Chapter 2346 The dragon on the cliff...

The place in front of me seemed to be a cliff.

The wind on the cliff made the hem of her clothes rattle, and Baili Qinxue suddenly stretched out her hand to block the oncoming wind and sand.

After the wind and sand dissipated, Baili Qinxue moved her hand away. She fixed her eyes on the scene in front of her again, and her heart trembled again.

This cliff is so familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere before.

Where is it?
Baili Qinxue put her hand on the corner of her lips, unable to think about it.

She blinked, stood there for a while and couldn't help lifting her feet, walking around.

The cliffs are steep, and the wind blows sand from time to time. Everything seems more and more familiar. Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and looked around curiously, trying to remember what this place is.

While she was looking at her, a hurricane suddenly blew up behind Baili Qinxue.

In an instant, the wind and sand were raging, and she quickly covered her face with her sleeves.

When the wind and sand cleared away, a dragon's whistle seemed to sound from the empty cliff, and the dragon's whistle shook the sky, pulling Baili Qinxue's thoughts back.

She moved the sleeves away, and was stunned for a moment when she saw the scene in front of her.

My God, there is a dragon in front of her, a dragon with a black body, without the fairy aura of the ancient green dragon. The black dragon in front of her is like a big villain in a four-panel comic, not only the whole body is black, but the eyes are even more It is extremely ferocious, and its claws are extremely sharp.

Baili Qinxue looked at the black dragon in front of her, suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, and a thought gradually entered her mind.

It was the dragon that had appeared in Qingluan's illusion, and it had also appeared in her dreams a few days ago.

Flood Dragon, Cliff, Summoner...

It was like the bloody scene that was finally staged in the hallucinations and dreams.

Baili Qinxue suddenly clenched her fingertips tightly, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

Why, the original dream will appear at this time?
Why are there the same dragons, the same cliffs, and what about the summoner?
Is it the same summoner?
Baili Qinxue clutched her chest, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her chest, which caused her a little pain, and felt that the scene in front of her was familiar. It was not seen in illusions or dreams, but as if she had experienced it herself.

What exactly is going on?

How could the leader of the Dark Guild know about this scene?
Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, facing Jiaolong's ferocious eyes, she couldn't see clearly for a while.

"Summoner, today I will fight to the death with you." At this time, Jiaolong suddenly spoke, it was a clear male voice, so cold that it could freeze a person's bones.

Baili Qinxue opened her lips, but did not speak.

As if in a dream, Jiaolong said the same words for the first time.

fight to the death...

This is an unavoidable battle, Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, her eyes revealed a look of determination, "Fight, let me see your strength, Jiaolong!"

When Jiaolong heard the words, another roar of dragons rushed to the sky.

The hem of Baili Qinxue's clothes was constantly blown away by the wind. She closed her eyes and chanted a spell lightly. In an instant, a pale golden light continuously lingered around her.

When the golden light dissipated, more than a dozen majestic creatures appeared in front of Jiaolong.

Flood Dragon rolled his golden eyeballs, and his cold voice was somewhat ferocious, "As expected of a Summoner, the creature I found is so powerful, but I'm not afraid!"

Baili Qinxue did not speak, and instructed the creatures how to attack, such as defend.

In an instant, the dragon and the creatures wrestled together.

The roar of the flood dragon shook the sky, and the vines of life stretched out, shaking the mountains for a while, and changing the sky and the earth suddenly.

so powerful...


(End of this chapter)

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