Chapter 369 Demon President 42
What she said was impassioned. I don't know if she thought she was the aggrieved and unlucky copyee.

Some of the reporters immediately rushed towards the guest station like chicken blood.

According to past experience, when some reporters got excited, they wanted to put the microphones into the nostrils of the interviewees, and the security guards quickly turned to stop them.

When encountering such a scene, not to mention just ordinary people, even ordinary young entertainers would have to panic, but whether it was reporters or security guards, everyone found that Yan Ruyu was sitting there so calmly, and even drank leisurely. Sip of water.

The faint smile on the corner of her mouth and the unconcealed banter in her eyes made them feel that she was acting to please the guests in the seat. What's the matter with being a little stuffed?

But even if you feel stuck, professional training is a must!

Finally someone broke through the encirclement and rushed to Yan Ruyu.

"May I ask Miss Yan how to explain this?"

As the grand finale, Master Nan Sheng was the last one to arrive. He pushed open the door and saw Yan Ruyu surrounded by the crowd. She was surrounded by other people who had nothing to do with themselves and watched from the sidelines.

In my heart, I am unhappy.

Since everyone's attention was on Yan Ruyu, no one noticed his arrival.

Yan Ruyu raised her eyes indifferently: "Explain?"

She asked amusedly, "Why should I explain?"

The reporter sneered and pushed the microphone forward vigorously—according to his experience, as long as he makes such a move, the person being interviewed will be irritated very quickly. Break it!

"Oh, does this mean you admit it?"

Unexpectedly, Yan Ruyu didn't buy it at all, she just lightly raised a finger and pressed it on the microphone, the reporter found that he was a big man, and even exhausted his breastfeeding strength, he couldn't do anything to the microphone.

Yan Ruyu smiled and pushed her finger: "Strange, then if I say you are an animal now, do you want to explain?"

The reporter looked terrified, and countless eye-popping thoughts had already turned in his mind-"Yan Ruyu's words hurt people", "Yan Ruyu's press conference humiliated the reporter!" "The rookie designer Yan Ruyu is arrogant!"

He proudly asked Yan Ruyu: "Miss Yan, don't blame me for not reminding you, what you are saying now is recorded, and I have the right to use these as the content of the report, then don't say I fabricated false information!"

Yan Ruyu replied very politely: "As long as you can find the recording."

The system scanned the microphone that was damaged by Yan Ruyu's finger, and happily passed the person's name and identity to Li Tang.

Oh, Tang Dynasty has been very busy recently, and there is another company to be acquired!
It was also after this that the crowd rushed over. The reporters who had just demonstrated thought they had obtained first-hand information, and they didn't bother to compete with the losers around them.

He turned around and lifted his foot, just in time to see Master Nan Sheng who had just entered the door.

Rolling his eyes, taking advantage of no one's attention, he moved to Master Nan Sheng's side without saying a word, and raised the microphone again.

"Mr. Nan Sheng, how do you feel about the misbehavior of your newly recruited disciple?"

Nan Sheng glanced at him indifferently, without answering a word, only said to the security guard beside him: "Get out, blacklist."


The reporter was "invited" out of the building by the security guards with a dazed face, and he didn't know why he had encountered this—Master Nan Sheng meant that he had been added to the master's blacklist since then?You won't be interviewed by him anymore?

What the hell is this?

(End of this chapter)

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