Chapter 545 Two more
Press conference.

ES team Liang Chen and the others arrived first.

As the team manager, at this time, he must stand up and say something.

Liang Chen has already changed into a formal suit.

Members of the ES team came out one by one from the backstage.

He sat down at the table that had been set long ago on the stage.

Except for the two positions left in the middle.

The rest are here.

"Ahem...Hello everyone, I'm Liang Chen, the team manager of the ES team, followed by Qin Yan, Zhao Bei, and Su Feibai."

The reporters are all ready to go.

Standing in front of each other with cameras on their shoulders, they couldn't wait to hold the microphone to interview.

"Hi Manager Liang, may I ask your team's God J and Win! Why are you missing!"

"Exactly! We are here to interview Win, not you!"

"Why didn't Win show up! Didn't she say that she will be there in person at today's press conference?!"

"Hehe, are you going to play big cards and let us go now!?"

I don't know which reporter said such a sentence.

follow closely.

Behind him, a beautiful figure walked over slowly under the protection of a tall and straight man.

"Sorry for the wait."

It was still that clear and clean voice.

However, it seems that because it is deliberately soft, it sounds indisputable.

Compared with the previous juvenile voice, it is slightly more neutral.

Hear this.

The reporters turned their heads one after another!

One by one, as if they were bloody monkeys in an instant, they looked back with all their strength.

While marveling at Win's beauty again and again, he was so excited that he couldn't calm down!

And Jiang Ye was already prepared.

Before and after, a total of ten security guards were arranged.

The reporters couldn't get close to Wen Siyue at all.

"Hi, God Win! I'm a reporter from Tiandi Entertainment Media! Excuse me, may I ask you to wear a mask to play games and e-sports because you are so good-looking, and you are afraid that black people will spray you with your appearance?!"

"Hi God Win! I'm from Xinhua Entertainment! May I ask why you chose the ES team for your comeback this time! Are you really betraying your team as Captain Chen said!?"

"Hi, God Win! I'm from the Chinese company! May I ask why you disguised yourself as a man and joined ES, the biggest dark horse team in this Asian competition! Is there any difficulty?! Or do you have some personal reasons!"

"God Win! People outside are rumoring that you have such an unclear relationship with the captain of the ES team! Is this true?!"

"God Win, what do you think about losing the horse in the Asian competition this time!?"

"God Win..."

The press conference has not yet started.

One by one, they raised all their strength to Wen Siyue's side.

Microphones piled one on top of the other.

The flash clicked and clicked, and it couldn't stop at all.

This is the first time Wen Siyue has faced so many media and so many cameras since he retired more than three months ago.

For a while, it was really difficult to adapt.

She didn't speak.

The ruddy lips were slightly pursed.

Jiang Ye protected her very well.

He almost had her in his arms.

With him around, Wen Siyue felt much at ease.

Jiang Dashen is still the icy and cold Jiang Dashen. Facing so many people pushing forward, he also has the same expressionless expression, and his voice is cold and threatening: "The press conference has not started yet. Drive people to the execution ground like a butcher?"

A group of reporters who were being greeted froze suddenly, their faces were a little ugly: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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