Chapter 126

base living room.

A group of people sat down around Wen Siyue.

Except for Su Feibai, a good wife and loving mother, who went to the kitchen to squeeze juice and make snacks for everyone, the rest, Jiang Dashen, Qin Yan, and the little fat guy who had already been punched and dared not speak out, all sat together .

Wen Siyue has the most space.

Because there was a huge monster squatting at her feet.


The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Except for a certain big-hearted dog who kept rubbing against Wen Siyue.

Act like she owns it.

Putting his master aside directly, his expression was so dark.


Wen Siyue made a sound, feeling a little embarrassed, and patted Xiaobao's head carefully, and Xiaobao immediately yelled at her.

"This dog... belongs to Brother Jiang?"

Qin Yan nodded, "Do you think anyone other than Brother Jiang can raise an Alaskan lion? Look at its size, it's skinny."

Fatty quickly nodded in agreement, forgetting the typical pain when the scar is healed, "Yes, yes! April, you don't know how scary Xiaobao is. Do you know why Brother Jiang has so many fans, but no one comes to harass him?"

"Huh?" Wen Siyue raised her eyebrows handsomely.

"It's because of this dog! A fan sneaked here before, and Xiaobao bit him until his pants were completely torn... People are fine, but they were frightened. Since then, no fans have come here for illegitimate meals .”

"I heard from you... Is Xiaobao very fierce?" Wen Siyue was puzzled.

This can he be as scary as they say?
When I saw her for the first time, I threw myself on her body and kept kissing her forcefully...


Give yourself the gift before thinking about it...

There are also boys' underwear...hairbands...still kept at home.

Wen Siyue's temple twitched.

The world is too small!
Damn, she even left Jiang Ye's underwear at home...

Depend on!
One hundred thousand volts of lightning strikes her to death.

Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow!
When she goes home, she must hide it!
Otherwise, if Jiang Ye finds out, I won't be able to explain it clearly.

Wen Siyue carefully glanced at a certain expressionless master.

He was caught directly.

"Is something wrong?"

Wen Siyue quickly denied, "No."

"Heh." Jiang Dashen folded his arms, and scratched the knife at Xiaobao with resentful and indifferent eyes, "Dog, you eat the guy who eats inside and outside, you should feed it less in the future."

Just as Jiang Ye's voice fell——

Qin Yan: "???"

Fatty: "???"

Su Feibai came out with a plate: "???"

Xiaobao... I have known Wen Siyue for a long time! ?

That's why you're so intimate with her?

All of a sudden, all the eyes present were shot at her.

Wen Siyue grunted and laughed dryly, "'s a long story."

He briefly explained how he and Xiaobao got to know each other. Of course, he absolutely ignored the fact that Xiaobao gave her a gift.

Everyone suddenly realized.


This does not appease everyone's emotions.

Fatty is the most wronged.

"Little Treasure never eats what I cook for it... Woohoo, I give it a bath, it is the king who despises me."

Qin Yan is also a little resentful, they are all men, Xiaobao treats him too differently, "I have fed him countless days and nights, why don't he kiss me? He never eats from strangers Of...Wen Siyue, don't be its lover, right?"

Wen Siyue: "Fuck you..." Mom, shit, swallowed the last two words abruptly.

But Xiao Bao, who was squatting beside her, seemed to understand it, turned his head, and stared at Qin Yan contemptuously with those dog eyes that were almost bigger than Kazilan. His haughty look seemed to say: " Hehe, how can you and other mortals compare with my goddess."

(End of this chapter)

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