First line of life

Chapter 170 Rob Town

Chapter 170 Rob Town

next door?

My heart suddenly tightened, isn't Li Xueer next door?The cold woman that Fatty Liao was talking about, I haven't seen her say a word since I came in.

And after Elder Lin and Yang Xiong walked into the room, they went directly to her own room, which is next door to us, but now Fang Zhou told me that the one next door was more terrifying?
It's Li Xueer. The strange thing is, I didn't feel any aura from Li Xueer's body. Could it be that this woman is hiding so deeply?

Fatty Liao also said before that he couldn't see through Li Xueer, and my heart skipped a beat. If this is true, then Li Xueer must have discovered it when Equation Week came out just now.

Sir, this exposes Equation Zhou to others, which is too bad for me, right?
"Brother Li, what are you thinking? So engrossed?"

Suddenly, Fatty Liao next to me asked me, and I also came back to my senses, then smiled and said aloud: "I was thinking, where can we go this time, I am still so young, but Don't want anything to happen."

Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished speaking, Fatty Liao came to my side, patted my shoulder with his hand, and said: "It's okay, Fatty is here, as long as Fatty doesn't die, I will definitely give you a hand!" .”

I was slightly taken aback, actually Fatty Liao's words moved me deeply, his words were not exaggerated, he didn't say that he would desperately save you or something.

So listening to this kind of words makes people feel true in my heart. I showed a grateful smile to Fatty Liao. At this time, Fatty Liao also said directly: "Okay, just rest if you have nothing to do, I guess you will have to do it tomorrow." Let's go to the next place."

As he said that, Fatty Liao fell directly on the bed. After a while, Fatty Liao heard a snoring sound, which was like thunder.

Damn, this fat man just said he was going to sleep a second ago, but fell asleep the next second?It's really weird enough.

I shook my head helplessly, fell back on the bed and fell asleep. During this sleep, I didn't think too much in my mind until Fatty Liao woke me up early the next morning.

Said that the breakfast outside was ready, and we were about to leave after breakfast.

After I got up, I washed up, and went directly to the living room to eat. During breakfast, everyone didn't talk much. After eating, Yang Xiong also directly told me that our next goal was Rob Town.

After eating, we went straight out of the hotel and got into the car. It was the off-road vehicle from yesterday, but I took a look and found that there were a lot of things in the trunk, which seemed to be prepared halfway.

The three of us had one car, and the other four, Mr. Lin, set off directly from this autonomous region to the Luobu town that Yang Xiong mentioned.

On the way, Yang Xiong introduced to me again, saying that Luobu Town was established in a few years ago, because it is close to Lop Nur, so it was named that way, the population base of this town is small, and the conditions are not good, let me When the time comes, hold on.

I nodded, I'm a rural child, it's nothing to suffer a little bit, so the so-called environment is almost no problem for me.

The road was bumpy, and this time it seemed a bit far away. On the way, we just stopped the car to make sure we were on the wrong route, and ate some dry food on the car.

It wasn't until it was dark that we stopped in the turbulence. Looking at the sparse lights and street signs, it seemed that we had arrived in Robe Town.

There are indeed not many people in this town. When we arrived in Rob Town, we stayed in a hotel again. To be more precise, a hotel is more accurate. The hotel facilities are less than 50 yuan a night in the city, and it takes hundreds of days here.

However, I don’t need to worry about paying the money. After arriving at the hotel, Lao Lin spoke directly and said to Wu Jun, the bodyguard beside him, “Xiao Wu, contact an old bag.”

Wu Jun nodded, and then went out for a while, but after a while, Wu Jun came back again, and then came to Elder Lin's side.

"Old Lin, I can't get in touch!"

Hearing this, I was slightly taken aback when I saw Elder Lin's face, I didn't expect such an ending. At this moment, Fatty Liao beside me whispered to me.

"I seem to have heard him say that they have a contact person in Rob Town, who was sent by them in advance to familiarize themselves with the situation in Lop Nur, and even the route we are going to move on. It seems a bit troublesome now gone."

I nodded and saw Fatty Liao next to me with a meaningful smile on his lips. This guy didn't seem to be pessimistic about the situation at all.

Yang Xiong's expression was not very good at the moment, so he went up to ask Mr. Lin what happened?Mr. Lin frowned slightly, and then said: "Laobao can't be contacted, it seems that there is some trouble, and we have to find another guide, and it's not our own."

Yang Xiong pondered for a moment, and then said: "This is the only way to do it, but people nowadays are doing things based on money, so there shouldn't be any problem."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xiong beckoned, and Tang Yong who was beside him also came to Yang Xiong's side, and Yang Xiong directly told Tang Yong to go out and find the guide, take a rest tonight, and must find it tomorrow.

Tang Yong didn't say anything, just nodded his head and walked outside. Yang Xiong didn't even talk about money. It seems that Tang Yong himself has a sense of proportion.

"Okay, everyone is tired after a long day's driving today. Let's rest early after eating. After finding the guide, we will set off immediately!"

At this moment, Mr. Lin looked at all of us, and said aloud immediately, and Fatty Liao and I were about to enter the room, but Yang Xiong stopped me and asked me to go to his room.

I was slightly taken aback, followed directly behind Yang Xiong, and walked into his room. After entering, I asked Yang Xiong what was the matter?
Yang Xiong didn't speak, but pointed to a notebook in front of him. I saw a line of words written with a black pen on the notebook.

"The only ones who absolutely believe it are those on our side."

Seeing this line of words, I was also slightly taken aback, what does Yang Xiong mean by this?Put me on guard against the rest?
People from our side?Then there are only three, me, Tang Yong and Yang Xiong, and for the other four, Yang Xiong told me not to believe it, but didn't he still have a good chat with Mr. Lin?And should they still be in a cooperative relationship?Need to be so alert?
Seemingly seeing our confusion, Yang Xiong directly opened the second page of the book, and there was another line of words on it: "People's hearts are not ancient, so we have to guard against them. None of these people are simple things."

When I saw this, my heart suddenly sank, but I still nodded to Yang Xiong, indicating to him that I understand.

Afterwards, Yang Xiong also smiled slightly, and said: "We are leaving tomorrow, so be careful when the time comes, Tang Yong's skills are good, we try to follow behind him as much as possible."

I know that Yang Xiong's voice is to support other people. This broken room is not soundproof at all. It seems that our seemingly single-minded team is not as perfect as imagined.

Each of them is a bit on guard, and this kind of cooperation makes me a little worried.

"I know!" I replied to Yang Xiong, he asked me to go back to the room to rest, and I would go back to my room with Fatty Liao.

Seeing me coming back, Fatty Liao opened his closed eyes, and said to me: "Brother Li, it seems that I underestimated you as the fat man before. I saw that your leader respected you very much. It seems that you are also hiding something deep, if you see Fat Master, I will be in danger, remember to give me a hand!"

Hearing this, I smiled slightly, but didn't speak, and Fatty Liao fell asleep directly. I lay on the bed, but I didn't fall asleep. I was thinking about our coming to XJ this time in my mind.

Lop Nur, what secrets are you hiding underneath?Will so many people rush towards this place one after another?Even knowing that his life would be in danger, he decided to come to this place resolutely?
But no matter what the secret is, won't I know it when I go in and see it myself?
(End of this chapter)

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