Chapter 421
In fact, Wen Siyue didn't know where the realm of dead warriors was.

She has only heard a little bit of it.

It is said that there have been cultivating sincere dead soldiers for a long time, and they are used to expand their power.

She wondered when Wenliu became the lord there.

Didn't Master Wen Liu never go against any force?

The gang of dead men...

And how did you get involved with Wen Liu?

Wen Siyue didn't have time to think about it.

Headed all the way over there.

God Wen Liu must have something to do, that's why he came to her!

Wen Siyue has been looking for it for a long time.

I didn't find that dead warrior realm either.

Since it is a ninja warrior, the base must be built in a place with few people.


Wen Siyue turned around and headed straight for the wilderness.

Finally after half an hour.

On the mountainside, I saw the figure of God Wenliu!

Wen Siyue's face brightened, and she ran towards him.

The golden retriever boy moves vigorously and has a quick figure.

In less than five seconds, he rushed to Wen Liu.

"God heard that you are looking for me?"

Wen Liu looked back, his brows and eyes were indifferent, like a song and a painting, and he was still dressed in white.

Wen Siyue is so strange, doesn't Wen Liu change his clothes?

Why does this always happen every time I see him?
"Do you know what happened to the ambassador of the Thirteenth Hall?"


Wen Siyue froze for a moment, her pupils dilated slightly, "Brother? Did he get poisoned?!"

She hasn't had time to send out the antidote formula yet!

Wen Liu shook his head, with a dull expression, and said something that almost paralyzed Wen Siyue: "He is dying."

"What is a dying person!? Master Wen Liu, are you kidding me? Senior brother's medical skills are also very good!" Wen Siyue couldn't believe it.

Senior brother's medical skills are not to blame, even if it is Wen Liu's poison, there is no cure, he should be able to delay it for a while!

how come……

This was the first time Wen Liu saw such a little guy.

There is a strange feeling in my heart.

The little guy's quality of repaying grievances with kindness is really exactly the same as it was five years ago.

"The Black Hawk of the Golden Triangle, do you know?"

Wen Siyue frowned, "Him? Is that someone's offspring?"

"Well, he is the descendant of the originator of the Golden Triangle forces that you killed five years ago. He was once broken by the ambassador of the Thirteen Halls. He came to the door today. In City C, when I arrived, he was already on the verge of death."

"The enemy's revenge?!" Wen Siyue frowned, it was rare to see her look so fierce, indistinctly, the heroic spirit of Mei five years ago reappeared in her body. generally.

"Then what is going on with the senior brother now!?"

Wen Siyue's voice fell to the ground.

Wen Liu hadn't had time to speak.


Crackling applause.

Accompanied by the rustling sound of long legs stepping on dry branches and fallen leaves, there was no warning from behind.

"Wen Siyue, I'm sorry, I lost my word again."

The man's deep voice was like gravel rolling over the rocks, swaying away a storm with huge waves hidden in the sky. In this wilderness, it was like thunder on the ground, and Wen Siyue's blood froze in an instant when it exploded.

She turned around stiffly little by little.

But she saw the tall and straight man standing less than ten meters away from her.

The wind blows.

Roll up his clothes and fly away.

Can't see the look on his face.

Qin Yan stood beside him.

Her eyes looked complicatedly at Wen Siyue and the man in white who were not far away.

this person...

who is it?

The things they said, the characters, why hadn't he heard of them?
(End of this chapter)

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