Chapter 424 Leave
she left.

Jiang Ye personally watched her leave.

Leave with Wen Liu.

The green back of that boy.

Just like that, it gradually disappeared from his sight.

"Brother Jiang, calm down! Be sure to calm down! There must be some difficulties in April! You..."

Qin Yan hadn't finished speaking yet.

Jiang Dashen turned around without saying a word.

The back is very straight.

It seems that he is trying his best to restrain himself.

I am afraid that I will regret it.



Wen April.

You are so determined.

For Onew...not even the team.



It's not just that the team is gone.

I don't even want him...

He suddenly wanted to laugh.

Those various deeds in the past.

Those kinds of happiness.

Are they all fake?

You're an idiot for being sentimental.

Qin Yan chased after him all the way.

Let him persuade you.

Jiang Ye remained expressionless without saying a word.


Even go back to sit in the car.

Jiang Ye didn't wait for Qin Yan.

"Hey! Really, what are these things!"

Qin Yan put her hands on her hips angrily, her brows furrowed tightly.


After Jiang Ye returned to the hotel.

I started to pack my things.

Several people in the team were dumbfounded.

"Brother Jiang, what are you doing?" Fatty asked cautiously seeing that his aura was not right.

At this time, vision is very important.

"Pack up your things." Jiang Ye said coldly, "I'll be back later."

The remaining teammates who heard this unexpected decision: "???"

Su Feibai: "Didn't you say to play for a few more days? Why suddenly..."

Liang Chen: "That's right, Brother Jiang, didn't you say you still want to go to the show?"

Fatty: "This decision came too hastily, I haven't eaten enough food..."

Everyone you speak my word.

Wait until they are all done talking.

Jiang Ye slammed the suitcase at the door: "If you like to stay here, stay here."

"The Asian competition is coming soon. How about your sense of crisis? Are you full of confidence after winning a provincial competition?"

"Whether you want to go back or not."

Say it.

Jiang Ye dragged his suitcase and walked downstairs.

Standing there, those few people looked at each other...

Brother Jiang, what's wrong?

Eat dynamite?

"Little Treasure! Come here!" A sudden and stern order came from the elevator.

All teammates surrounded the past.

It was the first time for Xiaobao to feel Daddy's anger.

All four of its feet trembled.

His eyes retracted in fear, and he moaned softly, "Awwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

Little, little sister hasn't come back yet...

It, it has to wait for Miss Sister...

Jiang Ye raised it for three years.

How can't guess what's in its heart.

His eyebrows and eyes suddenly darkened, and he was cruel: "She won't come back, if you don't leave, you will stay here, and I won't care about you anymore."

"In the future, whatever you want."

Say it.

Jiang Ye turned around coldly, carried the suitcase into the elevator,
The few people behind were stunned.

"What did Brother Jiang just say!? April won't come back!?"

"Are you kidding? April is the team's carry point, how could she not come back?"

"Brother Jiang and Siyue are having conflicts again?"

"Isn't it okay this morning? Didn't April make fried rice for Brother Jiang? How long has it been?"

"Call Qin Yan quickly! Hurry up!"

Su Feibai oh oh oh twice, and hastily took out her phone.

The phone just connected.

Qin Yan stomped and stared and went upstairs out of breath.

While crossing his hips and breathing heavily, he looked at everyone worriedly.


(End of this chapter)

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