Chapter 530

Many years later, Wen Siyue once again recalled the scene at that time.

She asked Jiang Ye and said, "Honey, if I wasn't Win back then, but just an ordinary player, would you still like me?"

At that time, someone who had retired and went back to help his brother Jiang Yan manage the company held Wen Siyue's waist from back to front, and said softly, "I like you just because you are my wife."

Wen Siyue was moved in her heart, and turned her head to kiss.

A certain Jiang Yu kid standing next to them rolled his eyes, expressing absolute contempt for his daddy's sweet talk and severely condemning their behavior of throwing dog food.

Ask him to say.

In this world, no one looks better than his mommy.

Therefore, Daddy was completely lucky to be favored by his mommy.

If he...


He would rather die alone than find a wife.

After all, in his eyes, only Mommy is the prettiest.


A timid and cowardly country bumpkin was transferred to the class.

Kid Jiang Yu started his long journey of slapping faces...

of course.

These are all later stories.

The result of the Asian competition ended in a completely chaotic scene, which is the most shocking stroke in the history of e-sports, and it will go down in history forever.

And Wen Siyue, that is, Win...

This name.

Successfully walked into everyone's world.

All the people in the e-sports circle know this.

It turns out that Win's real name is Wen Siyue.

She is a very eloquent young lady.

Under the mask, there was actually a stunning and alluring face.

This makes those Win fans back then, especially boys.

Even more excited!
Just ask.

In this world, there is a girl who plays games well and looks like a goddess!
Where to find out the second one! ?


Accompanied by this upsurge.

Win's name was listed on the trending search for three days and three nights.

Even crazier than when she retired.

The comments are almost insane.

"It exploded me! Someone tell me! Why is Miss Win so good-looking!"

"There are girls who can pretend to be boys so easily! Did the ES team already know that! Wen Siyue is the God of Win?"

"No, if you know, Xiaopang and the others can fight so nervously, it's Win! No. [-] in the server!"

"Ahh! My goddess is back! Bai Yueguang of the e-sports circle!"

"The goddess has retired for more than three months, and she has reappeared in the world, and she is still so beautiful! It makes me bloody!"

"But didn't you pay attention? Win seems to have retired voluntarily and signed a contract. This is also a betrayal of SKT! And she agreed to the contract, saying that she would not play games anymore, and she went to ES in a blink of an eye. , is this a breach of trust?"

"Why are you so annoying upstairs? Have you read the contract carefully? What Win said is that she will not join any e-sports team in her own identity! Is she in her own identity? She uses Wen The name April!"

"That's right! Let's talk about it! I don't care what kind of bullshit contract Win signed, it's very possible that she might be forced!"

"Even if Win is wrong! That's right! Win fans trust her!"

"Hehe, a bunch of idiots."

Hot searches are in full swing.

And this time...

The major e-sports teams and the reporters from the major media almost blew up Wen Siyue's phone calls.

Jiang Ye was annoyed and turned off her cell phone.

in the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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