Chapter 234
In Zhao Yong's eyes, Yan Ruyu's death-defying behavior had already put him out of the game, so he continued to carve tofu without worry.

His best dish is this chrysanthemum tofu dish. Anyone who sees it will praise his knife skills!
Feeling the eyes of the judges, he performed even harder, and the two knives were so fast that only afterimages remained.


After a bang, the carving knife fell, and Zhao Yong stammered, "Why, why?"

Lin Yuan, who was dressed in red, looked at him condescendingly: "I think you are upset!"

What's the reason for this?
The white-bearded old man on the side explained it well: "This contestant, have you ever thought about the meaning of the three words home cooking?"

Zhao Yong was a little dazed, and he didn't seem to be able to react yet.

The fat judge continued to laugh and said: "It's a dish that is often eaten at home. Your family eats tofu for half a day every day? With that effort, the fat man would have finished eating a bowl of rice long ago!"

Zhao Yong reminded others this time, and when he realized that he was off topic, he hurried to change the dishes. After working for a long time, he remembered and asked, "Who is the young man in red?"

The insider winked: "The restaurant is his!"

At this moment, Yan Ruyu has already cut the materials.

Peel the eggplants and potatoes and cut them into hob pieces. Break the green peppers and peppers into small pieces by hand. Blanch the potatoes and eggplants separately and put them aside to drain the water for later use.

Put oil in the pot, add chopped green onion and garlic until fragrant after heating the pot, and prepare the sauce with soy sauce, salt, sugar, cooking wine, etc., and stir-fry the cooked ingredients in the pot, and the aroma will soon come out.

The cooks next to me were puzzled—they are also stir-fried dishes, why are hers so fragrant?

It is said that the ingredients are all here, there is no reason for the taste to be different!

The fat judge sniffled and said with certainty, "It's the sauce! Her sauce is different from others! Hey, did you just see how she made it?"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched: This is all their own secret. Is it appropriate for you to just ask?

Yan Ruyu waved her hand generously: "It's okay! Just ask!"

The fat man was overjoyed, and Yan Ruyu said again: "Anyway, I won't say anything!"

Lin Yuan in red swung open his folding fan, covering the corners of his raised mouth.

Fatty feels like he has been molested!

The last step is to thicken the cornstarch and collect the juice. Yan Ruyu cooks very quickly, holding the pot with one hand and preparing the second ingredients with the other.

The sauce is ready-made, and the second spicy ground three delicacies are also quickly out of the pot.

The next thing to do is the old chef's cabbage.

Wash and slice the cabbage, scald it in boiling water and take it out for later use. Slice the pork belly, and the skin of the noodles soaked in the beginning is already soft.

Heat the oil in a wok with sliced ​​green onion and ginger, sauté until fragrant, add the pork belly and stir-fry, then quickly add cabbage and a little sauce with some seasonings, stir-fry until seven or eight mature, then add the vermicelli, close the fire, Done.

Finish with a simple mushroom soup.

After knocking on the drum beside the table, Yan Ruyu raised her hand: "It's done!"

Just as the fat judge's chopsticks were about to reach for the pork belly in the old chef's cabbage, another pair of chopsticks appeared out of nowhere and slapped them away.

Lin Yuan took it for granted first of all, took a few chopsticks from each dish and put them in his own bowl.

He doesn't want others to eat the dishes made by Xiao Yu'er first, hum!

If it wasn't for the conditions, he wished he could eat it all by himself!
It's cheap for you big pigs!
Currently, there are no taboos in gourmet food. Yan Ruyu watched the judges divide the three-point dishes one by one. It feels good to be eaten by others, and it seems that being a cook is not bad.

The fat judge was the first to comment: "It tastes good, but it's a bit bland!"

But White Beard said: "But I think it's just right!"

Personal tastes are different, praise and criticism are mixed, Yan Ruyu passed with eight points, out of ten.

Lin Yuan was very upset to see the two people who didn't pass.

Especially that fat man, who ate more than anyone else, yet didn't give any points in the end?

I really want to beat him up!
(End of this chapter)

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