Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 553 Qin Yueyang Chapter

Chapter 553 Qin Yueyang Chapter ([-])

Reality is always crueler than imagined. Uncle Jin, who has always been on good terms with Qin Yueyang's family, is the one who betrayed them. He sold the new address of Qin Yueyang's family to the pursuers at a high price in exchange for a lot of wealth and satisfaction. The bloody hands, Qin Yueyang thought later, maybe the massacre of exterminating the family was doomed a long time ago.

After this Uncle Jin captured the young Qin Yueyang, he did not hand it over to the group of people who hunted down Qin Yueyang's parents.He brought Qin Yueyang back, and sold Qin Yueyang, a little demigod, everywhere in Southeast Asia like a business. Demigods are extremely rare, let alone a little girl who is easy to control.Qin Yueyang was sold at a black market auction for a very high price to a boss in the Philippines who was in the treasure hunting business.

From then on, Qin Yueyang was taken to the Philippines and spent his childhood and girlhood.

Life in the Philippines is long and cruel, so cruel that people even forget the sunshine, fairy tales and dreams, leaving only the primitive desire to live.

The Filipino boss is nicknamed the soil pig, as the name suggests, he is a fat black man with a greasy face like a pig. With an expensive cigar in his mouth.

The native pig used to make a fortune by abducting and trafficking children in the Philippines. He sold organs and set up child prostitution. He was a complete bastard.Later, he started to run the treasure hunting business and made a fortune.Ever since he bought Qin Yueyang, the thing he regrets the most is that he can't personally give her **** Qin Yueyang, as a demigod, the most valuable thing is undoubtedly the blood of her gods. The cleanliness of blood is very important. In the process, many places need the blood of demigods.Qin Yueyang has been drawn blood continuously since he was very young, and then recovered, and then kept drawn blood again.During the repeated torture, her body has been tossed and weakened, but her will has been honed and strengthened.She can follow the explorers up the mountain and down the sea without hesitation, as long as she wants to survive, she can go through any hardships.

In the traditional concept of Filipinos, a woman's chastity is a symbol of holiness, and holiness is very important to a demigod.Therefore, even if Tuzhu covets Qin Yueyang when he was a girl, he is not willing to take the risk of making a demigod worthless. After all, he paid a very high price to buy Qin Yueyang, and it is a loss to defile her. buy and sell.

However, this doesn't mean that he doesn't have the opportunity to molest Qin Yueyang.

Since Qin Yueyang was 13 years old, she has been a land slave in the local pig family, and she has no human rights at all. Apart from going out with the expedition team to hunt for treasure, and when needed, her blood was inhumanely drawn. She also has a very special Her job, that is, when Tuzhu holds a large banquet to entertain guests, she needs to sit naked in the middle to be watched by everyone, just like a special display.

Everyone is very interested in this demigod girl. They molested the naked Qin Yueyang little by little with their gazes, spit wine on her, and said dirty and obscene words. Uncle Jin, who was once her father's life and death friend, was also there Among the group of drunken men, he was among the invited ones, admiring Qin Yueyang's young body with squinting eyes.

Qin Yueyang, who had just entered her teenage years, was very ashamed of this. She couldn't bear being humiliated like this. During that time, she often dreamed in the middle of the night that she was being raped naked by a group of people. It was very disgusting. This feeling It just broke her down.Qin Yueyang often hugs her head and cries crazily at night, and then cuts her own arteries with a blade, but after being unconscious, she is finally rescued, and the next day, she will be beaten even more severely by the local pig for committing suicide .

Although she has been living in the terrifying darkness like this, Qin Yueyang also has a glimmer of hope. She still remembers a small fortune-telling spell that her mother taught her when she was young. Sprinkle tea leaves on the ground, and divination is said to be very effective according to the shape of the splashed tea.

And the divination results always gave her great hope. The graphics presented by the tea told her that she would soon get rid of everything here, and a new life and a person who would protect her would appear immediately. By then, everything would be different.

In the year when she just turned 18, Tuzhu got the news that there was a large amount of high-purity gold stored in an abandoned underground factory in a small city in Northeast China.The value of those golds is huge, and they can even buy all the belongings of Tuzhu. This news makes Tuzhu tempted.

Tuzhu is not a person who is good at running a business, but he is very experienced in the treasure hunting industry. After he inquired about the information of the Youth Forge in Z City in a short period of time, he sent a team of explorers and asked them to take Qin Yueyang went to look for gold, and at that time Qin Yueyang knew that the moment to change her fate had finally arrived.

It was a very dark underground research institute, and no one had been active in it for a long time. They were horrified to find that in the dark underground, there was a horrible monster like a blood man. The Filipino team members were attacked very quickly. They died one after another, and some team members were trapped in an illusion and couldn't extricate themselves.At this time, the captain of the Filipino team, the cousin of Tuzhu, gave the cruelest order.

He ordered Qin Yueyang, who was a land slave, to be cut all over with knives, and threw her bloody into the pile of dead people on the bottom floor of the basement, in order to attract the attention of those monsters.If all those monsters pounced on Qin Yueyang, there would be a buffer period while they were eating Qin Yueyang, and these Filipinos would have a chance to escape.

This seemingly inhumane idea, unexpectedly saved Qin Yueyang in the end.At that time, after Qin Yueyang's cut blood was thrown into the pile of dead people, she used her last bit of strength to hide her body under the corpse to avoid the attention of the blood people.

Instead, another team entering the basement found her.

It was a Chinese team, and the leader was a fat man. When they passed by Qin Yueyang, Qin Yueyang desperately grabbed a team member's leg and shouted for help.

She didn't know at the time that although the person who was held by him looked ordinary at the time, in less than two years, he became a key figure in the world. This person's name is Chen Zhi.And Qin Yueyang's fate has been on the right track since then.

(End of this chapter)

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