Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 563 go all out

Chapter 563 go all out
[Thanks to Little Melancholy for the [-] yuan award]

During this period of time, Anbu, who was hit, never showed his head again. It is said that all the warriors in Anbu were seriously injured in this sneak attack. The main warriors were all beheaded by Ji Yang and others. Those who went out also lost their vitality. No matter how difficult it is, it is estimated that Anbu will not be able to make a difference for a long time.

After the leader was injured, he has been raising the general inside the royal city, and Lord Leopard is in charge of the outside affairs for the time being. Now he has organized all his forces to focus on this mission in the underworld. The fire spirit stone can maintain the barrier, so now the goal is very clear, that is to do everything possible to help Chen Zhi's team go to the underworld.

Lord Bao first sent an advance team. These people first went to Bingliugou in Changbai Mountain to make peace with Ning Bin, and with the help of Ning Bin and Mu He, they turned Bingliugou into a tight stronghold. All stock supplies and mechanical equipment.

The second team sent by Lord Bao is Professor Liao's group of site exploration technicians. Fat Wei has been to Changbai Mountain and seen the entrance of the underworld.But according to his memory, the underground road was very rough and difficult to walk, and there were many dangerous creatures gathering, so walking the original road was not a good choice.For them now, it is necessary to avoid all dangers as much as possible, and avoid injury to team members before entering the gate.

Professor Liao and the others did a comprehensive site survey in the deep ice area of ​​Changbai Mountain, and found that the open space under the deep ice area is very empty, but from the drawings, the reflection state below is very complicated, which is an indescribable phenomenon. space.

However, they found a gap on the side of the mountain, which seemed to be an intersection specially left by the ancients as a transportation lane. Professor Liao and the others opened a passage along that gap, which can lead directly to the open area below. .

Therefore, the rest of the matter was much easier. Ghost Saber returned to the team during this period, and he went with him on this mission to the underworld.And at the same time, the organization has also equipped a large number of warriors to assist the team. They will use their own methods to go to Changbai Mountain alone, and prepare to enter as the second batch of teams when the boat returns.

The lunatic rushed back from abroad soon, and he brought back the weapons of Fat Wei and Chen Zhi in a hurry.

When he put the knife wrapped in the cloth bag in front of everyone, the thick cloth bag could no longer suppress the sharpness of the two long knives.

"I really opened my eyes this time..." The lunatic pointed to the long knife on the table and praised.

"This high-level control stone is really not a thing in the world. At that time, the chain was forged in a high-temperature furnace of several thousand degrees, and the chain would not melt! Finally, we adjusted the furnace to tens of thousands of degrees. At the high temperature, at the risk of an explosion, only then did I see the crackling and crackling of the rock-controlling chain inside. The scene at that time was like an earthquake.

I saw it with my own eyes, when these high-level control stones melted into liquid, they all shone like fucking diamonds, so beautiful, I can't even describe them... ".

After the lunatic finished speaking, he threw down two extremely thick black cowhide knife cases, which were all hand-sewn with alloy wire thread on the top.

"Let me tell you... I have melted all these high-level control stones into your knives without wasting a dime. Your two knives are not ordinary things now. As long as they are strong enough, even if they are A tank can be split in half.

I took them along the way and wrapped them in thick cloth bags for several layers, but I was still frightened by the knife. Be careful when you hold them, and you must cover them with a knife cover, otherwise it is easy to accidentally injure yourself!
"Fuck! Is it true or not?",
Fat Wei immediately became excited, he lifted the thick cloth covering the long knife, and was immediately blinded by the glare and cold light of the knife, only to see that Chen Zhi's Tushen and Fat Wei's machetes became even more intense. It is thick, and it is very delicately built from the back of the blade to the blade.Especially that blade can no longer be described as sharp, even if you are far away, you can feel the aggressive aura emanating from the blade.

"I rely on your mother! Crazy, you have two tricks~~~",
Fat Wei was so excited when he saw it, he picked up the machete and swung it twice, the lunatic immediately avoided him and cursed, "You fucking fat man, don't f*ck gestures, what if you accidentally hurt someone... ".

Chen Zhi also picked up his God Slayer, and saw that the blood on the blade was very eye-catching. Lord Bao said that this knife once drank dragon's blood, and it was already a divine weapon.Although Chen Zhi doesn't know the exact situation, the red light on the blade of the God Slaughtering Saber is even more eye-catching now. It seems that the dragon's blood has finally been matched with the real master. There is an indescribable sense of strength in the hand, as if everything in this world should bow down under this magic knife.

"Thank you for your hard work, madman!".

Chen Zhi looked at the big dark circles under the madman's eyes from staying up late these days, and patted him on the shoulder.

So, when everything was ready, the team was ready to go.During this time, Qin Yueyang had been brought back from the hospital, her fingers had been stitched up and covered with thick bandages.According to historical records, the organization made a set of wedding dresses for ancient Zhou people.In fact, it was a whole set of big red robes studded with decorative gemstones, which Qin Yueyang put on when entering the underworld, and acted like a concubine princess from the Zhou Dynasty.

But at this time, Fat Wei and Lao Somersault sang a double reed. According to the detailed description on the scroll, when Mingzhou enters Yingdu City and returns, it must have a ferryman. Come back with Ming Zhou and pick up the next group of people. The more ordinary the ability of this person, the better, but he must have a blood relationship with the people in the team.

Qin Yueyang in the team had no relatives, and Chen Zhi didn't want his father to be involved. The original plan was to let Ji Ying, who was related to Ghost Saber by blood, be on board. A new member was picked up to join the team. This person is Hao Ning, who is Fat Wei's cousin.

Hao Ning is a very ordinary person, he is the child of Aunt Fat Wei.Fat Wei had told Chen Zhi before that his father had no relatives, but his mother had a younger sister who gave birth to two children.One of them is fairly self-reliant, while the other is naturally cowardly and cowardly, always unable to find a job, and this Hao Ning is the latter.

Hao Ning is less than 1.7 meters tall. Unlike the sturdy Pang Wei, he is as thin as a chicken, with thin shoulders and eyes that dare not look directly at others. He is obviously a timid person.

In fact, the old somersault was not satisfied with this ferryman, but Ji Ying's aura was too strong, and he was still in the process of healing, so he was not suitable for the ferryman.Moreover, Fat Wei repeatedly recommended his cousin, and the old somersault was worn out by him helplessly, so he had no choice but to report it, but Lord Bao agreed.

Fat Wei once told Chen Zhi in private that he would return to his old job sooner or later. Compared with Chen Zhi who has been an organization person all his life, Fat Wei still hopes to find a reliable person to help him in the future, even if It's good to let the wind out.

Ferryman's work is not dangerous, and he also wants to bring his cousin out to experience it this time. More importantly, Fat Wei has always kept an eye on it. He has always been surrounded by people from the organization, and he always feels that his fate In the hands of others, going to the underworld this time is no small matter, he must have someone of his own to help him outside to be at ease.

So, after everything was ready, Chen Zhi left a letter to his father, making up some random reasons saying that they would go out for a while.Then the team set off on the same day and went to Changbai Mountain in Jicheng again.

(End of this chapter)

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