Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 656 Death Comes

Chapter 656 Death Comes
Perhaps out of a biological instinct to survive, Chen Zhi immediately jumped off the bow, and he quickly made a concealed gesture to everyone. We have been fighting together for so long, and we have already formed a tacit understanding. After seeing Chen Zhi's gesture, he immediately realized that there was danger approaching ahead, and Fat Wei, who had been silent at the end of the bed, also saw Chen Zhi's signal, and immediately carried his cousin's body on his back and hid in the in the cabin.

Afterwards, everyone quickly entered the cabin. Chen Zhi immediately uttered a mantra, silently transported out the airflow weaving barrier, completely surrounded the space in the cabin, and covered everyone's breath. His body leaned tightly against the On the inner panel of the cabin, it is completely impossible to see that there is anyone in the boat from the outside, and it is completely impossible to feel the breath of life.

Ming Zhou drifted forward slowly like an unmanned boat, the center of the Wangchuan River was very dark, everything around was quiet, there was no sound of movement in the dead water, and at this moment Chen Zhi It felt like the majestic aura in front of him began to spread, and the smell of sulfur around him became stronger and stronger, making it almost impossible to breathe. Chen Zhi's body was already soaked by this biting cold aura, and he was about to collapse. He, and everyone on board felt this icy aura, as if death was approaching slowly, and everyone knew that the god of death that Asuo warrior spoke of was just ahead.

Soon, a group of black flames suddenly appeared on the water in front of them. They looked forward through the entrance of the cabin, and saw that this black flame was very strange, as if it had the function of illuminating light, which could penetrate everything It can be seen clearly even behind the wooden boards of the cabin.

The black flame was getting closer and closer, and the smell was getting stronger and stronger. The surface of the Wangchuan River was frozen, and the dark boat stopped, but the figure in front gradually approached them...

At this time, Chen Zhi saw a figure surrounded by the center of the black flame. The man was wearing a big black cloak, and the big hat completely covered his face. His head was drooping downwards, completely presenting a 90-degree angle. Horn, like a dead person, but the aura emanating from him is simply terrifying and suffocating.

It was an aura that instantly killed all creatures. Although it was calm, there was a strong and fierce aura inside, crushing like a gust of wind and tsunami, pressing everything under his control.

The surface of Chen Zhi's barrier immediately began to tremble slightly, and Lie Curse immediately began to shrink and thicken automatically after feeling the huge force coming, to protect the people inside the barrier.

Under the pressure of this powerful aura, Chen Zhi only felt his heart palpitations and shortness of breath, and he couldn't breathe at all. Everyone's bodies froze, as if they were frozen, and the figure surrounded by black flames in front of them was constantly approaching , Under his vast power, everyone felt their own insignificance and powerlessness. Similarly, they also felt an indisputable fact, that is, divine power, which can really be so powerful that it should not belong to the human world. .

In an instant, the surrounding time seemed to stop, and everyone's hearts were so stiff that they couldn't move. The Ghost Knife stayed by Chen Zhi's side all the time. He held the wooden board of the cabin with his left hand, held the knife in his right, and his ears stood up nervously.

That is the most instinctive reaction of a samurai in danger. As the representative of the strongest human force, a samurai has a very keen sense of power. Ghost Saber knows that the creature in front of him, which is similar to a god, has the ability to slaughter them at any time .

In fact, until now, Chen Zhi and the others have not encountered a living god.

Even when they encountered Bai Qian in the tomb of the Tianhu God, what they were fighting was not the living Bai Qian, it was only a small part of Bai Qian's life.

The life structure of the gods is very complicated. They can separate a small part of the body's organs. If the body dies, the remaining organs can be used to inherit the remaining life and will, but they are much weaker than the body.

After Bai Qian's body was beheaded by Seimei in Japan, there was not much life left when he returned, and his consciousness was almost lost, but even then, he was still too strong to be defeated.

Chen Zhi still remembers the fierce battle in the tomb of the Tianhu God, the scene of the parrot and the four eyes dying in the tomb, and even though Bai Qian was already withered at that time, they failed to defeat her in the end .

The reason why Chen Zhi was able to leave the Tianhu God's Tomb alive in the end was because Bai Qian let Chen Zhi go without knowing what kind of thinking and purpose he was at the last moment.

And the Emperor Fengdu in the underworld is different from Bai Qian, he is one of the most powerful ancient gods in the ancient times, but in fact, the Emperor Fengdu they fought just now is not the real body, but a remaining part of the gods." Essence", almost close to a corpse.

And even so, it was Jiang Shang who reached out to help in the end, inexplicably attached Chen Zhi's body, and defeated the god of the underworld.

So up to now, they have never encountered a living god at all. Chen Zhi can hardly imagine how they defeated these powerful creatures in the era when Jiang Shang lived. If these powerful creatures survived until now, I don't know what it's like to be in contact with them.

But now, although the god of death in front of him was only close to a god, Chen Zhi really felt the smell of a god.

The black figure slowly floated towards them. He was obviously floating on the water, and he was stepping on a thin wooden board. He was not afraid of the river of Wangchuan, and the river water under his feet kept beating him. He was motionless, completely still, while the black flames around him were burning fiercely.

The black flame was very strange. Although it was not bright, it illuminated everything and was very dazzling. Everyone didn't even dare to look directly at the black flame for fear that their eyes would be burned instantly.

Facing the god of death who was approaching immediately, everyone's nerves were extremely tense. Everyone knew what the danger was?
The team is exhausted, and if they confront this god of death at this time, they will have no chance of survival...

 How do I feel that I am more and less, I should criticize!

(End of this chapter)

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