Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 441 Another Person

Chapter 441 Another Person
Chen Zhi suddenly said in a weak voice,
"Pang Wei, try shouting on the wireless, and ask someone to come to the desert to pick us up. The person who secretly followed us in may hear our wireless."

"Fuck! I almost forgot about him",
Chen Zhi's words reminded Fat Wei, and he immediately said nervously,
"By the way, why did I forget that when we came in, there was another person following us! That kid followed us, walked the same way as us, and then stopped before the entrance of the Black Desert. I At that time, I said that he should be dealt with first, otherwise there would definitely be worries for the future, right?
The three of us are now like bereaved dogs. How can we have the strength to deal with him?At this time, we should avoid him, and you still have to call him on the wireless, and you still expect him to come and save us?I saw that they came over to see us off! "

Fat Wei frowned after saying this, adding another layer of pressure invisibly. He wrapped the rope tightly around his waist, gritted his teeth while looking at the black desert in front of him, and his face was full of sadness.

"You call him on the wireless to try it out",
Chen Zhi continued in Microsoft's voice,
"Since he walks the same road with us and takes the same map, he will probably use the same wireless network as us. Maybe he can hear what we say on the wireless. That person is still in essence. He is one of us, and he will come to save us. Just tell him on the radio that Ghost Knife is seriously injured and is about to die, so let him quickly come to the desert to help, and after that, I will give him an explanation."


"It seems that you know who that person is! It's so mysterious, can it work..."

Fat Wei was baffled by Chen Zhi's words, but he didn't have the energy to ask more questions, so he yelled three or four times loudly in the wireless according to the original words Chen Zhi told him, but there was no response on the wireless.

At this time, the sound of crawling and crawling followed from the back wall again, and the girls were about to move, Fat Wei didn't dare to delay any longer, he put on the oxygen mask, gritted his teeth and looked at the A black desert spread all over the sky, and Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao were resolutely pulled out of the gate.

For a period of time after that, Pang Wei became very silent. Chen Zhi and the ghost knife plus the ghost tree weighed nearly 400 kilograms, which was unbearable for Pang Wei even when he was in normal physical condition.

Fat Wei didn't say a word after that, he gritted his teeth and tried his best to walk hard in the black desert.At this time, Pang Wei pays great attention to maintaining a uniform breathing rate, maintaining the singleness of body movements, and not wasting any energy. He drinks water every hour, rests for a while, and then continues walking.

But it is too hot in the desert, and the water you drink will evaporate immediately. One day and one night have passed, and Pangwei's physical strength has been exhausted. He is still tenacious to maintain the forward speed, but the sound of breathing has become more and more rapid , and finally started to get weaker.

The hot black sand and extensive burns caused Chen Zhi who was dragged on the ground to feel unbearable pain and fell into a coma, because Chen Zhi's wireless had been burned out in the tomb of God before.So before they set off, Fat Wei hung the headset of Ghost Saber on Chen Zhi's body.

Chen Zhi insisted on talking with Fat Wei along the way, and gave him directions so that he would not collapse while walking alone in the black desert. Moreover, Chen Zhi also insisted on calling the person who came in with them on the wireless, telling them what they were talking about. When he arrived, he kept reporting to that person, repeatedly emphasizing that Ghost Saber was seriously injured, and Fat Wei was exhausted, and called him to come quickly to respond, but there was no response on the wireless.

"Don't waste your efforts in vain",
Fat Wei said in a weak voice through the wireless, his voice was hoarse and trembling, it could be heard that he was close to dehydration.

The water they took from the underground river has basically been consumed in the tomb of the gods. Now the only water source left is the water bottle on Pangwei’s body, but after everyone shared the water just now, there is not much left. This journey in the desert is like a stove. Similarly, Pangwei consumes a lot of water, and there is no water in the kettle.

After a few more hours, Pang Wei's speed began to slow down gradually. Chen Zhi found that Pang Wei had really reached his limit. Pang Wei was once bitten by a female babe in the ground, and his blood loss was already serious. In fact, they are all in a state of strong support.But there is a limit to human will. Fat Wei is about to die, but the distance in front of him has only reached about half of the desert.

In the hot black sand, the terrifying burning sensation on Chen Zhi's body struck again. The ghost knife tied to the ghost tree with him kept his eyes tightly closed, and his face was exactly like that of a dead person. Chen Zhi couldn't even be sure. Is he out of breath.

In the extreme pain and dragging, Chen Zhi also gradually fell into a coma.

I don't know how long he has been in a coma. When Chen Zhi woke up again, he found himself lying in the hot black sand. Fat Wei was half kneeling in front of him. His body was trembling slightly in the black sand. It was a human body. The bouncing physiological response produced when the load can no longer be achieved.

After Fat Wei got up, he tried to drag them for a while, but finally fell to the ground, unable to move.

The three of them lay like this for a long time in the black desert, the passage of time began to become chaotic, and the black sand slowly covered their bodies, just as they were about to be swallowed by the desert.

Suddenly, a figure slowly came out from the darkness ahead.

The man's body was bent, and he was wearing the same work clothes and oxygen mask as theirs, but his work clothes were in very good condition without any damage, and the equipment on his body was also complete.

He first walked over to check on Pang Wei's situation, then poured the water on his body into Pang Wei's kettle, and then walked over to feel the ghost knife's pulse.Finally, he walked up to Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi closed his eyes tightly in the oxygen mask and remained motionless.

The man drew out a dagger, hesitated for a long time at Chen Zhi's chest, and finally put down the knife, reached out to pull the oxygen tube under Chen Zhi's neck, trying to cut off the oxygen in Chen Zhi's oxygen mask.

But at this time, Chen Zhi's closed eyes suddenly opened,
Chen Zhi calmly looked at that person's face in the oxygen mask, the face he expected.

"I knew it was you, who could hide from the eyes of Bao's tricksters, come down from the entrance of the cellar, and have the ability to let the gourd above let you pass, and you can get the same equipment as us, only in the Bao family. it's you.

Uncle Jin, you are finally here,

Are you here to avenge the third son?At that time, you saw the dead soul of the third son. He said that the person he saw before he died was me, right? "

  Thank you for waiting, I will try harder

(End of this chapter)

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