Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

They went to the backyard to meet Qin Yueyang first. Qin Yueyang felt much better after the rest and the fast-acting calming pills in the hygiene kit.Now her complexion is gradually recovering, and she can walk on her own.

Chen Zhi supported Lao Yu, Fat Wei supported Lao Somersault, and they quickly walked across the backyard to the exit of the B&B.

When they walked to the gate, they found this so-called "homestay", and there was a huge stone shrine at the gate.The stone shrine is too old and huge in size. It was directly carved out of a whole big stone. There is a stone statue in the center of the shrine. This stone statue has been completely obscured by years of wind and rain, but it can still be seen. It can be seen that it is a statue of an ancient Japanese man, who looks like a scholar-bureaucrat or a court official, wearing an ancient Japanese kimono, combing a bun, and wearing a tall hat, sitting there in a well-behaved manner. The hand is placed on the knee, and the other hand is in the shape of an orchid.

Directly below the stone statue is a square stone platform with a few words engraved on the stone platform, "Tuyumen".

"Tuyumen?" When Chen Zhi saw this word, there was a touch in his brain. He felt that there seemed to be a little impression of these three words in his mind, but for a while, he couldn't remember them at all.

But Qin Yueyang next to her seemed to know these words. She stared at the stone statue in front of her with wide eyes, her face full of unspeakable horror, as if she had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

Chen Zhigang wanted to speak, and asked Qin Yueyang who the stone statue in the shrine was and why it scared her like that.But at this time, Qin Yueyang obviously clenched his teeth, and said with a pale face: "This is an onmyoji. He has been dead for a long time. This is his ancestral hall and his lair. We must come here immediately."

"Damn! Why are you so evil! It turns out that the dead onmyoji is haunted by ghosts." Fat Wei said while pulling Chen Zhi, "Are you still waiting for ghosts to catch you? Let's go!"

Just like that, several people hurriedly ran down the mountain path and into the village square as if they were being chased by ghosts.

The village in front of me has completely changed its appearance. During the day, the village is still full of vitality, and the villagers are still chatting and laughing happily.But at this time, the village was deserted, full of paper figurines, and weeds as tall as a person. There was not even a single person in this gloomy ghost village.

A few of them hurried through the middle of the village, trying to find the way down the mountain.Just as they passed by a dilapidated residential building, Chen Zhi suddenly saw out of the corner of his eye that there was a bright red mass staring at him.

Chen Zhi turned his head suddenly, startled in his heart, in an instant, he saw a red face, blood red, hiding behind the window of a broken house, and that face seemed somewhat familiar.

"What's wrong? What did you see?" Fat Wei asked when Chen Zhi stopped, and the others also stopped.

"Well, I seem to have seen something just now," Chen Zhi replied, and when he looked back, he saw that it was pitch black behind the window, and there was nothing there.

"What's going on? Did I get dazzled just now?" Chen Zhi doubted himself, walked towards the dilapidated house, and looked inside from the window.Suddenly, a strange chill hit, making people feel an inexplicable oppression physically and mentally, exactly the same as Chen Zhi felt at that time.

"You guys wait here for a while, and Fat Wei and I will go in and have a look, and we will come out soon," Chen Zhi explained to Old Somersault and the others, then gave Fat Wei a wink and let him go in with him.

Chen Zhixian took out the brand new black dogleg from the knife belt, this gun had never been used before, the black cold steel blade cast a dull cold light under the moonlight.

Chen Zhi put the black dog legs down behind him, and walked into the house with Pang Wei carefully.

The house is so dilapidated that the roof above is exposed to the sky, the interior is pitch black, you can't reach your fingers, and there is a musty and rotten smell everywhere.Chen Zhi took out the flashlight from his pocket, turned on the brightest light, and shone the light into the room.

Before Chen Zhi could see the inside of the room clearly, he felt a flash of red light, and a strong smell of cinnabar came to his nostrils, and then he heard a "crash!" from the window in front, as if something had come from The window jumped out.

"Did you see it just now?" Chen Zhi was slightly dizzy after being dazzled by the red light, and asked Fat Wei softly.

"I see~" Fat Wei's voice trembled behind him, "I just saw a red-faced female ghost jumping out of the window." Fat Wei opened his eyes wide and said in horror.

"M, this village is so fucking evil, we have to find a way out of here immediately." Chen Zhi cursed, took a few steps back, and shone left and right with the flashlight.

When the flashlight shone through the dark and small room, Chen Zhicai saw that there was another person who had been here all the time.Or should I say, it has been lying here all the time.

This small house is more than 30 square meters at most, the ground is covered with weeds, and the walls are covered with moss.The room was empty without any furniture, but in the middle of the room, there was a long wooden bed with a person lying across it, covered from head to toe with a white cloth.

Chen Zhi and Fatty took a big step back intimidatingly, almost losing their footing.Fat Wei immediately scolded: "Damn! This Japanese devil is really a pervert, the corpse is not buried in the grave, it is placed here brightly, isn't it afraid of cheating the corpse?"

"What is that? Is it really a corpse? How can there be a corpse in this mountain village with enchantment fantasy? Could it be that onmyoji from 1000 years ago?" Chen Zhi's mind was running fast, staying on the spot After hesitating for a moment, he said to Pangwei: "Stand here and don't move, I'll go and see what's under the cloth?" After speaking, he walked away like the corpse covered with white cloth.

A strong smell of rotting corpses hit him, making Chen Zhi extremely sick. The white cloth in front of him had turned yellow, and a thick layer of dust had fallen on it, forming uneven piles of dust. From this look, this corpse had already turned yellow. Been here for many years.

"If this is really the corpse of the Onmyoji from 1000 years ago, it shouldn't be a rotting corpse, but only bones?" Chen Zhi was thinking wildly, and used his hands to remove the white cloth horns.

"Don't touch it," Qin Yueyang suddenly ran in and stopped him loudly.I don't know when, she has followed in.

"You dare to touch this thing randomly, don't you want to die?" Qin Yueyang said, and walked over.

She looked at the corpse covered with white cloth, took out a piece of yellow paper, chanted a few incantations in the air, and threw the yellow paper towards the corpse, only to see that the yellow paper instantly burned, flying ashes Falling on the white cloth.

Suddenly, the underside of the white cloth actually started to move, and the corpse shook violently under the white cloth, as if it was about to break free.

(End of this chapter)

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