The rebirth of the sturdy and charming wife strikes

Chapter 132 I'm finally going to have a son

Chapter 132 I'm finally going to have a son
The split of the Zhang family, and the news that Zhang Daming was going to adopt Zhang Weiqiang's second child as his heir and grandson spread, which inevitably caused people in the Zhang family village to talk about it.

The Zhang family is very busy these days. First, the three brothers were in a hurry to build a temporary stove for cooking, so they couldn't help each other, so they each found a good friend in the village to help; Why did the family suddenly say that the family would be separated quickly? The neighbors who did not procrastinate could not hold back their curiosity and found various excuses to come to the door to inquire about inside information; People are coming one after another
But these are not within the scope of Gu Nuannuan's attention. She still leads a very regular life. Every day when she goes to school and comes home from school, her grandma's food is already prepared, and she and her mother can eat it directly.There was no need for a big table if there were fewer people eating together at home, so Zhang Dazhuang made a small table for him.

Although the meal for four people is not so lively, both the delicacy and taste of the food have been significantly improved.Even grandma herself has expressed emotion more than once that it is easy to eat without food.Especially when it’s hot at noon, she doesn’t have to stay in the kitchen for at least one or two hours. She just needs to get up in the morning and add more rice, heat up the rice at noon, and then pick a tomato and mix it with sugar, or shoot a cucumber , Pick some green vegetables and stir-fry to solve the meal.In the evening, it would be better to prepare dinner carefully and wait for Zhang Minzhen and Gu Nuannuan to come back to eat. The taste can be tilted towards the taste of their mother and daughter, and there is no need to worry about the problem of too many people and difficult to adjust all day long.

Lin Qin felt similar to Wen Xiu. After being in charge of the house for two days, she felt very relaxed. She never wanted to go back to the old days when the whole family ate in a big pot.

It’s no wonder that both of them have such a relaxed feeling. This is also because in the past, the Zhang family’s meals were mostly contributed by two people, and the other two could always find various reasons and excuses to sneak tickets, and then came back when the food was almost cooked. It has something to do with pretentiously helping to set the dishes and eating ready-made ones.

Now that the family is separated, Fang Juxian and Guo Xiuying are complaining non-stop, compared to the relaxed feeling of the two of them. Not only the two of them are complaining, but even their children, Zhang Weihong and Zhang Weimin are dissatisfied.

"What do you cook? You can't see any minced meat, let alone half-cooked rice, and even good vegetables can be burnt. You can't fry them and just serve them cold? Haven't you been helping your mother all these years?" Do you cook, why is it so good?" Holding the rice bowl, Fang Weimin lost his appetite when he saw the rice in the bowl, and then saw that there was a plate of fried water spinach besides the boiled vegetables and melon slices on the table, so he stretched out his chopsticks and barely took his mouth The water spinach was put into his mouth, but a strong burnt smell made him spit it out all at once, and he couldn't swallow it at all.

"Mom and sister-in-law are good at cooking, so haven't I been helping out all these years and have no chance to handle the spoon, so I have forgotten the skill of cooking?" Guo Xiuying lowered her head, "Just wait for me to get acquainted with it for two days. You And don't dislike the lack of meat, who still eats meat every day, it's not bad to see some oil stars every now and then. Don't forget that we have to build a house next."

"." Zhang Weimin was speechless for a while, and in the end he could only eat rice with boiled vegetables and melon slices.

Seeing that her man was obviously unhappy, Guo Xiuying bit her lower lip, and then said sternly to her non-existent daughter: "Laidi, stop caring about going out and having fun by yourself, come back and follow after school tomorrow. I learn to cook. You said that you are a teenage girl, and you don’t know how to be considerate of your parents. Girls from other families came to your house so early in the morning and grabbed them. You look so big and the kitchen is too big. I haven’t been in a few times, let alone the field. How can this work? After you have a younger brother, you will be a big sister, and a big sister has to look like a big sister, and she wants to set an example for the younger brothers, you hear that?”

"Understood." Zhang Laidi responded with a voice like a mosquito. She didn't make any excuses. In fact, she has been helping her mother at home for the past two days. She hasn't stopped since she came back from school, so that she almost couldn't make time for her homework. .

It's useless to justify, it can only provoke a hard pinch.If it's not done well, her mother might even refuse to ask her to go to school.

Zhang Laidi lowered her head sadly. Although she is the only child of her parents, she doesn't like her parents at all at home.Her father treated her fairly well, at most he just ignored her.But her mother looked at her as if she was a thorn in the side. She would secretly beat and scold her when she was upset, and she was pinched with bruises all over her body, so she didn't ask her to tell her grandma.

She knew that her mother hated her because her mother had done a fortune teller when she was pregnant with her. The fortune teller said that her mother's pregnancy should have been a boy, but unfortunately she robbed her of the chance of reincarnation--
So from then on, her mother hated her very much, and the most frequent sentence was that it was her fault that she was not born a boy so that she couldn't hold her head up in the Zhang family.

Guo Xiuying scolded his daughter in the first half and Zhang Weimin didn't take it to heart at all, but the word "brother" mentioned later made him feel prickly.The fact that the daughter-in-law often secretly beat and scolded the daughter can be hidden from the rest of the family, but if he lives in the same room, can it be hidden from him?After seeing it too much, he will not be surprised. He just didn't bother to pay attention to it. To be honest, he also complained in his heart, thinking that it was his daughter who robbed his son of the chance to reincarnate.

Especially after so many years, the daughter-in-law's stomach has never moved, and the villagers laughed behind his back that he was afraid that he would lose his family. He felt a little angry in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he quickly finished the food in the bowl. He didn't go to Tim any more, dropped the bowl and went back to his room.

Looking at Zhang Weimin's back, Guo Xiuying took a look at her daughter with her eyes, and quickly finished the food in her own bowl, then dropped the bowl and chopsticks and said: "Go and wash the bowls and chopsticks, and then clean up the place that needs to be cleaned up." Don't be lazy." Then she entered the house without waiting for her daughter to respond.

"Why are you really upset? If you really want to eat meat, I'll go and buy some tomorrow." Guo Xiuying entered the room and closed the door to see Zhang Weimin lying on the bed with his clothes on.

"Can you cook the meat you bought? Don't waste it in vain." Zhang Weimin lost his interest.

"It's not that you want to eat meat, so why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" Guo Xiuying was a little puzzled.

"Ask me, what are you talking about yourself?"

"Ah, so that's what you're after?" Guo Xiuying was stunned for a moment and then laughed. She reached out and took Zhang Weimin's hand and placed it on her belly, her face full of pride.

Zhang Weimin was puzzled at first, then got up with a flash of inspiration and shouted in disbelief: "You, have you got it?"

"I've done the calculations, and this time there will definitely be no mistakes. The fortune teller said it was a boy." Guo Xiuying smiled confidently and narrowed her eyes.

"Really? I have a son?" Zhang Weimin touched Guo Xiuying's belly in disbelief, then suddenly lay down on the bed again, dancing and laughing loudly, "I'm finally going to have a son."

(End of this chapter)

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