First line of life

Chapter 157 Mysterious Boyfriend

Chapter 157 Mysterious Boyfriend
Maybe it has something to do with Liang Chaosheng. To be honest, if this matter really has something to do with Liang Chaosheng, then I really can't solve it.

What is Liang Chaosheng's strength?That's a real congenital state, and there is a black zombie around this guy, even if I meet him, maybe he won't even have a chance to escape.

But judging from the subtle expression changes on the mummy, it seems that this is not Liang Chaosheng.

I'm afraid I'll have to wait until I continue to investigate to find out the specific situation. Next, I asked Principal Lu if I could meet the three roommates in Jiang Yuan's dormitory and find out about Jiang Yuan's recent situation.

Principal Lu nodded, and then made a direct phone call. Then Principal Lu asked me to wait in this office for a while, and someone came with those three students after a while.

Sure enough, in a short while, someone brought three female students to the principal's office. Through conversation, I learned that one of the three female students was Rosie from the English Department, and the other two were Hu Qing from the Department of Political Science and Law. There is Ma Xiaoling.

And they also told me that Jiang Yuan is from the dance department, because she is pretty and has a good figure, so she is very popular with boys.

"Have you noticed any special behaviors of Jiang Yuan recently?" After chatting with the three girls for a while, I also asked them directly.

"Hey, are you a private detective? Do you know Sherlock Holmes? That's my idol!" But as soon as I finished asking, Rosie looked at me curiously, and answered me irrelevantly.

"I wish I had seen you at school. You are not a student of our school, are you?" Before I could reply, Rosie asked immediately.

I heard a black line on my forehead, what the hell is Sherlock Holmes?But before I could speak, Principal Lu's majestic voice came from the side.

"Answer what you ask, don't say irrelevant things."

After Principal Lu finished speaking, the three Rosies in front of them all made faces and stuck out their tongues. At this moment, Ma Xiaoling thought about it and said to me.

"By the way, if you want to talk about Jiang Yuan's recent special situation, it seems that she has found a very rich boyfriend recently!"

As soon as Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, Hu Qing followed closely: "That's right, she bought a lot of expensive jewelry recently, and she often shows them off in front of us!"

When I heard this, I was slightly taken aback, and quickly asked them if they knew who Jiang Yuan's boyfriend was?In any case, the first thing to rule out is that Jiang Yuan was killed because of money, because Jiang Yuan's Anxie jewelry and other things are still there.

If it is for money, the murderer has no reason to keep these things.

Moreover, she turned into a mummy overnight, and the blood on her body was obviously sucked by something. Now, this mysterious boyfriend seemed to be the key.

But when I looked at the three Rosies in front of me expectantly, all three shook their heads at the same time, they didn't know.

"Jiang Yuan kept this boyfriend a secret. He never told us who it was. We didn't even know the last name. We just knew that there was such a mysterious boyfriend."

After thinking about it, Rosie spoke to me again, and at this moment, I looked at Principal Lu and asked him if he had Jiang Yuan's cell phone when he found this mummy?

Because it is very possible to get some clues from Jiang Yuan's mobile phone, Principal Lu frowned and said that the body was taken away by the police, and all the evidence was also in the hands of the police.

In the hands of the police?I don't know which district's police is in charge of this matter, but then Principal Lu told me that it was the GY City General Administration.

I was overjoyed when I heard the words. Fortunately, there were acquaintances, so I told the three of Rosie that nothing happened and they could go back.

Then, I took out the phone and called Zhu Qinning. I haven't contacted Zhu Qinning for a long time. Although I took the liberty a bit, the police must really want to solve the case.

But there was a voice that I couldn't get through the phone, and I made several calls in a row, but the result was the same, so I had to dig out another phone.

This is the phone number of Director Guo Wenhao, which he left for me during the last cooperation.

Soon Guo Wenhao answered the phone: "One or two brothers, I am a little surprised that you called me."

I smiled and got straight to the point: "Guo Ju, I heard that you have taken over another mummy case?"

"Oh? The news about one or two brothers is really well-informed!" Guo Wenhao was taken aback for a moment, and then said aloud. At this time, I also gave Guo Wenhao a brief explanation of the matter.

"One or two brothers, why don't you just come to the bureau directly. If there is any problem, we can talk to you face to face. It would be best if you help us with this matter."

After I finished speaking, Guo Wenhao spoke up again, and I didn't refuse when I heard the words. After hanging up the phone, I told Principal Lu that I would go to the bureau to find out the situation.

After that, I couldn't go to class with peace of mind. When I left the house, I took a taxi and rushed to the Municipal Bureau. After arriving, Guo Wenhao called me to the office and poured me a cup of tea.

"By the way, Director Guo, why didn't you see Captain Zhu?"

After entering the police station, I did not see Zhu Qinning. As soon as I finished asking, Guo Wenhao was taken aback for a moment, and looked at me suspiciously: "Oh, didn't she tell you? Xiao Ning has resigned, and has two It's been about a month, and I thought you knew!"

I didn't react to this news, Zhu Qinning resigned from the good police captain?
I asked Guo Wenhao again, why did Zhu Qinning resign?

Guo Wenhao shook his head, and then said: "I don't know about that. She said she wanted to resign and go out for a walk, and I didn't stop her. I just let her come back whenever she wants."

I looked at Guo Wenhao, his eyes told me that he didn't lie to me, but he really didn't know, and then I didn't pursue it further, but changed the topic to the phone.

At this moment, Guo Wenhao frowned, and then he said to me: "We checked the question you mentioned, but Jiang Yuan's phone is very clean, text messages, call records, and even the information in the chat software Everything has been completely deleted, and now we are in contact to see if we can find these message records from other places."

My heart sank slightly when I heard the words, is there still no clue?Everything was deleted. Obviously, this was premeditated, otherwise it would be impossible to do so meticulously.

"By the way, the actual report shows that Jiang Fang seemed to be having sex with men before he died."

Afterwards, Guo Wenhao spoke again and said to me, I was slightly surprised when I heard the words, there is such a thing?Could it be said that the murderer raped first and then killed?This bitch is too cruel and inhumane, right?
Then I asked Guo Wenhao, did any clues be found on this?Guo Wenhao shook his head, there is no progress yet, but the DNA is being tested, I don't know if there will be any gains.

Speaking of this, I feel a little bit lost in my heart, and I still get nothing, so it can only be done on my side.

I asked Guo Wenhao to give me Jiang Yuan's birthday, and I want to deduce the birth date, and then see if I can recruit Jiang Yuan's soul.

It would be great if we could recruit Jiang Yuan's soul, even if we could get information about the person who killed her from Jiang Yuan, we would be able to do it.

Guo Wenhao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then quickly gave me Jiang Yuan's information. I asked Guo Wenhao if he could provide me with a quiet environment, and I wanted to deduce Jiang Yuan's birth date.

Without further ado, Guo Wenhao asked me to be busy in his office, and no one would come in to disturb me, and I didn't refuse, and started to deduce it directly in the office.

It took a few hours to complete Jiang Yuan's birthday horoscope, and I also prepared some things. At night, I asked Guo Wenhao to find me a more spacious place.

"One or two brothers, it doesn't matter if I'm in Oh Ang when you summon the soul?" Guo Wenhao looked at me expectantly. Obviously, although he was the leader of the first bureau, Guo Wenhao had never seen the soul summoning.

I nodded and told him that as long as he doesn't talk nonsense, then I'm going to summon my soul!
(End of this chapter)

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