter how the other party asks you later, you must not reveal your true identity, and you must not communicate with him. They had a conflict, and they insisted that they came with me, otherwise they would be in big trouble... ".

"Okay!" Chen Zhi nodded slightly, then gave Ghost Saber a wink, signaling him to follow Ye Qiu's words.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Qiu's words fell, a group of people in military uniform came in front of them. The leader was an old soldier in his 50s. This old soldier looked very energetic, wearing a half-worn military uniform, Clean and tidy, the stars on the shoulders are so eye-catching.

He saw Ye Qiu first, then looked at Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao who were following behind, and immediately frowned. Chen Zhi felt at that time that the old soldier's aura had been filled with anger, as if The gun could be drawn at any moment.

"who are they?",
The old soldier asked Ye Qiu in a loud voice, "I saw the name of your team leader Mu on the computer system. Why did you bring these two people in? Who are they?"

The old soldier's voice was very loud and full of anger. The people behind him, as if they had been blamed, lowered their heads and peeked at Ye Qiu, but none of them dared to speak.

"General Tao!",
Ye Qiu hurriedly walked over with a smile, "Uncle Tao, have you come to work so early? You are really serious about your work. Both of them are new here. Give me a hand...".

"Stop doing this!" General Tao didn't give Ye Qiu any face,
"Xiao Yeqiu, let me ask you, what do you think this is? How can you bring people in casually? Let me tell you, even you yourself don't have this authority. Besides...the two of them are your followers? You think I'm old and blind ?"

"No no no~~~~", Ye Qiu immediately explained with a smile on his face, "Uncle Tao, listen to me, the thing is like this...".

"go away!",
General Tao didn't seem interested in listening to Ye Qiu's explanation, so he turned around and ordered to the personal guard behind him, "Search!"

Immediately behind General Tao, a few armed policemen jumped out. Regardless of 21, they went straight to Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao to search them.

Chen Zhi was startled at this moment, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing here, in fact, he is not afraid of being searched by several armed police, Chen Zhi's mobile phone has already been encrypted, even the most advanced hackers can't get it from his phone. He couldn't see any information on his phone, and he couldn't see the photo he took just now, but what he was worried about was Ghost Knife. There was a dagger hidden in Ghost Knife's trouser leg. With his character, he would never allow others to get close to him.

Ye Qiu suddenly turned around and yelled loudly, the voice was sharp, the armed police just now stopped their hands when they heard Ye Qiu's angry voice, and aimed their eyes at General Tao.

At this time, Ye Qiu turned his head, put away his smile, and said to General Tao with a serious face,
"General Tao, to tell you the truth, this time I was ordered by Team Leader Mu to carry out a secret mission, but now I have a mission, so it is inconvenient to disclose it to you in detail.

They are indeed not my people, but their identities are very special, and they are never allowed to be searched.And we didn't bring anything out. The data room had already set up a nano-security system. If a piece of paper was taken out, the alarm would go off. We just went in to check the data and did nothing.

General Tao please cooperate with us in the highest spirit and let us get out of here. "

After Ye Qiu finished speaking, he took out his work card again, and he turned the page backwards to reveal a new card on the back. Chen Zhi couldn't see clearly from the back, but there was a big steel seal and Fingerprint code, Ye Qiu handed this certificate to General Tao.

General Tao took the certificate and looked at it carefully, his brows were tightly furrowed, and then he looked at Ye Qiu again, "Little bastard, I haven't seen you for a few years, and now I'm doing well! Tell your old Mu, in the future Don't use this thing to scare me, and call me in advance when you come again... ".

"Yes! Team Leader Mu will definitely explain it to you in person later!",
Ye Qiu solemnly saluted General Tao, and turned his head to signal Chen Zhi and Ghost Sword to follow him.

The people behind General Tao let them go.

They walked quickly all the way, and Ye Qiu breathed a sigh of relief until they walked out of the building.Only then did they realize that it was already dawn outside. It turned out that they had stayed in the building all night without knowing it, and their car was still parked in the yard. Ye Qiu hurriedly let everyone get into the car and left the military compound.

After Ye Qiu sent them back to the guest house safely, he left. He told Chen Zhi to call him if there was anything, and he would definitely do his best to help.

After returning to the room, Ghost Dao went to rest in the next room. Chen Zhi locked himself in the room alone, took out the photos of the documents he had just taken and looked at them repeatedly. He saw that the applicant for this document was a man named He Zhonghua's people...

(End of this chapter)

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