Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1966 The First Meeting

Chapter 1966 The First Meeting

This legendary object has been in Chen Zhi's heart for a long time.

It is like a silent long scroll, running through everything from beginning to end, from the tomb of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, to the Hell of the Underworld, and everything after that, like pawns of fate , threaded together by this legendary scroll.

"Fengshen Zha" is the legendary list of the gods, which records the true appearance and most extreme secrets of all the gods.

For a long time in the past, Chen Zhi had given up looking for it.

He even believes that such a thing does not exist, but a misunderstood legend.

But now, when this thing actually appeared in front of him, it was so real and unexpected.

Yamo flicked it, and opened the scroll, revealing a neat line of scriptures inside. The handwriting was very imposing, and it was written by Jiang Ziya at his peak.

These contents are very precious and very detailed, and they are all the gods who personally enshrined Zen in Jiang Ziya's era.

Some of these names were mentioned in the legends of later generations.

But there are others that future generations do not know.

These texts record the names of the gods; source, lifespan.

Their special abilities, talents, origins of blood, as well as their final causes of death and places of burial.

The value contained in this precious scroll has reached the point where it cannot be estimated.

Chen Zhi and Yamo looked at the sacred names one by one, feeling as if they had grasped the greatest power in the world in their hands.

As expected, this divine letter was exactly the same as the one in the legend, it seemed to have no end, and it kept getting longer and longer, but at the end, Chen Zhi saw something strange.

Those random words, compared to those journalists who were gods, seemed to be written by Jiang Ziya at random when he felt it.

In today's terms, it's a bit like a diary.

But on the edge of these diaries, some very unique incantations were arranged.

In Chen Zhi's memory, this is a visual incantation, and its function is a bit like the current recorder, which is used to save these words.

Not knowing what kind of thought it was, Chen Zhi began to recite the mantras above silently.

And then the scroll of the God Sealing Letter began to shine brightly, the sealed spells were opened, and a burst of light burst out from the Sealing God Letter in an instant.

The entire scroll was opened, extending infinitely, and then they were surrounded by a long scroll.

It felt like entering another dimension...

This is a very unique perception. It is not about sight and hearing, but after being surrounded by a long scroll of light in the middle, everything around you is dizzy, as if you were there.

And the divine characters that appeared on the Fengshen Zha just now began to grow very large, floating in rows in the air, converting these characters into modern characters and filling Chen Zhi's mind.

At that moment, Chen Zhi seemed to have entered that special era.

The era when people and gods coexisted, the era when people were enslaved.

And at this time, the passages of divine writing diary recorded by Jiang Ziya flowed into Chen Zhi's brain like passages of clear memories...

[I am a person who has never seen Qingshan.

When I was young, I was frivolous and arrogant. Apart from the emperor, I didn't know what to be in awe of in this world.

Because I am loved and in charge of Lingshi, the Tianhu family in power also respect me three points, let me wander around all day long, and enjoy the treasures of the world.

I have never known the suffering of human beings. When teasing the world, I regard human beings as pigs and dogs, and disdain to speak human words. Even human nobles and princes do not bother to sleep and eat with them.

Until one day, I met Xibo Hou Jichang by chance.

Everyone laughs at Xibo Hou Jichang as a stupid person, saying that he is cowardly and stupid, and is often teased without knowing it.

When he met Mrs. Su, he was thirsty like fire, but he didn't know to let the servant pour water, and he himself fainted due to thirst.

When playing archery, he often hits the ground and hurts his own hands. His actions are clumsy, and he is often laughed at.

Afterwards, he was placed under house arrest in Chaoge and could not be released for a long time.

I have nothing to do all day long, so I went to meet him for a while, it was really a tease~~
When I saw Ji Chang for the first time, I saw that this man's face was like a bright moon, and his eyebrows and swords were quite handsome.

But his character is really soft and cowardly, and he doesn't know the etiquette, he doesn't know the status of the visitor, and he doesn't show courtesy to me, which is very interesting.

Since then, I have been going there often, drinking and talking with him, calling him friends, but actually making fun of him, but he never gets angry and laughs all day long~~
People in the market say that Xibo Hou Jichang and I are close friends! !

But one day, he suddenly took my hand and said to me,
"It's bloody and rainy today, and the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan is causing harm to the world.

Every year, Xiqi is forced to offer sacrifices to nearly ten thousand people, but in fact they all fall into the belly of a fox.

If this continues, the human race will be eaten and killed within a few years, and we cannot let it go.

Are you willing to form an alliance with me to fight against the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox? "

I was shocked, thinking he was crazy, so I shook off his hand and threatened him that I would inform the court.

But he suddenly fixed me with a spell, removed my aura, and said to me,
"Now the whole world knows that you and I are close friends. If I am arrested for treason, I will definitely implicate you. How can you clear yourself up?"

I was completely horrified, and only then did I know that this person had deep scheming and boundless mana, and everything in the past was just pretending to be crazy.

Afterwards, he had a long talk with me, and I knew his ambitions.

Everything in the world is the way of heaven, but the way of heaven is the secret of heaven.

The emperor once had the 16 hexagrams of the celestial phenomena to break through the secrets of the sky, change thousands of times, control the fate of the gods in the world, and use this as a force to kill the Nuwa clan of the Great Sun and control the power of heaven and earth~~
Later, the 16 hexagrams were destroyed by the emperor to prevent others from following suit.

And Ji Chang has already discovered the secrets of the gods and emperors, and is proficient in the 16 hexagrams of changing celestial phenomena, which can change fate against the sky.

But as a human being, the way of his birth cannot be changed, and his lifespan is short, so he cannot achieve great things.

So turn to me.

In return, he is willing to teach me the method of changing fate against the sky, and help me become a god emperor, as long as I help him save mankind from fire and water! !
Although I was surprised, I was threatened by him. I privately believed that I wanted to become a god emperor, so I agreed to his request.

So we secretly met with Emperor Xin of Zhou, willing to help him exterminate the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan and help mankind.

Human kings are divine powers bestowed by heaven. Although Emperor Xin has a high reputation, he is under the fox god.

During the secret meeting, Di Xin cried to us that the nine-tailed celestial fox was so absurd that he actually killed his concubine, the daughter of Jiugong, in front of him.

Jiu Gong is a virtuous person well known in the world, killing his aunt's daughter is the greatest act of immorality, and the emperor will be furious after hearing this.

At that time, the imperial power of the nine-tailed sky fox will be deprived, and the human king will be in charge, and human beings will be out of water and fire.

So I took Di Xin's blood book and went to find my childhood friend Shen Gongbao, asking him to take us to the God Emperor for help.

Sure enough, the Emperor of God was furious, scolded the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, and promoted Emperor Xin, and from then on, the human monarch came to the fore.

I sent the Divine Emperor's decree to Di Xin, thinking that the success is complete and the world can be safe.

Unexpectedly, that night, Ji Chang cried bitterly, scratched his face, and suffered unspeakably.

I am very puzzled and asked why.

Only then did I realize that his sincerity...

At that time, I knew that there really are such precious people in this world.

We, the Protoss, have strong self-sufficiency, longevity and infinite life, transcending all things in the world, but in fact they are nothing more than plants and trees.

But Ji Chang is different! !
All living beings are vegetation, but you are the green hill! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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