Chapter 460 The First Hug in the Ice and Snow (3)

Shen Mubai rushed towards the polar snow mountain.

While talking with his subordinates.

It is definitely too late to fly by himself now, he has to ask his subordinates to drive a private jet over.

"I'll give you 10 minutes to get a private jet over to Japan."

Subordinates listen to orders.

Don't delay, do it now.

While waiting for the plane.

Shen Mubai understood again why the little white rabbit went to the polar snow mountain.

A subordinate reported this to him.

"Because... 002 was too angry. Seeing that the ambassador was injured so badly, he just said a few more words."

"That Mr. Wei said that he was going to apologize to you, saying that he misunderstood you or something, and then 002 said that you were cultivating in the polar snow mountain. He didn't expect that he would sneak away by himself in a short while. It was still in the middle of the night..."

The more the subordinates talked, the lower the voice.

Through that communication tool, he could almost feel the icy, frost-like aura of the ambassador opposite.

It seems that people can be frozen through the microphone.

The subordinates were terrified.

next second.

I heard the ambassador of Shisantang say to him word by word with absolute indifference: "Let 002 wait for me in the confinement room."

Communication is interrupted.

Shen Mubai pressed the infrared button on the watch.

Just in time, the private jet also arrived.

He ordered his subordinates, and said: "Let's go, go to the polar snow mountains!"


It took a full three hours to go to the polar snow mountains.

these three hours.

Shen Mubai was restless.

His right eyelid kept twitching.

Heart throbbing pain.

I don't know if it is because the artificial heart has just been replaced and it is not yet used.

He felt every breath.

From the heart of the left chest to the internal organs, it was like being pierced by glass.

Difficulty breathing.

His face became paler as well.

"Ambassador, no, otherwise, let the subordinates find it... You look very bad..."

The subordinate who flew the plane spoke.

Shen Mubai sat at the back, with one hand still covering his chest, his eyes were cold and stern: "Do your thing."

The subordinate froze and quickly shut up.

The Ambassador of Shisantang really gives people a very cold feeling!

The plane accelerated again.

And this time.

Jinshanjiao just finished the funeral.

Black Hawk is dead.

His younger brother Black Panther succeeded him.

Ever since he knew that his elder brother was killed by Shen Mubai, the ambassador of the Thirteen Halls!

These days!
He has been casting a net outside in all directions, tracking Shen Mubai's news!


It's as if he disappeared!
No matter how I look for it, I can't find it!

Someone reported to him that Shen Mubai was saved by God Wen Liu!

Panther was taken aback.

He is very clear about the name of Wenliu Great God!
That is the originator of the dark forces!
Ten Golden Triangles can't beat Wen Liu!

He could only endure the humiliation.

Facing her brother's memorial tablet every day, she made an oath that she would take Shen Mubai's life!

These days, he has been secretly investigating!


Finally received the news that Shen Mubai is leaving the mountain!
The confidential report said that Shen Mubai went to the polar snow mountain alone!
There is no great god Wenliu accompanying him!
This news, to him, is simply great news!

Black Panther who got the message.

Leading more than a dozen masters of fine guns!
Among them are ten snipers and ten close combat gunners!

Let's set off together and head towards the polar snow mountains!

This time...

He will definitely avenge his brother!
[Families, happy Chinese Valentine's Day.I'm going to Chengdu on the 19th to participate in an event invited by the government, so there will be fewer changes in the past few days. When I come back, I will give you a burst of updates, touch each other and kiss each other. 】

(End of this chapter)

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