The rebirth of the sturdy and charming wife strikes

Chapter 177 The "Absurd" Dream

Chapter 177 The "Absurd" Dream

Gu Nuannuan's mind was so muddled that she couldn't think at all.

"Master, nightmare."

At the critical moment, a hasty voice came out.

Yes, nightmare.

Gu Nuannuan seemed to be a drowning man grasping at straws, and as soon as his eyes blinked, big drops of tears fell down one after another, and he couldn't stop: "I've had nightmares, and I've been having them every day for the past few days. I saw, I saw "Recalling the past, she can still remember the feeling of panic when she was young when she heard the news of her uncle's death.

It is said that children are the most sensitive. At that time, she might not fully understand how the loss of her uncle would affect her grandpa, grandmother, aunt and two cousins, and even her and her mother. It can't be a good thing for any of them to know intuitively.

She couldn't help turning pale and trembling: "I've seen it all, it's so scary, I'm afraid."

"What did you see?" Wen Xiu hurriedly stood up beside Gu Nuannuan, squatted down and hugged her and asked eagerly.

"Blood, a lot of blood, a whole carload of people." Gu Nuannuan's eyes emptied, and she murmured. Shock.

Not only Wen Xiu, but everyone else was shocked, almost doubting their own ears.

"Nuan Nuan. Tell Uncle slowly what else did you see?" Zhang Weiqiang knelt down and took Gu Nuan Nuan's hand.

"I, I didn't see my aunt and two cousins ​​get in the car." Gu Nuannuan murmured in a daze, "Only my uncle went up alone, and finally the car fell under the cliff, no one" was spared more difficult.


Lin Qin screamed at Gu Nuannuan's words, then covered her mouth tightly, and looked at her in shock.When she went to deliver food to Zhang Weiqiang and the others yesterday, the two of them had indeed discussed it. She and the two children would not go back to their mother's house, and asked Zhang Weiqiang to go first.At this moment today, she would say that telling Zhang Weiqiang not to take the two children by herself was actually a bit of anger, but Nuan Nuan would say that, and she had never revealed herself to Nuan Nuan before. Or Zhang Weiqiang is going back to her mother's house tomorrow, could it be, could it be that her nightmare was real?
"It's impossible. Is it because you overheard this news, so... imagined it." Zhang Weiqiang also felt that his words were a bit far-fetched, but he couldn't think of any reason to explain Gu Nuan other than that. Warm that unbelievable nightmare.

"Uncle, please, don't go. And my aunt and two cousins, don't go too, okay?" Gu Nuannuan still couldn't help shaking, she didn't know if she could stop it with this reason Uncle's family, but she has made up her mind, she has to guard anyway, and no one can make them get away, even if she does not sleep tonight from now until eight o'clock tomorrow morning, she has to guard uncle family.

It would be great if I knew she would use the medicine directly.

Gu Nuannuan suddenly regretted infinitely. With hastily's help, she gave the whole family a plant powder that can make people weak for two days without causing any damage to the body. It seems that it is not a difficult task.
Why didn't she think of it sooner?
Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

Gu Nuannuan sighed and could only look at the uncle expectantly, persistently demanding his promise: "How is uncle?"

Zhang Weiqiang hesitated. There were two villains in his heart who were constantly wrestling. One villain was reason, which scoffed at Gu Nuannuan's nightmare; the other villain was intuition, but he chose to believe.His heart tilted a little towards intuition: "...if this is true, shouldn't we stop other people from getting in the car?"

He himself thought it was ridiculous when he said it, so he shook his head and chose reason, "Nuannuan, it's not that uncle doesn't agree to you, but who can believe this thing? Tomorrow your aunt's family has something to do, if For such a reason that makes people laugh at first sight, none of us will show up, then, isn't that too outrageous?"

"It's better to listen to Nuannuan, I'd rather believe it or not." Zhang Dazhuang looked at Gu Nuannuan seriously. According to his years of experience, he found that the panic on her expression was not fake at all, and counting this He actually noticed the abnormality of the child for a few days, and his heart tightened. Some things seemed to be very magical in the dark, and they couldn't be explained clearly by ordinary reasoning. side.

"I also feel that people always have a feeling of uneasiness these days, but I don't know why. Now after hearing what Nuan Nuan said, it seems that this matter is here. Qiangzi, boss Daughter-in-law, I think you should just listen to Nuannuan this time, otherwise I really can't feel at ease. If, if tomorrow proves that this matter is false, then I will personally accompany you to plead guilty to your in-laws." Following Zhang Dazhuang Afterwards, Wen Xiu also nodded in agreement with the same mentality that she would rather believe what she had or not.

"." Zhang Minzhen was a little dumbfounded, and looked at several people one by one. She felt that this matter was too mysterious.How should I put it, I believe it seems a bit ridiculous, but don't believe it, she thought of her daughter's changes during this time, and felt that she had to pay more attention to her daughter's sudden abnormality.

"Will you go?" Lin Qin was also confused.Like Zhang Weiqiang, she has two villains in her heart who are engaged in a tug-of-war.

Tomorrow is an important day for my younger brother's engagement. Her mother specially asked someone to come over and said that she had done the calculations. She and her two children don't have to come, and even if they did, they had to avoid it, because their zodiac signs were not related to her future brother's. The daughter-in-law is a little conflicted.But Zhang Weiqiang must come, because the fortune teller also said that he will be able to attract newcomers when he comes.Because her parents didn't know that Zhang Weiqiang had stopped working without pay, so they specifically told Zhang Weiqiang that even if Zhang Weiqiang asked for a day's leave, he must come.
"Mom and Dad, after all, it's my brother-in-law's big day. My father-in-law and mother-in-law even entrusted someone to tell me to come. You see, it's just a nightmare for Nuan Nuan, for no reason." Zhang Weiqiang was rational after all. Overcoming his intuition, he made up his mind and said to Zhang Dazhuang and Wen Xiu in earnest, "I can't completely disregard my father-in-law and mother-in-law, right? If that's the case, how can I go back to my mother's house in the future?"

"Uncle, have you ever thought about it? If something happened to you, how would you call your grandpa and grandma to face your aunt? How would your aunt face her parents?" Gu Nuannuan looked at her uncle It seemed that she had already made up her mind. She knew what uncle was capable of, and she was particularly afraid that even if she tried her best, she might not be able to stop him in the end.So I finally couldn't help crying, and there was a heart-piercing feeling of grief in the cry.

At the same time, she no longer cared that she would be exposed more and more and said, "Uncle, if you believe in me, you must believe me. I also saw that the last aunt in the dream was so pitiful. Later, later, she seemed to be blaming her Mom and Dad, they quarreled, and in the end she even severed ties with her natal family, and never went back.”

(End of this chapter)

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